[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Yes true, thats why it is not published on Flathub.

I will add an override to it that makes sense.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Interesting, will look into this. The issue is of course that these tools are optional.

But if they work, they may fix nearly many issues. Some will remain, for example many proprietary apps dont use Github releases, while these may be especially targets of fakes.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Appimages came before these tools, and the tools (forgot the name GearLever, AppimagePool is another one) came afterwards.

They are structurally better as they are external.

That verification is interesting. So it is another appimage, used to verify appimages? Are all Appimages using that, if not what percentage of the ones you know? And are tools like Gearlever enforcing or using that signature check?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

You still have to give the exec permission to the appimage.

True, but this only prevents against stuff executing itself.

Mandatory access controls and sandboxes only protect the core system. Like installing packages with root.

You put things there privileged, so you know what you run comes from a protected area.

Running things from random directories (like ~/Applications which AppimagePool uses) destroys that.

Suddenly you rely on an executable home dir, which means any regular software (including appimages which are nearly impossible to sandbox) can write to the area where your programs are.

That concept is so broken that it needs to go.

I am against flatpak install --user for that reason, because no program should come from an unprivileged directory.

The issue especially is if it doesnt follow standards. ~/.local/bin is a standard, and with SELinux confined users you may be able to protect that directory. But random ones like ~/Applications that dont follow any standards, will not work.

Maybe no context menu depending on what you mean exactly

The "open with" and "create new" things. Actually,

Flatpaks cannot create "create new" entries too. I am currently experimenting with these, as it sucks to not be able to "create new Libreoffice writer document". And the xdg-templates directory doesnt do anything lol, you still need desktop entries.

but the rest are fully possible and I do it on a regular basics

The concept of an installer is that the app does that on its own. That is pretty bad and the kind of Windows crap we absolutely dont want.

But on good operating systems, a privileged package manager does all that. Puts the stuff where it belongs. Flatpak for example links the desktop entry that the app itself contains in a sandboxed directory, to the export directory where the OS sees it.

And some portal or whatever deals with the "standard apps" stuff, like that Okular Flatpak will be shown to support opening PDFs.

If apps do this on their own that means a single app can mess up your entire system, also malicious.

Appimage may have tools, I only tried AppimagePool for curiosity and the experience was pretty bad and incomplete.

But the issue is that they were just thrown out there, "here devs, do the same shit you do on Windows, it is totally normal for people to double click an executable, not have any sandboxing, deal with updates on their own, dont have any cryptographic verification, ...".

And only afterwards came the managers, the daemons, which cover a part of it.

They (could) solve:

  • being privileged, placing apps in not user-writable directories
  • having access to integration locations, that apps should never touch
  • downloading from defined, maintained locations (instead of letting people click on random internet malware ads)
  • running in the background, notifying about updates
  • centrally managing these updates
  • verifying signatures before allowing updates
  • doing the actual update process (instead of deleting a file and placing a new one)

And they often dont even do that. There are no signatures, as devs were never told "either you add a signature, or people will not install your app". So there is zero verification

But they dont solve the core issues that are:

  • devs were told they dont need to care about...
  • creating metadata
  • creating a real repository
  • signing their apps
  • using a standardized build system
  • transparently declaring used dependencies (i.e. using a given set of them), thus deduplicating them
  • going through a review process
  • being affected when dependencies are end of life
  • declaring opt-in permissions, so users know if the app is insecure (appimages are impossible to sandbox with bubblewrap, and hard with firejail (which is a setuid binary and had security issues), dont know about nsjail, crabjail, minijail or others)

Flatpak is similar to Android. On Android you still have a package manager but the APKs are signed individually, updates just allowed if the signatures match. So you can sideload how you want, it is still secure.

And using Obtainium, which is kind of like an AppimagePool, you can get all the apps from independend developers.

But they were told they need to follow all these rules, Appimage developers can do whatever they want.

Sorry that was long.

I see you haven't changed one bit.

Regarding what? XD

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Just downloading anything from anywhere sets one up for failure/malware.

Reducing the size of the OS helps a ton here.

And mounting home read-only. I think Android and ChromeOS do that. I will experiment with that too, it is really interesting. You mainly need a different place to store user scripts, and appimages are broken (how sad), the rest should be fine.

Then a few more core concepts help too:

  • KISS (keep it stupid simple)
  • Unix philosophy (everything does one thing and stays transparent)
  • and the concept of least privilege (seccomp, MAC (mandatory access control, SELinux/Apparmor, sandboxes, jails, etc).

Flatpak helps a ton centralizing the packaging efforts. And it works. There are tons of officially supported packages. And I guess many of them will be maintained upstream.

But you still have a secure system, sandboxing, verification and packagers that keep an eye on it, kind of.

On a secure system you would need to pay a lot of people, like the typical 3-5 people that package most apps. For doing security analyses, opting-in to every new update etc.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

That's strange

Seems you can use all the libraries too as if they were binaries. Updated my Fedora post.

Currently testing how to run the freedesktop.org runtime with home permission, this would allow to not give any app permanent home permission.

But wait, you can run apps with different permissions temporarily, right?

Like flatpak run --filesystem=home org.app.name

but I read the PKGBUILDs and understand them.

That is the best way but not scalable for most users. You need access control and trust. On COPR I add the repo of an individual and only get packages from them.

And programs can bypass it anyway with /home/$USER if they're feeling vindictive, though I haven't run into any yet. It'd definitely be nice to have more complete isolation one day.

This is not about isolation, even though this should totally be done. Its just about preventing dotfile mess.

Scalable, you know. A system should stay vanilla in 20 years, in 40 years.

In the end it would be

  • core minimal system
  • /etc has some settings pinned or none at all, the rest is always flushed from /usr/etc (issue)
  • the immutable rest is always upstream
  • the bootloader is updated with bootupd
  • flatpaks have their configs isolated, when they are uninstalled, their data is removed
  • distroboxes are ephemeral, they are used for tasks, managed through a GUI app with a set of commands (like "add this repo" and packages to install, or even building blocks or checkboxes), they are recreated with OS releases
  • the distroboxes have their own dotfiles which never overlap
  • the desktop has figured out a way to cleanup old dotfiles

I mean we are not there yet, but close.

I really hate apt.

Apt is an ugly mess and nala might be python bloat but it looks fancy and automates things. Now that it runs on Debian 12 I installed it everywhere.

I really have no idea what to expect. But if I never need to use rpm for querying or whatever again I'll be happy.

Yeah or add curl instructions to projects like librewolf, to avoid needing "oh and on atomic distros you dont use 'dnf blabla' but download it directly".

Even though I like my COPR command...

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago


Pull request

It is already merged into Rawhide and will hopefully land in F41

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Hmm, is that a feature or a flaw?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

This should be an effect not changed icons. Maybe the taskbar still uses scaled PNGs?

Try to use a 256x256 PNG instead

Btw [email protected]

[-] [email protected] 19 points 2 days ago

A yes, the fear of opensourcing.

Trust me, proprietary code is often total garbage because nobody looks at it.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Like any other distribution with KDE software.

Kubuntu deviates from upstream, which is problematic but shows that it can be done differently.

Someone has to be the first.

Arch unstable, Fedora Rawhide, Debian Testing...

The first Plasma 6.1 update has been released yesterday.

I think I have it since a few days on Kinoite?

Plasma is not the default desktop of Fedora.

Not yet, but a close second.

noobs who should stick to defaults anyway and also not make experiments with Atomic editions either.

Noobs should absolutely use atomic editions. Totally. Every bad behavior should just break so they dont mess up.

The system is resettable which is so valuable. It has transparent changes. It has integrated backups.

But taking Fedoras defaults is difficult, as Fedora Flatpaks and Toolbox are not really great.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

If you mean downloading random stuff from random websites, yes.

But they dont have installers, so no verification, no moving to locations where executing is allowed (on Linux the entire home is executable which is a huge security issue) no desktop integration, no context menu, no file associations.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just had extreme pain with this.

Apart from broken PDF tools, GIMP 2.99.x is already really nice. I recommend the Flatpak from flathub-beta.

The 2 big browsers dont seem to support arithmetic coded JPEG at least in PDF!

They will simply display blank pages!

Example PDF

Lets do a list

Tools that are broken


  • Firefox / Librewolf (RPM)
  • likely Chromium (see below)
  • Scrivano (Flatpak)
  • QPDF Tools (Flatpak) (and I suppose qpdf too)
  • Rescribe OCR (Flatpak)
  • JPEG2PDF (Flatpak, displays correctly but broken image pipe)
  • Arianna (Flatpak, not sure if supports PDF)
  • NightPDF (Electron/Chromium, Flatpak)

(I dont recommend that software but it works for that purpose. See my list of recommended Flatpak apps here)


  • Mull (Firefox Android)
  • GrapheneOS PDF, Cuprum PDF, MJ PDF (Chromium Webview)
  • SavPDF (maybe also Webview)


  • pdf24.org (webservice)
  • StirlingPDF (Docker/Podman container)


  • Safari PDF viewer (iOs 16.7.2)

Software that works

Linux, Flatpak (likely also native package)

  • KDE Okular
  • GNOME Evince (Document Viewer)
  • Inkscape
  • Libreoffice Draw
  • PDF Arranger (libqpdf 11.9.0, pikepdf 8.15.1)
  • Bookworm 1.1.2
  • KOReader
  • Sioyek
  • CorePDF
  • gImageReader


  • muPDF
  • Collabora Office
  • KOReader, Librera, Orion Viewer (all dont support modern filesystem permissions)

Lets report some issues?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


# find with grep
# + concatinates results and runs the command once, faster
find . -name "*.txt" -exec grep -l "somename" '{}' '+'

# run a command for each result individually
find . -name "*.txt" -exec basename '{}' \';' |  column

# case insensitive
find -iname "SoMeNaMe.TxT

# file or dir
find -type f
find -type d

# define file owner
find -user Bob

# define file group
find -group wheel

# by permission
find -perm 777

# find by size
find -size +1G
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here is the podcast URL

Lol guys I find this interesting, they made videos that long ago, so much progress. Brodies Podcast was pretty useless short before that, now nearly every episode is really interesting.

AND both Wayland promoters just didnt use it back then.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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