[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Relax. It just some mildly funny idea to entertain that we are not all there is. Such as imagining the collective conscience of all humanity and animals makes up the real God. We just can't perceive it being inside the experiment.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Except you can not prove that we are capable of pondering this higher level of consciousness just like a cell is unable to ponder anything as we understand it. For all we know, this higher level of consciousness also has a Reddit equivalence and has provided the same response as you in that they argue our own level of consciousness has no capacity to ponder anything. Or at least it's definition of what it is to 'ponder'.

Maybe we are a single conscript in an infinite number of alternate universes that together with an infinite number of related and connected conscripts create some higher level of consciousness. Have you considered that?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I think that is the point. Does a cell have any evidence of something above it?

[-] [email protected] -5 points 9 months ago

Because loser who think a death of someone at work is something to celebrate should be shamed. I don't like Trump supporters but I certainly would rather spend a day with one of his supporters than some immature ass wipes who think that the posts here are acceptable. Most platforms would ban shit like this. I am glad they don't here because I prefer shitty people to expose who they really are.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

It good you are trusting but that is not the norm. Plastic is ugly to be sure but it does not have a huge GHG impact which is the biggest threat by far at the moment. People should be encouraged to reuse to be sure but we definately should not enact policy that is overall far worse.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

What subsidies are on gas? I never seen that. Even worse if true.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

That is probably even worse. Cardboard is rarely recycled and also has a large environmental footprint. The stats are really saying otherwise particularly the profits the supermarket chains are making on this policy.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 9 months ago

My brother tore down old grain elevators when I was young. Where the trucks dump there is a pit about 15 feet deep with augers at the bottom. I was about 14 helping him and we had the grates off the pit. My brother had an older partner who happened to be on site that day. Anyhow I had my back turn to the pit and stupidly was stepping back to look at something. I had just placed my foot over the empty air when my brother's partner grabbed me. I wasn't even falling yet.

Anyhow at the moment I didn't even think about it. Was bit dangerous work overall. We worked with dynamite and heavy equipment after all. Was not till a few days later I woke at night in a start and just realized how close I came to being dead or at best in a wheel chair.

This was about 30 years past. I had only in my life meet his partner maybe 4 times but he happened to be on site that day. I had never told anyone this story as it was a non event at the time but I thought about it lots. My brother had informed me few years back that he had died. Natural causes. Certainly brought back that day and fully explained to my brother how he had literally saved my life.

Ernie if you are reading this, I do not know how to thank you enough. Wish I had mentioned it to my brother while you were still alive as I am sure he would have brought it up in polite conversation.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Kids can definately notice when another kid is off kilt. I think adults can see it often but often they need to stay somewhat neutral so that someone doesn't get stigmatized and ultimately has no chance of being anything but what people think.

In some ways we have made this worse by discouraging any type of conflict in children. In some ways they know how to dish out informal punishment possibly correcting bad character faults before people reach adulthood.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Likely your biggest fatality risk was the fall but it would have left you with a nasty scar and maybe loss of an eye.

Friend welder did exact same thing. Funny thing was a cop walked in that pretty much exact second totally unrelated. The cop ended up taking him to the hospital. Just a good scar on his head now. But what welder doesn't have a few?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I won't guess where I am on any spectrum but from hiring and working with many people over many years, there certainly is a range. One thing I noticed is that about one person in twenty has a overall intelligence that just 'gets it' for lack of better word. They might be really good in one profession but can see how everything fits together. These are the guys that can be two or three times as productive as you average guy and generally they have the right answer. They typically know it as well.

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