
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago

now THIS is podracing! (How computing used to be in the 80s and 90s, before corpos and apps took over)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

Obviously not, I was referring to those who claim to be part of the democratic caucus and yet obstruct just as much as the republicans. The convenient excuses to not get anything done by Dems - Manchin and Sinema. One of the ways Biden can prove to me he actually wants to do something to benefit the people, is to hold them accountable. Instead he rewards them, and I suspect this is because they’re doing their jobs perfectly.

However, you do bring up a good point - we need to seriously consider how to bring republican voters back from the brink. It will be crucial for us to find a way to de-program them and bring them back into the societal fold, if we are to survive as a nation.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Biden was a primary author of the 1978 bankruptcy reform act, and pushed hard for it as a Delaware senator at the time. This very legislation is why students can be crushed for life by student debt, as it prevents discharging said debt via bankruptcy. He, along with Ed Kennedy, are precisely to blame for the crisis resulting from uncapped tuition increases by greedy, profit-incentivized colleges and lenders. These same institutions contribute massive amounts of cash to Biden’s campaigns to this day.

At least republicans are generally more honest about how they intend to help corporations screw us, reprehensible as they may be.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Not a terrible idea but we are in for some suffering for the duration of these younger heritage foundation appointees. This is the sad result of the dual party system, courts could never remain unbiased without a meaningful 3rd party represented in congress.

I would also propose term limits. A life prison sentence is 20 years, so why not a lifetime SC appointment capped at the same timeframe?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I don’t think SC has as much wiggle room to justify a squash attempt under 1965 HEA, the law is written very plainly there.

You’re right about executive overreach though, Biden would have to rally his congress to resize the court. He could have leveraged the majority activists handed him via GA in his first 2 years to do this. And when certain scumbag senators refuse to play ball, campaign aggressively in their home districts against them - whatever he has to do to fight for us. Which he isn’t going to do at all.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Are you familiar with the HEROES act from 2003? This is specifically what Biden and his legal team were relying upon for their recent attempt at student loan forgiveness. SC isn’t going to throw them a bone and try to broadly interpret other laws to support their case, that’s the attorney’s job which is supposed to be done at the time of filing. The 1965 law is different, and gives the executive absolute authority to cancel student loan debt. Which is why Biden didn’t invoke it.

In terms of restructuring the court, yes it is a dangerous precedent, but the strategy here is to legitimately threaten it and get them to all of the sudden see reason, instead of having to follow through. This has been done successfully a few times throughout history in times when the court has overreached.

This is actually quite simple - Biden can use his power and influence to materially improve the lives of the financially enslaved student populace, and he is choosing not to. He will side with corporations every time, as he has done throughout his entire political career. Have you been paying attention?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 11 months ago (11 children)

Biden has the power today to completely eliminate student loan debt via the 1965 higher education act. Alternatively, he could expand the Supreme Court to 13 or more justices to cancel out the conservative activist judges.

There are real actions Biden can take today to deliver on this supposed promise. And yet, the same bad dude who brought us legislation to ensure you can’t be rid of student loan debt via bankruptcy, somehow can’t come up with a way to get this job done. Hmm. Meme checks out.

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