
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (1 children)
but you can’t make the distinction between the Russian governments at different times and the nation as a whole.

Nope, I can make that distinction. The difference here is that both in the past and present they’re monsters.

Nope again... Here's the real context. We were talking about Russian governments. I stated that I didn't need to make a distrinction, as it was clear that I was talking about the Russian government both past and present as I then outlined several issues that the government is the only actor in, not the people themselves.

Try again.

not legitimate and credible analysis of history and societies.

And yet you've failed to address ANY concern I've brought up. Conveniently ignoring every premise I've brought up to counter your bullshit.

Again, as I said, impossible to discuss with most Polish people, you’re not arguing from reason but from nationalism and racism. Good night, and good luck

Uh huh... That's absurdly funny as I'm actually a dual citizen. I've made no assumptions about you or your statuses, and yet you've made plenty about mine. But somehow I'm nationalist and racist. Look in the mirror. All you've done is attributed nonsense to me based on limited information, classical "racism".

Lets simplify this. Answer either one of these items... Remember both are cited questions.

So in 1945… what happened to Poland… since they legally succeeded from the USSR they were a free country again right?

  1. How is your graph relevant or meaningful?

So actually it looks like Russia propaganda in the 1940s thanks to De Gualle’s personal opinions on the matter.

Edit: Keep in mind I even took the BEST of your comments... You seem to be under some belief that the USSR never committed atrocities and genocide levels of damage to Poland. You're already wrong.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago (4 children)

So basically, your whole argument is, “the graph is kinda sus and I don’t trust the source, probably russian propaganda, I hate Russia and I hate Nazis”. Not the strongest rebuttal in my opinion.

No... and not even close. The graph led me to the study which has obvious flaws... But even IGNORING Those flaws... they themselves put up an argument of why the sentiment could have been this way... and it was because of the French leadership.

but you can’t make the distinction between the Russian governments at different times and the nation as a whole.

Nope, I can make that distinction. The difference here is that both in the past and present they're monsters. During Communism they shit on Poland, and now they threaten Ukraine... our neighbors. I don't NEED to make the distinction because it's both cases. Where as with Gemany I have to make the distinction as they're not currently ruled by the Nazi party.

Suddenly you only go as far back as WW2

No... That's the context of this thread. I kept with the context. The fact that you have to keep shifting goal-posts and cannot continue the discussion under the same pretenses is a huge red flag.

Never mind that the Bolsheviks granted Poland the legal right to secede in 1917 immediately after the October revolution

So in 1945... what happened to Poland... since they legally succeeded from the USSR they were a free country again right? Or did Russia actually completely fuck Poland (again) by undermining it's legitimacy? Removing all previous influences and pulled them into the Soviet Union. Going so far as to kill thousands for no fucking reason other than they weren't communist.

It’s somehow all the fault of Russians after all, isn’t it?

Nah, that just historic revisionism that pro-Russian people spout all the time. You seem to love changing time-frames all the time. So here... let's end this stupidity.

Which time do you want to talk about how Russia tried to fuck Poland? I've traced my roots back to the 1500s... I can possibly talk about a number of these wars.

But it's a general trend that Russia goes out of it's way to Fuck the Polish people. Yet somehow this is Russophobia! Yeah get out of here.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 hours ago (6 children)

feel free to actually address it at your leisure. But you've shown that you're crazy anyway. So I don't think anyone has high hopes for you.

I shit on both Nazis and Russia. Both then and now.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 hours ago

Interesting. Look's like the "old.reddit" plugin breaks that link. Weird that they have to source a reddit thread rather than the actual study. Red flag for sure that they're full of shit. Now is that graph valid... well looking at the "study report"... It's like 3 pages of content that doesn't actually outline much of anything and conflates with itself. The report says it was 1200 people 18 and older... the website says sample size of 995 people. The study report says 1200 people sample for the 2015 figures, except it was actually taken in may 2014. And no figures about how many people in the previous years. So I would worry about how "valid" this is to begin with. But let's look at the content on the original page.

The study even cites the reason this "perception" could have been a thing... (translated, possibly poorly. Check yourself! But my high school french skills only go so far).

Virginie Sansico, a historian specializing in World War II, sees these results as a certain logic: “Under De Gaulle, who was anti-Atlanticist, one was not quick to maintain the memory of the Landing. Moreover, the Communist Party has long helped to value the Soviets, when it had a strong influence. The first State-backed landing commemorations took place only in 1984, organized by Mitterrand: they mark a break in public opinion.”
“In Western Europe, the Allied Landing was crucial, but in the eastern countries, Stalin’s army still played a great deal behind.”

So actually it looks like Russia propaganda in the 1940s thanks to De Gualle's personal opinions on the matter.

So I'm going to go with, not only does that graph itself mean nothing in this conversation, but the story behind it actually damns the argument they're trying to make, especially since the matter is well known

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 hours ago

Ah yes I forget, my family's lived experience isn't real because some jerkwad on lemmy said so. The source of a removed comment on reddit proved otherwise! You've converted me, the stories, written history, oral stories that I've recorded for my own records/kids/history must all be wrong. Literal hours of first hand accounts and hundreds of pages of documented familial history must be tainted and not an accurate account of the glorious USSR reign. Fuck... I better delete my grandfathers phone number. It must be getting answered by some deepfake AI voice...

[–] [email protected] -2 points 11 hours ago

Nah they're an .ml user... It's all about soviets. USSR is literal utopia to them and didn't do anything wrong.

Forget that the Nazi efforts were always more focused on the western fronts...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 12 hours ago (12 children)

Your link shows nothing. And no. Not at all propaganda. As a Polish citizen, fuck you. The entirety of my family hates the USSR. Including those who were alive for WW2. No propaganda about it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Step 1: Flee the country

Good luck doing that. It's a bitch to live just about anywhere else you'd actually want to live without citizenship.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago

Nothing about their comment outlined that they didn't know how to use it. But that they never did use it.

Nothing about their comment eludes to any fact that they're embarrassed at all. They posted it publicly and directly with not reservation which is the opposite of "embarrassed".

They didn't blame anyone for anything related to the iron itself. But for shallow intentions if they care at all about the clothes that they wear. Which I can understand and agree with to some extent.

You on the other hand... You're a jackass. Lots of insinuations, lots of assumptions. Just to put down some random person on the internet for not wanting a fucking iron that probably was the 20$ special at wally world.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Week? I'm betting on hours.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I think the difference here is indoor vs outdoor cats...

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