
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 30 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Here in Australia, our libertarian party was the only political party to illegally keep advertising well past the election.. Fuckers didn't even clean up their own signs which they are legally required to

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Lots of people seem to be using it fine daily

Maybe you need to switch distro and check your hardware

Or if you're getting lots of crashes, contribute code or money to get them addressed. Otherwise it's clear your priorities aren't straight

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

A bunch of vegans said they feed their pets only vegan food, whilst they are carnivores. Mod stopped the conv to prevent animal abuse.

Some Vegans got angry.

I agree with mods, last thing we need here are echo chambers for dangerous information

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

It's funny how I've tried to bring some of that most blokey guys I have come across on mountaineering and such, and the vast majority weasal out of it

And the biggest badasses I know always drive the most basic cars lol

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah. the billet labs incident also showed that Linus maybe isn't as great in real life as he is on screen too, and a bit of a slave driver

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Steve is the biggest legend

Used to watch Linus tech tips but after watching they're point to point wifi video that it felt like they were exaggerating a bit and after Steve pointed out the issues with it, I basically stopped watching

Also, they started too many channels and got too commercial

[–] [email protected] 26 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Not a big deal.

Wait until you find out how much ram gets wasted in caching and algorithms designed to run faster on computers or improve productivity. Even things like indexing to speed up search or icon caching

It's a mobile phone. 13gb is lots, and I'd be curious to see the extent that ai improves productivity.

The headline is designed explicitly to bait arguments

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

And about 20 in perl. But the return trip is 300 years

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Hell nah. Give it a go.

I started a Meetup group a few years ago as a hobby despite no formal training. My group has now outlived many others and I'm surprised by how many people I meet on hikes who have heard of my group and actually listen to my advice these days.

Don't forget about the guy either who ran an ultra marathon with no real training here in Australia and ended up winning . Turned out his goofy style of running was actually more efficient than normal jogging.

I know someone who is the world record holder for highest gym class She absolutely deserved it. She's not nims, but she gave it a shot

I know a lady with Parkinson's who is a cross fit champ. People like you would tell her she should give up

As long as you're safe and not a danger to others, definitely give things a shot.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Anyone else sick of hearing about this?

I don't care about the person who said it (no idea why she's constantly getting interviewed and such), and it was only slightly funny to begin with.

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