[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago

M as in Mancy?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago


Also, there is a psychological effect of people either feeling excluded from a conversation, or suspicious that they are being secretly insulted when they can't understand it.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 6 days ago

If you use Debian-based linux (Ubuntu, Minut, others), Mozilla recommends getting the package directly from their respository rather than flatpak or other repos.

Personally, I saw a major performance increase on my low-powered laptop when I switched from flatpak to the Mozilla package.


[-] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago

Back in the day, I used to grab any piece of paper, and then walk around the entire office with a slightly angry and urgent look on my face as if I was going to talk to someone important. Do a lap. Back to your desk. Job done.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Dell Latitude 5000 series are usually bought by corporations for employees. They are made of sturdy metal, and have features like backlit keyboards and physical trackpad buttons. Then, after 2-3 years, or if they have some minor problem, they end up in a giant stack that either never gets diagnosed, or just gets sent to recycling.

I have had fantastic luck getting a couple of these either direct from the company I'm working for, or from ebay or a company that recycles laptops. They usually don't actually have a problem, and if they do, parts are readily available on ebay. You can end up with a high-spec laptop from just a few years ago for practically nothing.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I'm really interested in Graphene and Google privacy, but what does it mean when you say "Sandboxed? Like... I want to use Google Maps, does Google still track me? Maybe only when the app is open, and not when it's closed?

[-] [email protected] 31 points 3 weeks ago

I work for a company that does marketing, and they are seriously struggling right now because TV and Social media ads are getting more expensive, while at the same time becoming less effective.

Yes. This is true.

Because ads suck and people hate them. Whats the new way? Be good at what you do so people talk about your brand. Show up in searches when I'm looking for you. That's it.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 3 weeks ago

I still like it. But it does have two problems:

  1. Post spam. There is no enforcement of the posting rules, and nobody reacts if they are reported. For example, I'm looking for a Volvo, and people post a Dodge but put every car manufacturer name in the listing so they show up in every search.

  2. Scam fucking overload. Every time I post anything for sale, the scam traffic is overwhelming. I listed a car and got like 12 similar scam responses. Most appeared to be chat bots with no human behind it. Some surprised me by responding to my sarcastic replies.

But I still look there. The site works for the most part, especially if you use the search modifiers. And selling stuff works too. Sometimes you get murdered, but it's rare.

[-] [email protected] 53 points 3 weeks ago

Oh good. Because if there's a profile of my advertising preferences out there, it knows that when I am forced to view an ad, I look away from the screen, turn off the volume, sigh dramatically, and say "Fuck right in the ass."

Personalize away.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I quit smoking and got on the nicotine lozenges. I was eating a bunch of lozenges, almost constantly. Then I started kinda smoking again, but didn't stop the lozenges. Then I had a stroke which left me with a permanent disability, likely partially caused by wild blood pressure swings due to high levels of nicotine.

I quit by default after 3 weeks in a rehab center. The lesson here is... quit before the hospital. It's worth it.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

That was my thought. I'm not sure if it's based in science, but I remember being a huge fan of Windows 2000 back in the day, and Microsoft pushed a final service pack that made it highly unstable in 2005, and refused to update/fix it. My theory was that they were trying to push everyone to Windows XP, but I'm prone to thinking the worst of large corporations.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Holy crap. Other people have heard of Discuit.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I recently dumped my Pixel for an iPhone. Feels dirty, but it's fine.

I've also been following the story of how Google Drive has lost a bunch of customer files and is just closing bug reports and support tickets without offering help, and I'm worried that Google is not an acceptable backup solution because they don't seem to give a shit about customers... and why would they? They own the world. Fuck mere humans.

Anyhoo, I'm trying to figure out where to move my backups (100GB), my docs (I'd love something where I can do sheets and docs in browsers and mobile apps), and probably my email too, because why not... but I suppose I could do email through proton or skiff or anyhing, but everyone offers it.

I'm currently looking at Zoho as the possible best option. It looks like I could do all three for like $6/mo which seems reasonable. Does anyone use it?

How are the docs and sheets? Is searching email robust? Mobile apps? Does Zoho hate customers as much as Google? Will they eventually?

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