
joined 2 months ago

I am new to 3D printing, but have always wanted to get into it. Unfortunately, I have very limited space and no dedicated area that I could call my workshop. I also travel frequently, and I would like something where I could take it with me for the day.

Therefore, I would like a portable, or at least very small printer. AFAIK, the new Positron V3.2 is purpose-built to solve this kind of problem.

I am asking whether that model is a good idea for a beginner. My main concern is the price, which I am willing to put up with if there really is no other portable printer.

My other concern is just the fact that it is new and I may be too inexperienced with printers to deal with problems that are natural in first-gen products. I have a decent amount of experience soldering and other electronics work, but nothing with small moving parts. Also IDK if sourcing parts would be an issue.

If, in your experiences, these make it not worth it as a first printer, what would you recommend as a portable printer?


I am currently learning to be a sysadmin and I have no software development skills. I love FOSS very much and want to contribute to several projects, including non-networked ones.

How can I do this with my skillset? I have a very small (16GB RAM) server that I could offer to these projects as a build server or web host. IDK what else I could do.


I am wondering what the standard tool is for sending and receiving SMS and MMS on a device that does not have a SIM card in it.

Is there some tool that can do it natively? Is there a specific carrier that is commonly used for this? Is there some sort of selfhosted service that bridges it to email, and if so do I need to put a SIM card in my server?

Bonus points if I can do it within Emacs.