[-] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago

It’s a bad enough idea we don’t need anymore for the next few centuries.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

They could potentially release source only with no art assets. Then you wouldn’t be able to compile the game without either owning the game or pirating the assets elsewhere. But it would allow community members to update the game when it breaks or to add new features. Similar to the Mario 64 decompile.

While all this would be great for consumers it would probably take legislation to get publishers on board with something like this. Publishers have a financial incentive to let the games languish then force you to pay to get a “remastered” version.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I feel personally attacked by this comment.

I spent like 8 hours yesterday figuring out how to install viewtube on my NAS because I got the YouTube Adblock warning on my iPad.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I own a 1080ti and there was recently a massive update to Allan Wake 2 that made it more playable on pascal GPUs. Digital foundry did a video on it: http://youtu.be/t-3PkRbeO8A

I don’t know of any current game that can’t run at least 1080p30fps on 1080ti. But of course my knowledge is not exhaustive.

I wouldn’t expect every “next-gen” game to get the same treatment as Alan Wake 2 going forward. But we’re 4 years into the generation and there has probably been less than 10 games that were built to take full advantage of modern console hardware. My 1080ti has got a few more good years in it.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

It’s considered the first popular piece of Gen-Alpha internet humor.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

But it doesn’t matter because the lesson to take away is that in any system the people with power will modify it to what we have now

Was the system that the peasantry lived under in the commons the same as what we have now?

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.


The quote you just gave is from famous socialist George Orwell from his book Animal Fram. Which is critical of the structures the Soviet Union created.

But your comment is actually in direct contradiction to Orwell’s actual more nuanced point. His point was not that every system devolves into capitalism… he was himself a socialist who fought along side communists in the Spanish civil war after all. His point is that we need to think critically about the structures we’re creating to ensure they’re serving egalitarian ends. Something I agree with Orwell on.

The original reason why I commented was because it didn’t seem you were engaging in the same project of critically examining economic structures in the way Orwell was and the way Smith was. Though I would love to be proven wrong.

I think you should think more critically about what people tell you about Adam Smith and George Orwell.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Adam Smith did not ‘invent’ capitalism. No single person can invent an economic system. He made some early observations and normative assertions about a set of economic relations that were forming independent of him.

So the economic system we had prior to capitalism was feudalism. The common lands that I mentioned were apart of the feudal system. The system of landlords and rent-seeking were and are apart of capitalism. You can just look around… we still have these things. You do understand that right? Unless you’re saying our current system isn’t capitalist.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Yes Capitalism is supposed to be pro-worker/anti-rich

Supposed by whom? The rent-seeking behavior that Smith criticized was largely brought about by enclosure; the process of enclosure was foundational to capitalism.

Hence my comment about people still paying to live before adoption of capitalism

This is ahistorical, before enclosure the peasantry had substantial rights to live freely on the common land.

I suppose it does depend on what is meant by ‘pay to live on this earth’. If you just mean that people have to work to take care of themselves then, sure. But that’s not really what this meme is referring to. If it was then the orangutan would be ‘paying to live on this earth’ as well.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Adam Smith was much more critical of capitalism than he is given credit for. For example, Adam Smith was critical of rent seeking and landlords. It would be somewhat accurate to replace Orangutan with Adam Smith in this meme.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago

Foss licenses are copyleft, they bar individuals from enclosing the commons built by the collective for profit. Anarchism isn’t just letting people do whatever they want. Anarchism means against hierarchy. Having rules that prevent unjustified hierarchies from forming is entirely with in the bounds of anarchism. Including rules that prevent using copyright as a coercive hierarchy.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Do I look like I know what mpeg is? I just want a video of a got dang hot dog!

[-] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago

I used to be a right-libertarian when I was a teenager. I could have seen myself going down the fascist pipeline if I hadn’t been exposed to critiques of capitalism. It’s undeniable that there are problems with society now. We’re a capitalist society that’s been deregulating for decades and things have gotten worse. It’s obvious the problem wasn’t “lack of free-markets”. At this point you either have to reject social progressiveism as the problem or capitalism. Many of my friends chose the former I chose the later. Now everyone here on Lemmy is beating me up.

I just want people to have control over their own lives and a big part of people’s lives are their place of work.

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