submitted 12 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Working with journalists in Gaza, Al Jazeera English investigated a number of Israeli military attacks as part of The Night Won’t End, a documentary we reported and produced for the show Fault Lines and which was released last Friday. While we reported on incidents ranging from a massive air strike to attacks on safe zones to the killing of 6-year-old Hind Rajab, we also sought to focus on an issue that has received more limited media coverage: allegations of arbitrary executions of civilians by Israeli ground forces.

This is the story of one of those alleged incidents. We verified the details of the attack using the testimony of six survivors, satellite imagery, phone messages, and video footage.

submitted 12 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

After a couple of hours, Israeli soldiers found him. He says they struck his head and face and in the areas where he had been shot. Then they dragged him by his legs, lifted him by his hands and feet and threw him onto the hood of the military jeep.

“I screamed because of the heat,” he said. “Then, one of the soldiers started cursing at me and told me to be quiet.”

The military said its forces had tied Abadi to the hood of the jeep to transport him to paramedics.

But Nebal Farsakh, a spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent rescue service, said the army had sealed off the area and prevented paramedics from tending to the wounded for at least an hour.

In dashboard camera footage obtained by the AP, the jeep to which Abadi was tied drove past at least two ambulances. Abadi said he was lashed to the jeep for about half an hour before soldiers untied him and released him to paramedics.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 4 days ago

"Earshot found that with the minimum registered interval of 24 milliseconds, this tank would have to have been positioned just 13 metres away from the car. With the maximum interval of 40 milliseconds, the tank would have still been only 23 metres away from the car. This analysis suggests that the tank had to be positioned within close range (13–23 metres) of the car when it fired the shots that killed Layan. At such proximity, it is not plausible that the shooter could not have seen that the car was occupied by civilians, including children.

Earshot’s audio ballistic analysis supports the final words of Layan Hamada: the gunfire came from a tank that was next to them."

"Comparing the exit hole and varying levels of destruction helps reconstruct the cone of impact from the explosion, and in turn, reveals the direction from which the ambulance was shot (Figure 13). This direction is consistent with the location of Israeli tanks visible in satellite imagery from between 29 January and 8 February.

Our assessment of the position of the tanks at the time of the attack, together with the direction of the shot, suggests that the ambulance was likely hit by ammunition from an Israeli tank."

The Killing of Hind Rajab (forensic-architecture.org)
submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

On 29 January 2024, a six-year-old Palestinian girl in Gaza City, Hind Rajab, pleaded over the phone for emergency workers to rescue her from a bullet-ridden car. Her body was found two weeks later, alongside the bodies of six of her family members. FA was asked by Al Jazeera’s Fault Lines to investigate the circumstances of their killing.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 1 week ago

Those of us who aren't being harassed and sent death threats by them can, sure. But that's kind of the problem.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

While some of their language has changed, the sentiment of this latest aggressive movement is just as distressing. It’s time for the games industry to stand up to it

[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 week ago

The Gamergaters really wanted the game to get bad reviews so they could use it to fuel their self-victimhood.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Jenin has endured plenty of rough days lately, but May 21 outdid them all. In the course of one hour in the morning, snipers killed seven of the city's residents, all of them innocent passersby, even though the streets were quiet and the soldiers had no cause to open fire.

They shot from high up in two buildings, called Rabia and A-Rein, just outside the camp, and the dead included two teenagers and the director of the surgical ward at the Jenin Governmental Hospital, who was just getting out of his car in the hospital's parking lot.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago

They're claiming it's because of weather again, but it feels more likely that they're trying to remove evidence and discussion of the pier being used by the IDF as a staging point for the recent massacre of Palestinians.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

Craigslist has been spam for quite a while at this point. Even for me in my thirties, I don't know anyone who has used it legitimately for at least a decade.


joined 2 weeks ago