
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Non horns story time ...

A long time ago I was but a young lad living in eastern Europe and I use to watch this cartoon. The actual content of this cartoon are lost to the ravages of my memory but a few things stood out, the main character had a flying board and the opening sequence was him flying through these hallways that were broken into geometric shapes and there was a big face that he flew towards.

Sometime later especially during university it became a recurring niggling idea. Did it exist or was it some dream or fantasy? I'd get enthused once in a while and try searching the depths of the net for it with no luck.

It wasn't until I had graduated and was working, close to 20 years after the fact that I found it ! The name of this show is now imprinted on my brain.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

If a person without a nation state's budget behind him can land an object even one the size of a shoe on the moon that would be a major scientific breakthrough and an incredible engineering achievement.

Simply the economics of the feat would basically instantly revolutionise a whole host of industries. Even spaceX who's whole thing is making the economics of space reasonable is nowhere close .

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

But the object doesn't enter at speed here it's stationary. If a hoop is thrown at an object and passes around the object the object is still stationary. The speed of the portal relative to the object does not impart movement on the object.

The quicker the portal moves the quicker the object appears on the other side but for the object to shoot out it means energy is being transfered from the car to the object.

If you're right then what happens If the two portals are moving at equal and opposite speeds?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I think it's A because I assume a portal stitches two points in space to each other.

So if I have a surface A and B with a portal ']' in the middle A0 A1 ] A2 A3. B0 B1 [ B2 B3

A portal creates a new surface

A0 A1 ][ B2 B3

And if you move the portal the new surface changes.

A0 A1 A2 ][ B3

Speed is distance over time. When a portal moves the object that passed through the portal stays stationary. Let's say I am standing on B2. When the portal advances I find myself standing on A2 , have i moved? No the environment has changed but i am still in the same relative position with respect to the portal surface. No distance travelled so no speed.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Wanton environmental destruction at an exponential scale simulator. Also trains