
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Prozd does plenty of sponsored skits and videos. And it is very much a portfolio for his va work.

Which is how these threads go. It is just "what channels do you like"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

If you do this before everyone who can understand and maintain the cobol code retire, this is no different than a large scale planned migration. Except you don't need to find code monkeys to transliterate and the code is generated in minutes (really seconds)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The specific gags (satanism, bisexuality) are generally more "left" but the polygamy* and downright stupidity are pretty par for the course. Every single time he says a variant of "I will fight for your freedom" it is followed up with "And here is a deviant thing I do"

Which has always kind of been the reality. The "Conservative Freedom Fighter" is basically just your bog standard Libertarian and has always been demonstrated to not actually care about freedom so much as the freedom to do whatever they want. The actual "I will fight for your right to be a piece of shit" has always been a byproduct of separation of church and state, etc. So... Liberals (and so is some of the stupidity...).

This was VERY early 00s and we had just had a decade of libertarian propaganda (seriously, look up MTV. It is frigging insane. And South Park was largely at its peak), so there was less outright calling people on their bullshit and identifying where "freedom" stops for them. But that is how conservatives have always justified their bullshit and, aside from changing what counts as being "deviant", the gag works just as well today because it is still the same gag.

*: There is an argument for polygamy being related to ethical nonmonogamy, polyamory, etc. But at the time it would have very much been a Mormon gag. And... there are still arguments that the ENM movement has largely been compromised by misogynists and right wing lunatics. True ENM is still very much about social justice and accepting people for who they are, but it has also kind of become a bit of a red flag in social interactions.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Just going off the titles and what I vaguely recall of the first season (time for a rewatch?!?!?!)

  • The pilot, Space Pilot 3000, is about y2k
  • I, Robot was about living with Bender and had a bunch of sitcom references, if memory serves
  • Fear of a Bot Planet is about racism, but in the "fun" way that only the 90s would try to do
  • I thought A Fishful of Dollars was one of the western episodes and was going to make jokes about spaghetti westerns, but I am glad I actually clicked the summary for that one. It is the anchovy episode where Fry buys a crapton of 20th century memorabilia. That is nothing BUT pop culture references
  • A Big Piece of Garbage is a reference to all the acknowledgmets that pollution is bad and we should reduce, reuse, and recycle. And now I am depressed again. Also, the plot is one giant reference to Ben Afleck's Armageddon
  • Hell Is Other Robots: Introduces robot hell, robot Jessie Jackson, mockery of scientology, etc.
  • A Flight to Remember: Had to click again since I didn't remember and knew there was no way it could be a joke about the Mandy Moore movie. This is a Titanic spoof
  • Mars University: Animal House/Revenge of the Nerds/all the 80s college movies before we acknowledged those movies were nothing but sexual assault. Oh the 90s
  • When Aliens Attack: Ally McBeal, bitches
  • Fry and the Slurm Factory: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory parody, references to how messed up it was that Bud Light had an animal mascot, and even reference to the efforts to get people to drink less toxic waste soda

So... I guess you consider the first revival to have been the first published episode?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Pretty much the only animated show that does real time commentary is south park and that is because their art style is "intentionally shitty" to allow for rapid turnaround... and even they have mostly shifted to trying to have a lot of episodes in the can. The rest tend to operate on often times an almost one year delay. And it is the same reason video games usually reference memes from three or four years before release.

Which, again, was the same with theatre. Sure there were playwrights who would make edits to scripts the morning of to reflect what the royal nonce was doing. Same as there are today. But it was always minor tweaks because you need to make sure your actors can learn their lines. The vast majority was written weeks, if not months, prior.

As for changing social values: Again, that is any media you look at. I recently rewatched The Venture Bros in preparation for the finale and was amused at how ridiculously racist, ableist, and homophobic the first season was... and that they were still using ableist slurs as of the last one (which, to be fair, was like 4 years ago). But, at the same time, being gay stopped being a joke and more just became a thing (except Shore Leave who is a treasure and more a joke about camp gay than just being gay... and is a straight up badass). And while 2/3 (probably 3/3 but she never has enough screen time) of them are complete monsters, it is kind of sweet that Action Man, Sean Connery, and Billy's Mom are heavily implied to have become a throuple with no jokes made about it at all.

You can see the same with The Simpsons in terms of what gags they think are safe or not. And even Family Guy and South Park in terms of what gags they think are "edgy" and not.

As an aside. The fantasy trope of "we need to put on a play to start a war or find our friend" maps much more to modern improv or even stand up comedy than theatre. The cliche talking puppets is basically The Daily Show or even Last Week Tonight. But having Dandelion get on stage and say "So what's the deal with airline food?"... would actually have been amazing. What was my point again?

[–] [email protected] 58 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (10 children)

I don't usually shit on media articles because it is almost always a case of "Here is prompt X. Money goes to whatever contractor writes the most provocative version" but.. holy crap that is a bad article that is actually contributing toward the widespread media illiteracy of the current world.

No shit? Futurama is very much a "current events" commentary/borderline satire. That inherently is going to reflect current events. And if you go back a decade later, it is going to seem a bit different/"off". Same with Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, and so forth.

What most high school kids (and adults...) don't realize is that Shakespeare is very much in the same boat. So much of Billy's characters and even plot points are references or commentaries on contemporary events. We are just far enough out that nobody actually cares what some dipshit was rambling about when A Midsummer Night's Dream was written.

Hell, even something as banal as Call of Duty reflects this. Mostly along the lines of what western (mostly US) military propaganda is and is not cool with.

This is up there with the same stupidity that has led to any form of foreshadowing or implied plot points being "plot holes" or whatever the reaction channels call them this week.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

One of the biggest reasons for the SAG strike is because of AI/DL generated footage of actors and actresses. We have seen bits of it in various Star Wars and the like, but tech is only getting better.

The current (arguably intentionally egregious) drama is the revelation/accusation that "Hollywood" are more or less telling performers that they want the rights to use them in all perpetuity. So Vin Diesel does one movie and then that studio can have an AI come on screen and say "family" for thousands of years. And this obviously resonates well with the Futurama gag

That said, the reality is a lot closer to what we have already seen. There is not a lot of value in owning the rights to an actor or actress because they will always "look off" no matter how photorealistic it gets. What "hollywood" instead wants is a training data database. Make your female actresses an amalgamation of all the most attractive features in human history but blended to be "imperfect" so that people believe it. Male actors who can combine Hugh Laurie's eyes with Hugh Jackman's body and so forth.

This was sort of tried in the early 2000s with Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within where the big deal was that the lead actress's 3d model would become a real actress in her own right (even if she was voiced by Ming-Na Wen). It bombed for a lot of reasons, obviously. But, sticking with Final Fantasy, just look at how THIRSTY the internet got over trying to figure out who Jenny (or whatever lady ecoterrorist was called) was modeled after and the realization that she was likely a body morph of a bunch of actresses and models.