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[–] [email protected] 4 points 39 minutes ago* (last edited 33 minutes ago)

We had the tall stride thing going, we had the super-endurance thing going already, we had gotten good at tool-use like many other primates, in that we could use sticks and rocks to beat things and poke things, just like modern chimps and apes. (Modern primates also throw stones, it's not the evolution-killer on its own that the meme is making it out to be.)

No, the REAL thing that soared us beyond all members of the animal kingdom is how we started abstracting information and sharing it. IE: language, writing, and the cognitive processes behind those skills that allow us to plan ahead. Not just planning ahead, but being able to set up actions far in advance, like planting seeds because we know a plant will come out of it. Moving our camps to where animal herds migrate to so we can stay close to the food, and just the day-to-day actions like preparing a fire in advance so you can see when it gets dark, bringing things with you to use later, having an idea how to ration food, being able to share your plans with others, communicating your movements to other hunters, and yes, all this made us exceptional hunters. When other primates were still mostly foraging for plants and bugs, our ancestors used this "thinking" thing to start getting massive doses of meat. Amino acids, proteins, high-density fuel, food for growing brains.

Not to mention, we're the only creature that chooses when to reproduce. We used this foresight to plan our futures and our families. This is a massive changeup from how nature has handled reproduction. For the vast majority of life on Earth, breeding is just this thing that "happens" at certain points and everything leads to that event, and nothing really has control over how that event plays out.

Breeding is still a big deal for us, just look how horny we all are, but we decide when we're going to have babies, and while it doesn't seem a big deal here and now, it was a game changer when we were migrating packs of hunter-gatherers, following the seasons and the herds of animals.

Our story of how we got here is without question the most fantastic story ever. You are the product of over four and a half billion years of uninterrupted successes. A family tree going back a thousands of millions of years without break, surviving apocalypses that have turned our entire globe to ice, to fire, to water and other unimaginable catastrophes that sometimes lasted for millions of years.

So now you made it, your billions of generations of ancestors secured your survival against all odds, whatcha gonna do with it?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

You mean you don't have to like Kamala? I'm voting Kamala.

Not fond of her, but she'll do better than Trump by leagues and miles and make history while not rocking the boat or affecting any meaningful change. Libs will love her, she'll be a democrat party darling. I bet she gets a second term.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

I will cast my vote between tears but nobody ever promised preserving democracy will always make you feel good.

In fact, I am close to launching into a really hard condemnation of every last one of you lazy-ass motherfuckers who expect everything to always play out like a 2-dimensional anime plot where you're the good guy so you're supposed to always feel good, and any struggles are easily overcome, and if it doesn't play out like that, then you go full doomer-mode and grab your soapbox to preach how pointless life is just because you're lonely but too scared to talk to a girl. Go back to your discord safe-spaces and let adults out here make the hard choices.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

Oh good, another doctor who thinks her own book, website, blog and youtube channel are an adequate substitute for professional, personalized care and diagnosis.

"It's really hard to get a diagnosis, so why even bother trying? Just like the video and hit the bell for notifications!"

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

This post is literally about how hard it is to get a formal diagnosis. Nobody said they don’t want to do it.

This post is about a doctor who makes money from her personal brand, website, books and speaking tours, telling people that getting a formal diagnosis is so hard that why should you bother. And now that you're emotionally validated, why not visit her blog, store or youtube channel and subscribe?

I genuinely don't know if her material is good or not, I tend to lean towards it being pabulum and watered-down schlock like literally any speaking-tour psychologist without even reading it. But lets not make any mistake about what's being peddled here and why.

I don't really appreciate discouraging people from getting professional care and diagnosis just because you have convinced yourself that your impersonal motivational messages are as good as personalized and in-depth care that a professional can offer.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Should have took a lot more.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

What's weird is how anyone really cares?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

I genuinely cannot believe that people still care about this in the year 2024.

Like, does anyone care if people draw animal people looking cute or sexy or just with human proportions or anything in between? Does it really bother anyone or is it just fun to try to bandwagon something that freaked some housewives out in the 90's because some inside edition episode? It's just drawings of animal characters like have been done for literal millenia. Imagine if some of the more "notorious" disney films came out today, people would lose their minds.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I mean it's a niche thing, people who are really into piercings really like them, and those who aren't into them tend to really really not like them, whereas some other fashion accessories are generally more universally acceptable even if not necessarily loved.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

This isn't an argument about abortion or gender affirming care you nut, this is about fashion. It's not about "women's bodies."

Plenty of women express "disappointment" with the fashion choices men make and it's fine. What's the difference?

edit: my biggest disappointment here is people who can't separate themselves from a stranger's opinion and have to fight about someone's preference whom they will never see, meet or talk to. Like, it just sparks this massive insecurity in people because it reminds people that someone might reject them for their choices so the response tends to be lashing out and being unhinged. And you see this on every end of every ideological spectrum, it's a very human thing that we need to get better about. You all need to learn to SIT with the fact that not everyone will like you, your fashion, your taste, etc. Social media and discord has made you all get way too adapted to a world where you can choose to surround yourselves with only people who accept you blindly, so that you're losing touch with how to feel about and cope with those who don't immediately validate everything about you.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago (14 children)

I quizzed you why you thought a normal, common expression of aesthetic taste became a sexual entitlement issue to you immediately, it was weird, it remains weird, you are weird, every comment makes you seem weirder about it, and I don't think this is a healthy place for you to be engaging and tripling down on. I'm blocking you for your good as much as mine.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago (6 children)

I've re-read your comment dozens of times trying to understand why this concept is lost on you, that it's FINE to be disappointed with someone's fashion choices, be it someone you know personally, or a generalized view of trends. It's OKAY. It doesn't MEAN anything other than, some people like things and other people do not. I too feel a sense of disappointment when people with otherwise pretty features accessorize it in ways that distract or detract from my preference. AND THAT'S ALSO OKAY.

You know what else? You're ALSO allowed to be disappointed with how some people dress, talk, act or just about ANYTHING else that you like or don't like. This is called being an adult human with values, taste and self-esteem.

Whatever cartoonish picture jumped into your head of some "alpha male" casting judgement on women he wants to sleep with, which I think you're picturing here, that shit is coming from a place of insecurity or pain inside YOU, this is not an objectifying or entitled attitude to express or hold. Disappointment with someone's choices is a normal and healthy thing that men and women feel and express all the time and sure it can become toxic in extreme circumstances, it's nowhere NEAR that to just express not liking a thing.

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