
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I always wonder what legal risks hosting something like this comes with. If you host a public server and uploads are client side encrypted, seems like it would be a magnet for illegal file transfer and CSAM, no?


As the title says, I'm trying to multiboot Fedora 40 and Ubuntu 24. The documentation and guides for this all seems pretty outdated through my searching and troubleshooting.

I currently have ubuntu installed. My drive partition table looks like this:

  • sda1 -- EFI (250MB)
  • sda2 -- /boot (ext4, 2GB)
  • sda3 -- empty (ext4, 2TB) <-- Fedora partition
  • sda4 -- Ubuntu 24 (LUKS encrypted, 2TB)

I'm trying to install Fedora now and it's giving me nothing but errors. The most useful guide I found for this specific setup just has you adding sda3 as the installation path (mounted at /) for Fedora and it's supposed to figure out the EFI and boot, but that doesn't happen. In fact, the EFI and /boot partitions show up under an "Unknown" tab in the Fedora custom partition window of the installation. They should be under a tab such as "Ubuntu 24 LTS". Fedora isn't recognizing the ubuntu installation (because it's encrypted?)

Am I wrong in assuming that both OS's should be sharing the EFI and /boot partitions? Maybe that's the issue?

Anybody out there successfully dual booting Linux distros with both distros encrypted?


Would this work or would I have problems:

Using dd command to backup an entire SSD containing dual boot Windows/Ubuntu partitions into an .iso file, with the intent to then dd that iso back onto the same size SSD in the case of a drive failure?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I haven’t. I doubt it would solve all of the problems I experience.

Anybody downvoting me can share their experience running protools with multiple hardware fader interfaces and 18 input DAW interface, pci SDI cards, and 6 separate display monitors.

Adobe software, Davinci Resolve, 3ds Max and its 20 plugins. None of these work or work seamlessly in Linux.

I can’t even get my surround sound to work properly in Ubuntu without having to manually adjust multiple convoluted conf files.

That’s the truth. I love Linux. I use Debian and Ubuntu on a bunch of servers I run. But fanboys need to stop deluding themselves into thinking it’s easy or even worthwhile to use Linux in lieu of Windows for anything and everything. I would be ecstatic if that changed.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I don’t think it’s the options that make Linux a hard pill to swallow. For me it’s the lack of support for hardware and most software. Sure there are alternatives or WINE but that’s usually a big downgrade from just running it on windows.

My Ubuntu box I use for browsing/watching videos and listening to music just barely works and was frustrating to get properly configured. Linux for the dozen professional softwares I use for work is basically impossible. As much as I hate it I had no choice but to stick with windows.

It’s not the fault of Linux developers. The hardware and software companies just largely do not support it still.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

QEMU. Using NAT but it's attached to the host's NIC. I know this is probably what's causing the issue. I'm not sure how to connect it to the VPN.


I've attempted to create a VM on my ubuntu host machine that is accessing the internet via a dedicated VPN app. I'm able to disconnect my host VPN and access the web within the VM, but cannot access the web when the host VPN is enabled. Ideally I'd like to enable the VPN on the host and pass through web access to the VM.

I have two questions:

  1. If my use case is to use a VM to increase privacy and security as well as isolate my operations within the VM from my host, is it better to have the VPN app from inside the VM or pass the host's through to the VM?
  2. If it doesn't make much of a difference, how can I go about passing the host's VPN to the VM?

In either scenario, I'd still like to keep the host's VPN active while being able to use the VM, which I currently cannot.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Is it the privacy community in general or Lemmy that’s gotten infiltrated by all of these antagonistic socially inept 15 year olds recently? Never started a thread on Lemmy that’s gotten so many unsupportive and useless responses before. And I’m active on piracy subs…

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

When you detect a compromised account you could put a freeze or lock on it. If there are that many compromised logins that constant account swapping is an issue then twitch needs to overhaul their account security.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Maybe I'm missing something but you can tell a compromised account from a secure account by the user behavior, no? If an account is compromised the activity will be spam/harassment, etc at which point a ban on that account would happen. And compromised accounts could be accessed from a non-vpn Ip also.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Got an alternative that isn't youtube?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I have not. I try to avoid apps if I can.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Think of it from the reverse direction. If you have a twitch account in good standing that's verified with a valid email and has no violations, why all of the sudden would it make sense to apply a ban to this account? Perhaps preventing new accounts from being created on a sketchy IP could be a sensible solution, but shadowbanning an existing account makes no sense and is a lazy approach to security. In addition, fingerprinting makes it so a service can easily differentiate between users using the same IP.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'm curious to hear the opinion of those downvoting this response. It seems off brand for privacy enthusiasts to disagree with my take on IP bans.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

I've only experienced a shadowban while using ubuntu. I switch between all the major operating systems on the same twitch account and with the same vpn service/servers. The bans have only been initiated while on linux, although they did follow over to the other OSes until some type of timer was passed.

This follows what some online shopping services do, which is to assign weights to certain user metrics and if a set threshold is crossed it rejects your payment or otherwise blocks you from a transaction. So VPN+MacOS might work but VPN+Linux matches some type of metric fraud systems associate with criminals.


If you notice your chat messages show up in the chat feed but don't appear on the streamers in-screen chat, you have been shadowbanned.

Twitch will still take your money for donations, subs, etc, but your feedback won't be seen by anybody but you. This shadowban does not appear in the appeals page and can be applied randomly and intermittently. You are never informed about this by the way. You'll likely be talking in a chat and assuming you're being ignored. Hop into a private tab and load up the stream where you'll be able to notice if your messages are missing in chat.

From my observations, there seems to be some type of algorithm/system that determines who to shadowban. I'm assuming it assigns extra points for factors like VPN usage, Linux, and adblockers. Once you've been shadowbanned, switching one of those three will not work to unban you until some arbitrary timer expires.

I'm posting this in case anybody else has experienced this and felt frustrated and isolated. You're not being ignored (unless you're a twat and are being ignored). You're just being punished by Twitch for being privacy conscious.


I'm dangerously close to running out of space for my VMs on local-lvm, but noticed I have a lot of free space in my local storage where I only have a dozen ISOs stored.

Can anybody help me figure out how I'd go about shrinking the local storage so I can extend my local-lvm?


Some background:

  • have a poweredge r320 on battery backup (basic APC unit)
  • have unifi dream machine
  • poweredge powers down automatically if power goes out

What's the safest way to allow myself to power on the server in the event it shuts down while I'm not home?

I figure since I have remote access to my UDM, perhaps there's a command I can execute from there to power it on?

My fear is using a method that provides more than just poweron commands remotely. I want to keep the server attack vectors down.


I have a handful of NodeJS websites that are almost ready to be deployed publicly. All of them are very simple sites which I don't expect to get much traffic.

I'm thinking I could make a docker container for each website using the NodeJS docker image, then route them using traefik or nginx. This way there's a good degree of separation between the sites and everything will be organized and easy to backup/transfer around if needed.

Is it a decent plan? Got any better ideas or tips?

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