
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Thank you, I feel very good about my chances this go around. I'm sober because I'm a better person when I don't drink. Up until now, I also very purposefully surrounded myself with high risk drinkers, so I knew I would not have any friends going on this journey with me.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Drinking, finally for good I hope! I'm 3.8 years in. I first blacked out at 12 and was drinking liquor regularly by 14 so booze was my way of life. I can't socialize very well as I am naturally super awkward then never honed my "don't be super weird" skills, but I'm finally free to live my life how I want!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

But all the pages are 72. And your whole experience is also being described in real time on another page 72 elsewhere. 72s all the way down friend.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Same! My longest endeavor at the moment is getting my orchid to bloom prolifically (3 years), drying the blooms so they maintain their color (2 years) dipping them in epoxy so I 3D eternal blossoms and now I have 12 beautiful hardened orchid flowers I am figuring out what to do with. My husband has the same interest but uses more tech. We figured out how to print and assemble an impossible table to hold my miniature cactus. We both love tinkering for the joy of creatively problem solving.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Fair point. I was thinking about an in home aid, which my partner did for 7+ years with developmentally impaired adults. It was rarely dangerous and the employees were prepared for each unique client, which they could spend years with if they chose to stay. The lack of professional training is not ideal nor fair to either party, but neither this is world we live in and those folks need aids who care. If you want to mostly hang out with folks and make a meaningful impact this would be a way to do that.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Everything except world-seer can be done as an at home aid for the elderly or folks with developmental differences. Pay is shit and you may have to do personal care things, but you also mostly hang out with generally nice or at least docile folks. But then there also can be random anger and poop. Scarily enough you usually need little to no qualifications for this work.