
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Thank you for this kind reply; I needed it this morning.

I'm a bit perturbed by the overlap of "toxic-tech-broism" and authoritarian support; to a point where I sometimes want to escape corporate tech all together. I've posted a while ago on Beehaw asking how to transition from corporate to a possibly non-profit or government job instead; but my battery for this effort is depleted right now. There is an end in sight within a few months for this project, and my plan is to find a different job with a more progressive team hopefully.

May you also find peace in your own journey in this world; it’s nice to know it's not a lonely route.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Recently learned that an individual who is causing the most strife and division on my team is super hard-core MAGA Trumper. It really brings a clearer picture on why he is attacking I and the other women on the team and why those he hired are only white men. I'm already nervous about the upcoming election, but to see a supporter so emboldened in his views in the workplace gives me a more in-your-face view of how these people want their day-to-day.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

The scary thing is, this is legit how the marketing course I had to take taught the concepts. The whole course was from the perspective that people are too dumb or overburdened to make decisions on what products they should buy, so marketing and ads are our savior to take that oh so hard critical thinking away. I wish I was kidding, but everything about that class felt like "how can we abuse psychology to force people to consume."

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago

It's all in effort of "line goes up" in the immediate short-term despite the fact that a year from now these companies are going to struggle to complete difficult projects. My company has layed off a number of 10, 15, 20+ year veterans because they were highly paid. Now there are gaps in knowledgeable folks to tap for help and Juniors are being forced to perform to a Senior level without proper support.

The pandemic growth periods caused every company to loose their damn mind to make growth projections based on those insane numbers for a time that should have been ruled out as an outlier. I know these MBA fucks had to take a business stats class, but literally dropped the fundamentals when they saw big $$$. Now they're cutting the talent that fostered their primary growth and will be looking back 6 months from now wondering why they still aren't growing. Well surely the Juniors aren't working hard enough!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I've heard that about charities and non-profits; it’s just the nature of the work they do. I am worried about the grass not exactly being greener if I were to go that route. But at the same time if I found the right one, I know I would feel more motivated for the work if it was for a good cause. I've had to put in the crunch and grumble over last minute changes, but it's one thing if it's for keeping up with a competitors marketing promo vs assisting a system to support refugees. I like working with people, but I hate it when those people are profit driven.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Thank you for sharing your own experience. While part of me wants completely out of tech, I really think the right company culture plays a role in that. I wouldn't mind staying in the field if I found something similar to your own job.

Out of curiosity, how did you find your current job? I'm used to using LinkedIn, but I feel it has become very Facebooky and very corporate America. I've heard of Dice and Indeed, but haven't heard if one is better than the other for these types of jobs.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 months ago

I'm so happy for you! You got this and you'll do well!


I worked in the food industry for a while before returning back to school to get a degree in tech thinking it would be my path to a better life. While at first I thought where my career was taking me provided exactly that, I'm absolutely miserable working a corporate job in tech. I've seen several layoffs, AI is taking over, and the perpetual culture of playing several roles is killing me. I'm tired of being overworked, stressed, and given more and more responsibility for such trivial matters as selling more of X thing. This is not what I want to do for the rest of my life and I would way rather put in this type of effort for something worthwhile even if it means making less money.

The problem is I am so overwhelmed that it is hard to think of a way to change this. I keep saying I want to bring my experience to a non-profit or charitable cause, but I am unsure on how I can bring my tech/project management background to such a cause or how to sell myself in that way. I'm also debating going to get my masters to be more aligned with this change in career, but it's a similar case of not knowing the best route. For anyone out there who has made this type of career change regardless if it was in tech, I would appreciate any wisdom shared.