
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

ARCO is a strange one... I've looked over their website before

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I fear gentoo!!!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Good to know! I officially gave up on the Fedora experiment last night and downloaded manjaro. Haven't had the time to mess around just yet. And I'm interested in solus but also nervouse about about support, maintenance, longevity

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I can't for the life of me setup DDE on fedora properly!!! I've tried numerous tutorials but it always ends up janky and not working!!!! I'm simply looking to explore other distros that the same old KDE, gnome, and xfce....


I've really been memorized by deepin, but I feed into the fear of the actual distro and China blah blah. I honestly dont know, but figure better safe than sorry. So I've tried Ubuntu DDE and it look like ass... Maybe they've update it since. I tried installing it on my fedora 38 workstation and it didn't play well. Issues with rendering and weird quirks. I think I may need the lightdm display manager idk. Anyway I hear manjaro has community maintained version. Are there any actual distros that run a nice working DDE? I hear this distro called extix has a very nice version, but that distro seems a bit unknown itself. Any advice is appreciated thanks

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Nope! Not a gamer at all


So I am currently running stacer, tbh idk if its working good or not lol. Sometimes my computer still flares up randomly with high CPU usage and the fan going, but I try to use htop to pinpoint, but that tool is probably way more in depth than I know. I'd rather have like maybe a daemon? Or always on app that automatically notices strange things and helps balance out performance, I.e. CPU usage, ram usage, maybe heat?Battery life, overall just to help maintain optimum performance and proper running (I do not game at all BTW, so not a factor)

The three I know of are tlp, auto-cpufreq, and stacer. I've read that its not good to run the first two together. Plus I've tried tlp numerous times and I feel it made my perfoance worse... I tried the simple default settings and even thoroughly went through and customized the settings, still never seemed to work right. I experimented a little with autocpufreq but had no idea if it was working correctly lol. I mean I followed the basic instructions to set it up, but who knows. Same with stacer; dont know if its really working or if I even configured it right...

In your experiences, what would be the best tool or tools to help me with this. Not really looking for monitors as I have no idea what to do with all that info lol but tools that automatically monitor and make performance tweaks accordingly? Idk if there is an all in one solution or if you need specific apps together, but also need to be aware of possible confliction... Not to mention I set up netdata lol omg I had no clue what I was looking at or how to use it. Super overwhelming because the tool could actually help with network performance but it was so completely confusing. Definitely not for a beginner. Would love your guys suggestions please. Thank you


So I am an aesthetics guy when it comes to my distro and desktop environment. I like things to look clean and visually appealing. Last night I kinda took a deep dive into the world of different DE's. Of course there's the popular ones that everybody knows about i.e. Cinnamon, Xfce, KDE, Mate, Gnome, etc., however there's a whole other world of random desktops that I was never aware of! Also it's difficult to find a clear list of all the available environments.

Basically, how the heck do I find out more about DE's and which distro they are compatable with. Of course I always check the distros site, but they usually list the big ones and often times will say "plus others"... how can I find out which desktops are available for which distros? I've find it rather tricky to figure out.

Another thing that kinda tripped me out is that it seems not all DE's such as the popular ones I listed, appear to be the same visually. For instance, XeroLinux is very beautiful to me and from what I've gathered, it runs KDE Plasma. Imo it looks nothing like the actual KDE Plasma OS... are there like different versions of Gnome, KDE, Mate, etc. that look different than others? To me, I figure they would and should all look the same. Idk, it's all a bit confusing to me and I hope you kind folks could shed some light. Thank you

I should mention that I have zero interest in the window manager or tiler or whatever they are called. To me, they are super ugly and very confusing to understand :)


I remember I had a live iso on my flash drive and was always interested in cutefish. But it seems like the distro went under? I think I saw that folks are focusing on developing it into a DE? I truly don't know, but I'm curious to hear if you guys may know something. Thanks

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Wtf??Gosh this Lemmy universe is so much different. Doesn't feel extremely micromanaged lol

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Man I get stingy and always have to go for the nicer products, even if I dont need them lol I've been eyeing thinkpad, dell, anker, and pluggable docks mostly. There's a brand called wavlink too that has great deals but can seem to find much info on them

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Thanks a lot for this info. Even after getting one usb c port replaced on my dell xps 13 9310, but still, the sensitivity of usb c has been so frustrating! Its like the slightest little jerk or bump of a plugged in usb stick will cause it to disconnect or just the slightest movement of a charging cable will disconnect, it ughhh its annoying. I really need one nice, fortified usb type c connector cable to plug in and just leave it plugged into the dock. Then no more using the shoddy usb c ports on my laptop! But determining just exactly what cable would be best for the link from laptop to dock has been difficult for me to determine. I'm thinking a ugreen right elbow cable. I feel the 90 degree elbow would help in reducing strain and allowing a better connection

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

My laptop does support thunderbolt 4 and I have heard about alt mode but haven't quite dug in enough to understand it yet. Thanks

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Thanks, I just dont quite understand this data rate portion of these cables. Is that strictly just transferring files within your network to other devices?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Thanks a lot! So to be clear, the cable that links my laptop to a dock isn't as important as I'm thinking it may be? Or are you saying I'd be best off investing in a nice thunderbolt 4?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Ahh ok so you connect your laptop to the dock via thunderbolt? Thats sorta been the idea I've been thinking; just focus on first getting one great cable to link the laptop to a docking station


So I'm struggling to understand all the different types of usb standards like 2.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, etc. I am interested in only USB c to USB c. I've read about higher data transfer speeds? I'm confused by what that actually means. Is that like transferring files from your laptop to an external drive? Basically sending files between devices in the network? I've read you can get 8k video resolution? I have no need for that.I just don't quite know what is best for me.

I have a dell xps 13 9310 laptop and the only two ports on the laptop are usb c. I've had major connectivity issues after the years of wear and tear. I just had a shop replace one port, so the major plan is to get a docking station with pass through charging capabilities.

But for now, I feel so foolish I don't even know what standard or protocol cables I need. Since all of the fancy features like video display don't appeal to me and I never do file transfers via usb, does that mean all I need is simple usb 2.0 cables for power delivery? Do the newer 3 series standards provide more power and or helpful features? What is the best sort of cable to link my main device, my laptop, to a docking station? I need to start there to reduce wear and tear on the new usb c ports on my laptop.

Any pointers would be great, thanks I RUN LINUX BTW SO THATS WHY I POSTED HERE lol


I've come to realize that a lot of foss android apps are pretty outdated and usually abandoned. Is that even safe to use? Like even the fdroid archive repository, are those safe to use? I'm still rather new to the foss world, but in my mind it seems a very outdated app is probably not safe or am I missing something here?


Its the strangest thing, as it just started recently. I'm honestly not sure if it freezes or my touchpad somehow gets disabled. I'm wondering that because most of the time it happens, my dell xps laptop isn't under any sort of heavy load. Its strange. Idk know where to start or what commands would help you guys help me?

I've spent hours before trying to make sense of logs lol but I just don't quite understand the info. Its gotta be some sort of conflicting software or something. I'm always trying new things, so I take full blame for this issue most likely lol. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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