[-] [email protected] 18 points 2 months ago

Idk, if you want to test people on how they understand formulae and order of operations without letting them just punch it into a calculator. The actual math isn't hard, but if you don't get substituting values into an equation then it's not trivial

[-] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago

The APs reporting seems to indicate "probably not" - both Israel and Iran are refusing to comment or acknowledge the strike, which gives both sides a way to step back without having to lose face. If Iran or Israel were intending to escalate, they'd be shouting from the rooftops about "see! Look what happened!".

Still pretty scary though, wouldn't take much for a miscommunication or misunderstanding for this to rapidly escalate even if no one wants it to.

[-] [email protected] 65 points 2 months ago

Anyone have an actual citation on this particular fact?

[-] [email protected] 20 points 2 months ago

My wife's aunt is in the process of doing this at the moment. Seems to be systematically working her way through each branch of the family tree causing drama, slinging insults, trying to pit people against each other, and just generally being awful until people get fed up with her nonsense and disengage - at which point she'll find some other branch to go all "woe is me/people are so mean/everyone is against me", then rinse and repeat.

Depression, alcoholism and narcissism are pretty powerful, and anyone trying to help gets themselves a first class ticket on the drama llama express

[-] [email protected] 22 points 2 months ago

Bonus: you have bacon to bribe the facilities/IT person with when they come round looking for blood after the breaker pops for the 5th time today

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago

I know a guy with what sounds like a similar condition - in his case most of the colour receptive cells in his retinas are fucked, it's a genetic thing that ment they didn't form correctly in the first place. Not really anything you can do surgically, it's not like cataracts or stigmatism where the retina is ok but the light isn't reaching it correctly.

He wears highly tinted sunglasses cos it turns out that those colour cells are also really heavily involved in adjusting your iris to ensure you get the right amount of light, so his eyes adjust to changes in brightness much slower than normal which can be physically painful if he (eg) turns on the lights in a dark room

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago
[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

Yeah, key money is explicitly illegal in NZ - the only money you are allowed to collect is a bond of no more than 4 weeks rent (which has to be lodged) and the first weeks rent in advance.

The most common form of shady dealing is that the law requires that tenants leave the house in a "reasonably clean and tidy state" - landlords and the tenancy tribunal don't typically agree on what "clean and tidy" means, so "oh, when we did the hand over inspection we found some places you didn't clean absolutely spotless so we had to hire a cleaner and want to take that out of your bond" - if you question or challenge it they typically withdraw the claim because you were such a good tenant and just this once and not at all cos they are bluffing and know the tribunal would immediately tell them to get bent, but that requires you to a) know your rights and b) be willing to call them on it, and people are typically neither of those things.

Landlords will typically also add something to the rental agreement or whatever requiring you to have the carpets professionally cleaned before you leave - the tribunal has repeatedly held that this is unreasonable to require and as long as the carpets are clean then the landlord doesn't get to dictate how they were cleaned. Doesn't stop letting agents asking to see a receipt.

[-] [email protected] 246 points 2 months ago

Don't forget that he also didn't found Tesla

[-] [email protected] 64 points 2 months ago

This is literally how it works in other parts of the world - do you guys just have to trust that your landlord isn't going to decide that they'd rather just keep your money at the end of the lease?

In NZ, the landlord is required to lodge the bond with a government agency, and in cases where there is a dispute a special court will adjudicate and issue binding orders as to how the money is to be divided.

[-] [email protected] 39 points 2 months ago

Where I live, for that kind of incident the employer would be obligated (as in, $50k worth of fines and likely criminal charges if you don't) to report it to an independent investigator to determine who was at fault; the person cut the lock would be liable for a fine, and the employer would have to prove that they adequately trained the employee before allowing them to work in a high risk area, or the health and safety officer and company directors could be found criminally liable

[-] [email protected] 82 points 2 months ago

Is there a charge for "attempted negligent homicide" or something? You did something so catastrophically stupid that was all but guaranteed to kill someone except you got lucky, but you still should end up getting censured so you don't roll the dice on someone's life again

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