
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Maybe that's your machine being oddly programmed. Every machine I've seen unlocks right after it finishes it's cycle. It can also be stopped and unlocked anywhere halfway, but it takes some time to drain the water (usually a few seconds, not a full minute like you mentioned originally).

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

My issue is more with trackers than ads anyways, altrough ads that block so much that using the site normally becomes a pain in the ass are the other extend which is sadly also getting more and more common. But sadly most websites and services that let you pay to get rid of ads will still put everything full of trackers...

Also, there are quite some sites that just copy content or or have an AI write content, made to rank high in searches, then is putbfull of adds to make money. Those are automated money-farms, and deserve blockers.

I block everything, ads and trackers alike. Somewhat regularily I'm on the web without and it's always a great reminder why I normally do use them.

But I also pay for multiple websites and services I use regularily despite them working fine without paying or having "free" alternatives. After all, nothing is free and I rather pay with money than with data. And I also want to be paid for my work, and I can only imagine so do others. So I do agree with you there, and I highly encourage people to pay for stuff.

But I won't feel bad for blocking that shit, also not on the websites I don't financially support. Because most of the time they are the ones that made it impossible to use their website privacy-friendly without blocking stuff anyways, even if I'm willing to pay.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I generally drink Zero. If the sugar is the different, could that be why?

Zero taste the same as regular to me but less sweet, but since I rarely drink regular I don't have the exact taste of that in my mouth.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago (4 children)

I can only say Coca Cola taste the same in The Netherlands, Germany, and Vietnam. While I can generally tell quite well when I get a different cola then a Coca Cola one. Based on that there should be some kind of international standard?

I can imagine US being different due to less strict rules around food than EU (much American junkfood is altered in the EU market due to this). But then I'm suprised Vietnam taste the same for that same reason 🤔.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 11 months ago

Last time I was on vacation alone I googled the few things I knew I wanted to see/do, and the rest of the time I just went out and see where I end up. Looking where locals go and do that is also a great trick.

My experience is that most easily online findable things are very tourist-y. I preffer to see more of the non-tourist stuff. Knowing a local is then the best, but by lack there off, just go with the flow.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

About 5 years ago I had some issues with a GPU driver not working out of the box, but nothing that couldn't be fixed. That issue was more Nvidia than Manjaro tho, and by now it does work out of the box. Otherwise no, not really.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Manjaro KDE. Easier and more stable than Arch, but still able to use Pacman, the AUR, and Arch documentation (obviously, I don't use their support channels, but Manjaro forums are helpful with issues). Been running it for years as main OS on all my PCs here.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I also heared that bit about the secret service owning nodes a few years ago. It was trough a teacher that's also really in the stuff outside of teaching, and has a network of non-teaching proffesionals in the field.

It's something to keep in mind, at the very least. Tor already has some weaknesses anyways. You shouldn't trust it blindly just because it's Tor. If anything, I think it more has a false rep for how strong it is over struggling with a stigma.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You can try getting your hands on an AsteroidOS compatible watch and flash it with that. It's basically Linux on your wrist. There is a health app here and the required sensor logging is here, which are in early development but work well in what it does, like step counting and heartbeat graph. Past days aren't shown further than a week but they are logged, so you could probably get it by hand in terminal after accessing the watch with SSH if you need to until it's implemented (I think it's on the to do list).

It's my daily watch for months now, sold my Galaxy Watch4 in favor for it. It works well, is completely FOSS, and works without internet, bluetooth, or phone. Altrough both can be enabled and phones can be connected with GadgetBridge or their own app. Both are in F-Droid. You won't find a more privacy friendly smartwatch solution really.

There is an issues with the current nightlies tho, so downloads are taken offline for now. So you need to wait for that or see if anyone has old files from before the issue.

Devs are quite active on Matrix. If you have no patience you can ask there if anyone has the files. Any kind of support is also allowed there, no matter if it's very noob or advanced level.