[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Thanks. This is pushing the limits of my current understanding, but unless I'm mistaken, this reads like 'anyone who chooses may hijack part of your domain at any time if you both use cloudflare'. Sounds crazy.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Sure, there's alternatives: Aws, Google cloud and Azure all have their own cdns if you want to use those

[-] [email protected] 23 points 3 weeks ago

It's not that you're wrong. It's more that I don't understand what you're proposing as an alternative. To add to the comments here pointing out that that's how CDNs work: for many designs of website, the CDN essentially is the website, being served from a cache by the provider. Even when this isn't the case, you would normally have a load balancer in front of whatever was serving your website so that if you need to swap out the server for maintenance upgrade, etc. you don't need to tell who your visitors to go to a different address. In that case, your certificate would be attached to load balancer rather than the server behind it.

If this was a 1990s and I were trying to run my own server on my own hardware in my bedroom, you might have a point, but please explain how you would implement an alternative in any meaningful way today.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

If you follow the links, you'll see that it's essentially a new name for/ release of CBL-Mariner. from the GitHub readme:

CBL-Mariner is an internal Linux distribution for Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and edge products and services.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 9 months ago

They were members of the wheel group

[-] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago

SystemD replaced a variety of Linux init systems across different distros almost 10 years ago now but it is still resented by a significant and vocal section of the Linux community.

Devuan is a fork of the Debian Linux distribution that uses sysvinit, runit or OpenRC instead of systemd.

Realistically, at this point, non-SystemD distros are of niche interest. Devuan is one of the distros available in that niche

[-] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

The example of Amazon's mandated RTO has been much discussed elsewhere as a notable exception to that company's normally data-driven approach. As I saw commented elsewhere:

"If we have data to show that mandated RTO is more productive then let's share and act on that. If we're going with opinions then let's use mine"

The elephant in the room here is that 'the data' doesn't exist, and for good reason: 'Productivity' is subjective in most jobs to begin with, and even where it isn't Remote vs Office is not a significant variable.

Consider some 'traditional' proxy measures for productivity- punctuality and attendance. It's pretty clear that if someone isn't at work then they aren't productive and many employers will put employees through formal processes to dismissal in response. Why don't we see this being highlighted with remote work? Should be easy and obvious to measure and demonstrate right? Could it be that these things improve with remote work?

Consider also the pandemic impact on remote work and that we are talking about a return. It's clear that many organisations could manage perfectly well, as they themselves have proved.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago



Most bosses regret how they mandated workers return to the office. They blamed it on not having enough data

Jane Thier 5–6 minutes

Why aren’t workers particularly appreciating—much less adhering to—return-to-office mandates? Probably because adults don’t like being ordered around.

“People do want structure, and people like boundaries,” former Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield told Fortune editor-in-chief Alyson Shontell last year. “But they don’t like to be told what to do, so I think the secret is to not make them feel like their autonomy is being denied or that their ideas aren’t important, while still giving some structure.”

If only managers had taken the hint. Four in five (80%) of bosses told workplace software firm Envoy that had they had a better grasp on their workplace data, they would have taken a starkly different approach to their return-to-office plans. The problem, they said: They didn’t have access to data that would help them make their decision. In a white paper report, Envoy surveyed 1,156 U.S.-based executives and workplace managers whose employees operate on some form of hybrid schedule.

Over half (54%) of managers told Envoy they’ve had to forgo making a critical decision about the workplace because they lacked the requisite data to support it. Without that data, nearly a quarter of them admit to making decisions based on “gut instinct,” which naturally leads to resentment and disappointment. Fifty-seven percent of bosses said if they had better access to data, they could better measure the success of their in-office policies.

One such example is Amazon, whose RTO plan was admittedly prompted by the feelings of senior leadership, not hard data. “It’s time to disagree and commit. We’re here, we’re back—it’s working,” Mike Hopkins, senior vice president of Prime Video and Amazon Studios, reportedly said of in-person work. “I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better.”

It’s difficult to ascertain just how effective in-person days are compared to at-home days, especially when actual productivity could vary based on any number of factors not necessarily related to location. It’s even harder for companies who operate on an ad hoc basis, letting individual teams decide for themselves when to come in. Though experts speak highly of this kind of “organized hybrid,” it can be difficult to assess its effectiveness at a company level. “With so much variability, it’s difficult to know how to improve efficiency in order to save critical budget,” Brooks Gooding, a workplace experience program manager at a software firm called Braze, said in the report.

Braze operates on a hybrid plan with little consistency in attendance rates, which, as Envoy wrote, can make it “impossible for workplace managers to know how many people are on-site on any given day, and how to best allocate space and resources across the organization.” The RTO mismatch

Envoy’s data lays bare a fundamental mismatch that’s endured since the earliest days of the pandemic: Most bosses would rather have their workers where they can see them. Most workers demand a bit more latitude than that.

Granted, there are solid arguments for both time spent in the office and time spent on the couch. On one hand, remote work is proven to be between 10% and 20% less productive and can weaken morale and bonding, especially among younger workers and new workforce entrants. But people still overwhelmingly prefer at least a few days per week at home, arguing that physical office presence is more trouble than it’s worth and is rarely necessary to complete a task.

Ideally, a mix of both options—at the workers’ discretion—should fix the problem. Workers are flocking to jobs with flexibility, which has quickly become a must-have for most white-collar industries rather than a nice-to-have.

But many bosses are getting impatient, and many are using the approaching Labor Day holiday as an occasion to officially put “work from anywhere” policies to bed, whether workers like it or not. Alongside the usual suspects (like JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs), those even include formerly quite lenient companies, like Meta, Google, and Salesforce.

Despite the fact that remote workers make more money and have fewer expenses, lower stress levels, and more time for family and errands, the office isn’t likely to disappear. In fact, workers can even be excited by the prospect—if they think it’s their idea. Data from Unispace found that a third of workers felt “happy, motivated, and excited” about an office return, but felt none of those things when the return was mandated.

As Atlassian’s Annie Dean put it, productivity, innovation, and creativity are “how-to-work problems, not where-to-work problems,” which will be solved only by an overhaul of how we understand work.

“This is a watershed moment of innovation of how work gets done,” Dean told Fortune, “but we’re still talking about the f–king watercooler.”

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