[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

I’d vote for a pile of shit if it was running against Trump

The pile of shit does have a better foreign policy than Trump's.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

The Guardians statues in Cleveland that their baseball team is now named after look Caucasian to me. So he could be pointing at a Cleveland Guardians Jersey and it's essentially the same things.

There's also the Cavaliers, Celtics, the Fighting Irish, Canadiens, and many others in sports. The Fighting Irish seems to be perpetuating a negative stereotype. But none of these will be changed.

Then there's also names of groups like Pirates which could include other ethnicities but the logo shows a white person. There are many ethnicities that were pirates throughout history, but the Pittsburgh Pirate log shows a white guy.

So that photo may not be as shocking or offensive as you think it would be. If there were a team called the Caucasians it wouldn't actually offend anyone. Well I could foresee white supremacists taking a liking to a logo like that and that would be offensive. But not because of the logo itself but white supremacists ruining everything they associate themselves with. Kinda like Swastika was ruined as symbol.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against renaming sports teams and changing the labels on products and things like that. Just pointing out that the ultimate outcome is going to be a distinct lack diversity in these logos because the things that have white people representing it aren't changed but things that have non-white people are changed. People will still be cheering for the Celtics in the future. People in Cleveland will cheer for the Guardians (white people) and the Cavaliers (also white people) but they won't be cheering for Indians (because that's disrespectful). I guess if that's what we want it to be it's fine, but seems a little weird that sports fans will only ever be cheering for white people in the future.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, it's in the third sentence of Richard Nixon's wiki page where it's stated he's the only President to resign from office. First sentence was political positions he held, second sentence about events while he was President, third sentence about him resigning.

So maybe the wikipedia page should follow that pattern and the first sentence be about positions he's held. The second sentence should be about his record as president... so something about Trump being President at the start of the Covid Pandemic (that killed over a million Americans), passed legislation to cut taxes for the wealthy, assassinated an Iranian General, tried to weaken NATO, was impeached for withholding military aid from Ukraine for personal gain, and was impeached again for trying to overthrow the government after losing the election. Then in the third sentence it would say he was later convicted on falsifying documents while covering up a scandal so he could be elected.

I feel like this would be fair.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 3 weeks ago

I'd vote for Hunter Biden if he was running against Trump. Sure he'd be a terrible President, but still better than Trump.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 4 weeks ago

It's kinda weird that soon there will be only white people on products and on the jerseys of sports teams.

Are we sure that we're happy about this outcome?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Yeah so direct democracy can work for a town. And that works great until one eyed Phil (who runs a country made up of many towns) comes around and has a bigger army than your little town could put together. You can all meet in your town hall and debate about what to do about old one eyed Phil and his army, for all the good it'll do ya.

Edumication thing indeed.

So is this what libertarians think is a good idea nowadays?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Your USB switcher is the work of the devil.

[-] [email protected] -3 points 1 month ago

Why would you want to?

How can I trust an application that was installed by a "Software Manager" that doesn't have super cow powers?

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

Last game I had I was rocking up on my brother's properties (which had hotels on them) so before I rolled the dice I bought a cheap property from my neice (the youngest player in the game) with all of my money, then then sold all of my property (including the one I just bought for all of my money) to her for $1. Rolled the dice, landed on my brother's property and handed him the $1 I had left and was out of the game.

Had I not done so, I would've been bankrupt and had to hand over my property to my brother and it would have been an easy win for him at that point. As it was, the game was actually competitive.

So the lessons learned: 1) regulation can lead to a more competitive market, 2) If you're about to go bankrupt, transfer all of your assets to a family member and 3) Monopoly sucks and people will hold grudges over what you do in that stupid game.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

We should always remember the words of Boudica:

"Blah blah blah... I'm saying whatever the patron of whatever Roman historian tells him to write down! These words will be warped again and again by future historians to serve their interests and nothing I actually said was ever actually written down. But apparently there will someday be archaeological evidence that someone in the time period I might have lived in went on a genocidal rampage and burned several cites to the ground, so that's inspirational, right? Fill in whatever you want for this quote (it's what everyone throughout history has done) and remember that civilization is bad and genocide is good! But rephrase that to sound good, ok?" - Boudica

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