[-] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

Ach so you miss the point daß people mishe Austria and Australia, and that Hitler was Spraching with an Austrian Akzent. Daß works even Beßer

[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 weeks ago

Even though there is already a [email protected] and a [email protected] This c/ is still quite small, and doesn't get saturated with questions which belong elsewhere. Somehow splitting the content over 3 communities also get them way more empty than a big active one.

We're still far from the magic reload button we have on that other website which every minutes would see tons of new post.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

Cats are smart enough to let their humans work for them.

*sorry, we're on lemmy, let me rephrase :) *

Cats are the OG capitalist who let human feed them, house them and clean their shit while they sleep

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Just check the "drachenfest" (Larger larp in the word, in Germany) trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1IQO3xer-Q it's still a "mass larp" so not the most intense/immersive/strange,and tell me if it's still feel "cringe"

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

American ?

I really have the impression that on this side of the pond larp gets well accepted. And it offers way more way to be creative/craft than TTPRG. But i understand that if you're used to see people in Short-Tshirt fighting each other with pool noodle in a public park and calling it "LARP" you have a biased view of the scene

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 month ago

Because you talk about hobby, what about LARP ?

It's creative, is about problem solving, and involves a lot of skills including

  • Sewing and crafting, the community has a huge DIY culture (even though nowadays, there is a few brands doing larp fashion, and it's cheaper to buy and chainmail, than to buy it's weight in steel wire). So getting all these awesome kits is the opportunity to craft a lot

  • Acting : As it's name stand larp is about role-playing, which is basically improvisation theatre with a scenario known only by the director. So you try to put up your best acting to be a realistic, mafia boss, naive kid, or lord

  • Problem solving and social interactions : Larp are a social game, where people face a common problem and need to find a solution, while finding the right balance between their character faction/interest and the common interest. So there is a lot of social negotiation (often around some spiced wine), mystery investigation, and exploration to solve the main problem

  • Combat, in some larp, if you play a fighter character, you may even have the opportunity to fight. On my experience, I end-up fighting in less than half of the game, there is game with no combats, games where my character either can fight or is too busy with other stuff to fight, and some games where I go fighting.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 1 month ago

Some of the active ones I follow

[email protected] : Ai Generated image and weekly challenge, some people are pretty creative there

[email protected] : French "free/casual chat" community, most likely not interesting for most of you, but if you know some french come

One which is semi active, and would desserve more user

[email protected] : I can't imagine that so few people around here want to talk about rpg :)

Some meme communties I don't follow, but sure some of you would like-it

[email protected] : Lemmy's dump of old meme [email protected] : I am sure some of you like RPG, and like meme, even though it's a bit too much D&D meme [email protected] : Some German meme, not always in proper German so not optimum if we don't know German.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Volley ball was like hell on earth.I take a 4h math/literature test over a 2h volley ball session

Climbing pretty fun. Still practice as an adult

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago

As in, is any law that restricts people’s freedom to do something

The problem of this approach is that in that case you refuse any law. Even anarchist would agree that a stateless society need people to agree on common rules.

Speed limit ? restrict your freedom to do something, private property ? Restrict your freedom to go where you want, does restricting your freedom to commit murder feels authoritarian ?

Now what's more authoritarian ? having the state protecing your right to have slave ? Or having the state protecting people freedom by not letting someone enslave them.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I see Stupeflip, get my upvote Not sure it'll please the non Francophones but who cares Stupeflip, le C.R.O.U Un truc qui fracasse la tête à base de caisse claire qui claque, and the english language ending give me a fucking greek sandwich with fucking onion sounds most french than the french sung part.

And some Banjo metal because yes, they can

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

Have you checked Nanowar (of steel) which is parodic metal ?

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