joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 month ago

I flip US flags because fuck imperialism.

They flip US flags because they are babies that bootlick.

We are not the same.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

It isn't a science vs pseudoscience, it is using an easy to understand set of symbolic numbers and words that are meant to be taken together as a point. The point being that we are assholes if we don't stop to take a moment to see that we at some point were those same "10,000" and experienced shit for the first time. And that jumping on others for now being those "10,000" instead of sharing their excitement is dumb. Humans tend to like lessons and reminders that are clear to understand. We as a species have learned and taught via parables basically ever since we could speak.

Focusing on complicated but very precise data removes the whole point of the meaning being presented. Now if this were being understood to be a real study or some other situation where the numbers and science were the focus then it would very much matter. It is just a super basic lesson in social interactions presented in a nerdy way.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Close enough lol

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago

Maybe next year will be the year of React OS?? lol

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

More like open windows that were painted to make shutting them almost impossible.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

That makes at least a portion of my youth make more sense all of a sudden. It also doesn't help that at least stimulants-based treatment adds its own bump.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Which he is also pretty consistent about. Yet somehow these children's cartoon evil/greedy businessmen are just handed power and trusted by such a shocking amount of people. It is kind of impressive in a "we're fucked" kind of way.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago

Not being hyperbolic, but almost every single time I have to speak with or am spoken to by a manager/GM at work. HR at all large companies I have ever worked for as well.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Yeah for real! They were really really quick and light on RAM in the super early days. But that was due to not having much there compared to Firefox and Opera, or even IE and Safari. Even the original Edge browser was kind of quick due to it just not having everything. All of them lose that little advantage after being around long enough to have the code base be added to along with trying to copy features from popular extensions or trying to add random things to stand out. Even when Firefox got heavy with RAM, I still stuck with it due to extensions factually being able to do more that I wanted. But then they solved the RAM issues dramatically with that Quantum refresh, though it did mean many extensions got nurfed by virtue of not having as much access to the OS level stuff (which is probibly a good thing with regards to security and privacy). Even then they still have better access to being able to really block ads and other privacy related things. And that is because they aren't an ad company that wants to dictate how you are allowed to use the internet.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I have only ever had one project on there that has been an issue. But even then it happens with all the browsers I try. Do you use any other security/privacy extensions?

The rest is really just a rant about literally getting people to use alternatives instead of Chrome.

Also those nerds that like Chrome could just switch over to basically any other Chromium-based browser to show that they don't support Google's new attempts to make the internet only play by corpo rules. Edge and Brave work well for normies and for nerds (though Microsoft is really really trying to make it more frustrating as possible and adding their own data mining with every update). Just have to disable various things. Like the crypto stuff on Brave, and basically anything that Microsoft tries to tell you to use. Vivaldi is a really impressive option for power users. Their UI customization are wild af and can be a bit overwhelming from the sheer amount of options. Opera is okay too, but it seems to be confusing with how it presents its options and some features seem to overlap too much for my taste with how extensions can show up in multiple places. And of course there is Chromium, but the lack of auto updates and other things defaultly not present makes it not a good option for normies.

I personally have Brave, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, LibreWolf, Mulvad, Palemoon, Tor, Vivaldi, and Waterfox installed on my main PC. So I can see how various projects are working and to be super ready to answer the question "have you tried loading the site with a different browser" if I need to contact support of a site. Though I tend to use Mulvad for searching torrent sites and Tor for onion sites. And LibreWolf, Palemoon, and Waterfox are kind of more out of an interest in seeing how different Firefox based browsers are coming along. Out of the Chromium browsers, I tend to use Vivaldi the most as it is fun to use as an RSS feed reader and can treat Mastodon/Misskey/Foundkey as kind of apps via slide-out sidebar. Can also do email similar to how a normal email app would (though not close to as many power features). Brave would be next go-to, especially now that they have the vertical tabs working as smoothly and pretty as Edge does. The vertical tabs was basically the only reason I used Edge for a bit. All the other vertical tabs from browsers like Vivaldi or extensions always feel/look bad, and the extension based ones don't remove the normal horizontal tabs. So it always breaks the overall UI consistency.

Should anyone that isn't me or a site designer/tester have more than maybe two or three browsers installed? Hell no, lol. But the main point is that folks that like Chrome but would like to show that they don't like how Google is trying to re-create the old days of Internet Explorer do have options. Get those daily installs and usage metrics of Chrome to drop after so many years of being the new replacement default. Most likely won't stop them from doing bad shit, but it would bring back some amount of competition and more importantly give more reasons for sites to respect universal standers and not just be coded to only work with one browser. We really don't need to see a return of those little icons on every site saying that it "Works best with IE". For profit propratary shit is how we will cease to be able to have an open internet that isn't just HR approved and all requiring us to be "allowed" to interact with any of it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago
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