
joined 1 year ago

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/20747977

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/20747975

There are over 100 Myanmar nationals who, despite having completed their sentences and paid all their fines for illegally staying in Manipur State, are still being held at Imphal Prison. Their families are allowed to contact them once a week.

Family members of those imprisoned say they are facing difficulties in raising 50,000 rupees because they have been fleeing conflict and lack stable employment.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/20467621

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/20467574

GUWAHATI, India - India on Thursday deported the first group of Myanmar refugees who had sought shelter there after the 2021 military coup, a state minister said.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

It certainly wasn't intentional. But the findings, and the sample size is small, indicates there are more complex factors to dementia than science has grasped so far.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 11 months ago

Kukis have to be amongst the most persecuted people in the world. They are facing this hate war in India. On the other side of the border they are waging a war against Myanmar military.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 11 months ago

The military is using Buddhist monks under their control to push an ultra-nationalistic extremism into politics (as seen elsewhere in the world). They basically used it in the years prior to the coup to incite ethnic conflicts and justify military actions in certain regions including Rakhine where Rohingyas live. They cited that instability as the main excuse to stage the coup after election victory of Aung San Suu Kyi's party. This coup has been years in planning and execution when they realized they couldn't win the election fairly under the constitution they wrote because of the popularity of Suu Kyi's party.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

My comment was incomplete. While tumblr does a great job of stifling the average user's ability to POST anything "sexy", they seem to have zero ability to manage porn bots. I believe they are intentionally letting porn pots run free in order to sustain user base. Porn bots jumped again after they brought out new community standards last fall or early this year.

If you're just a porn consumer, it's fine. If you want to post porn and you know how to evade tumblr's detection schemes, it's great for you.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Porn is back yes but they are still pretty strict. If they catch you posting porn, you're banned. If your post has a nipple poking up on a shirt, that post gets banned. If the clothes are too tight, that post gets banned. If you post too many posts that are banned per above criteria, your account is banned.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 11 months ago

Well that's just IT. They don't have a significant presence in the tech space and they are trying to create barriers to develop home grown companies. (To answer your question SAP and some anti-virus companies top of my head but there isn't a lot.)

[–] [email protected] -5 points 11 months ago (2 children)

They bought up the small ones because they were failing. That industry requires huge economies of scale and the smaller ones couldn't cope. EU created Airbus out of the scrap pieces of dying European aircraft manufacturers and injected capital into it and gave it a captive market. In metaverse they are starting to behave this way - currently Threads isn't allowed to operate in Europe. They are going to create regulatory barriers around it. Allow European alternatives to grow - i.e. Mastodon, etc. And provide any kind of support - regulatory, capital, incentives, etc. European governments have used their might to create industry giants so that their countries remain relevant and that wealth creation and innovation remains rooted in their countries. It will be the same in this case.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 11 months ago (4 children)

They want to carve out a piece of the metaverse for European companies is basically the message. We've learned in the past 30 years that large firms dominate different aspects of tech space. Take a look at what they've done in aircraft manufacturing - they've elbowed into the space that Americans were dominating. Now there's just 2 - Boeing and Airbus which is theirs. They are going to seek to replicate that, learning from the mistakes in tech in the past.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 year ago

lol yeah that too! Chinese provided the millions of troops to the North for the invasion didn't they. And are sustaining the North Korean regime economically to this day.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 year ago

Yes the name was lost for a second in my brain lol.

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