
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The best non-DSM category for socio/psychopath I've come across is the lack of affective empathy, but intact cognitive empathy. (non-DSM because that's just symptom clusters not aetiologies, you quite literally need to have broken laws to be diagnosed with ASPD). Then you have a look at what skills are useful to have as a surgeon, like not flinching when you cut into people, and their character traits including their bedside manners, yep there's plenty of perfectly integrated psychopaths around. Same goes for pyromaniacs fire departments are full of them, you only ever hear about the ones who don't get the curve.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

the actor from Spider-man

You misspelt "The Boondock Saints".

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

modules >>> classes, anyway.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That’d let you distort the fake label graphic to roughly match the size and placement of where the real label art would go, and preserve the shadows, highlights and reflections of the packaging using layer styles.

Extract depth map from image, then inpaint the logo using that as guidance, it's not like AI can't do that. What still makes me think photoshop is that using AI with that kind of custom process means some version of stable diffusion and the text is just too good for that. It's a question of training data, practically the only thing models you see on the net can spell reliably is "Hooters". Might still be useful as a first step to then paint over, though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

It can take hours

I just realised that with the way I do ragout I'm half-way to running an illegal still. 110C-120C are definitely too hot to get a proper product but all I'd need to do is adjust the pressure regulating vent and attach a cooling coil... Recipe starts with "take equal parts by weight meat and wine", there's not a single drop of water in there that doesn't come from wine, meat, or soffritto. Wine shouldn't be acidic at all, neither too sweet, semi-dry is ideal. Meat should be any as long as it's sliced into max 1cm thick slices, ideally well-marbled, ask your butcher for big pieces of soup meat. Soffritto as usual or to taste. Cook under pressure for 2-3 hours or longer if you don't have pressure (then adding water as it's disappearing), fish out the meat slices and turn them into a pulled pork like situation, back in and reduce until the liquid portion is about demi-glace, adding some dissolved gelatin (you can also cook bones but then you have splinters to deal with) and adjusting acidity with tomato paste, freeze in portions. Thaw in a pan while cooking your tagliatelle (fusilli also work very nice), adding some fresh frozen veggies works very well. Invite a Frenchman and an Italian, have them fight to the death over whether it's Bourguignon or Bolognese.

In any case better open a window or just standing in the kitchen is going to get you drunk.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Unless you're part of an uncontacted tribe or something you definitely know Daft Punk. How about this one.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

I seem to be speaking Klingon. I never told anyone to "un-depress" themselves. Quite the contrary, I'm talking about the necessity to accept that it'll be the path you're walking on for, potentially, quite a while. All I'm telling you is that that path doesn't have to be miserable, or a downward spiral.

Make a distinction between these two scenarios: One, someone has a fever. They get told "stop having a fever, lower your temperature, then you'll be fine". Second, same kind of fever, they get told "Accept that you have a fever. Make sure to drink enough and to make yourself otherwise comfortable in the moment. Ignore the idiot with the 'un-fever yourself' talk".

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

I'm sorry what's long-term executive function about cancelling your appointments? What's harsh about it?

What about "take a bath" and "go outside to breathe" is less protestant-work-ethic than what I was saying?

The simple, actionable things are, precisely, the simple, actionable things. "Breathe in the fresh air" is not actionable when living in a city. "Sit on a bench and people-watch" is not actionable in the countryside. You know much better where you live, what simple things you could do right now. The point is not about the precise action, it's about that it's simple and actionable thus you should do it. Also, to a large degree, that it's your idea, something you want.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

You’ve laid out your personal depression cure to someone stating that reading about other people’s depression cures is incredibly frustrating when you’re actually depressed.

That's not what the complaint was about. The complaint was about the generic drivel. The population-based "We observed 1000 patients and those that did these things got better" stuff that ignores why those people ended up doing those things, ignorance of the underlying dynamics which also conveniently fits a "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" narrative. The kind of stuff that ignores what people are going through. Ignores which agency exists, and which not.

Read what I wrote not as a plan "though shall get up at 6 and go on a brisk walk", that's BS and not what I wrote. Read it as an understanding of how things work dressed up as a plan. Going out and cooking food? Just an example, apply your own judgement of what's good and proper for you moment to moment. You can read past the concrete examples, I believe in you.

In most cases the best thing you can do to help is to try to understand how someone is feeling.

The trick is to understand why you're in that situation, what your grander self is doing, or at least trust it enough to ride along. Stop second-guessing the path you're on and walk it, instead. You don't really have a choice of path, but you do have a choice of footwear.

Or, differently put: What's more important, understanding a feeling or where it's coming from? Why it's there? What it's doing? What is its purpose? ...what are the options? Knowing all this, many feelings will be more fleeting that you might think.

There's an old Discorian parable, and actually read it it's not the one you think it is:

I dreamed that I was walking down the beach with the Goddess. And I looked back and saw footprints in the sand.
But sometimes there were two pairs of footprints, and sometimes there was only one. And the times when there was only one pair of footprints, those were my times of greatest trouble.
So I asked the Goddess, “Why, in my greatest need, did you abandon me?”
She replied, “I never left you. Those were the times when we both hopped on one foot.”
And lo, I was really embarassed for bothering Her with such a stupid question.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The trouble with ketamine is that once you reassociate shit's back to where it was. It can alleviate symptoms and in very serious cases that might be called for but it's definitely not a cure. Taking drugs to lower a fewer also alleviates symptoms, in serious cases will save lives, but it's not going to get rid of the bug causing the fewer.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Sorry, I didn’t know we might be hurting the LLM’s feelings.

You're not going to. CS folks like to anthropomorphise computers and programs, doesn't mean we think they have feelings.

And we're not the only profession doing that, though it might be more obvious in our case. A civil engineer, when a bridge collapses, is also prone to say "is the cable at fault, or the anchor" without ascribing feelings to anything. What it is though is ascribing a sort of animist agency which comes natural to many people when wrapping their head around complex systems full of different things well, doing things.

The LLM is, indeed, not at fault. The LLM is a braindead cable anchor that some idiot put in a place where it's bound to fail.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (8 children)
  1. Accept that your brain wants to do something different than what you had planned, thus
  2. Cancel all mid- to long-term appointments and
  3. Use the opportunity of not having that shit distracting you to reinforce good moment-to-moment habits. Like taking a walk today, because you can use the opportunity to buy fresh food today, to make a nice meal today, because that's a good idea you can enjoy today while the back of your mind does its thing, which is not something you can do anything about in particular so stop worrying. And you probably don't want to go shopping in pyjamas without taking a shower so that's also dealt with. And with that,
  4. You have a way to set a minimum standard for yourself that will keep you away from an unproductive downward spiral and keep depression what it's supposed to be, and that's a fever to sweat out shitty ideas, concepts, and habits, none of which, let's be honest, involve good food and a good shower. That's not shitty shit you dislike.

The tl;dr is that depression doesn't mean you need to suffer or anything. Unless you insist on clinging to the to be sweated out stuff, that is. The downregulating of vigour is global, yes, necessary to starve the BS, but if you don't get your underwear in a twist over longer-term stuff your everyday might very well turn out to simply be laid back.

...OTOH yeah if this is your first time and you don't have either a natural knack for it or the wherewithal to be spontaneously gullible enough to believe me, good luck.

Also clinical depression as in "my body just can't produce the right neurotransmitters, physiologically" is a completely different beast. Also you might be depressive and not know it especially if you're male because the usually quoted symptom set is female-typical.

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