[-] [email protected] 1 points 49 minutes ago

You’re absolutely correct. This is the part that has been left out of every news article I’ve read, and is undoubtedly the most concerning:

And some Presidential conduct-for example, speaking to and on behalf of the American people, see Trump v. Hawaii, 585 U. S. 667, 701 (2018) - certainly can qualify as official even when not obviously connected to a particular constitutional or statutory provision. For those reasons, the immunity we have recognized extends to the "outer perimeter" of the President's official responsibilities, covering actions so long as they are "not manifestly or palpably beyond [his] authority."

So it’s not just acts committed by the President, but also ordered by the President.

It’s also vague enough that charges can get bounced around lower courts indefinitely.

Thank you again for the link. I didn’t see it when I first searched.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

You’re right. This won’t convince a Trump voter to vote for Biden. They dismiss anything from “liberal news” which is every outlet besides the far-right. It’s been my experience that talking to a Trump supporter is kicking water uphill.

I wrote that to do what Biden’s campaign is failing to do, speak to all of his accomplishments next to Trump’s “accomplishments,” in hopes of informing the discouraged, disengaged, and disenfranchised.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

In 2016 I voted for Bernie in the primary, and Hillary in the election.

Using my civic duty to compromise for the lesser of two evils does not make me a fascist.

Name calling is unproductive and childish. Have a conversation or find someone else to use as your stepladder to superiority.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

No. It’s new, and I haven’t seen the full transcript. I’m repeating what I’ve read in the news. Do you have a link so I can learn more?

I understand how the President could theoretically order an assassination then pardon. That was a good point I read in another thread.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

As I said, it was a year and a half when he ended Title 42. It was two and a half years due to Federal court. Your initial claim was three and a half years. Is it that hard to admit that you’re wrong?

I’m done with your repeated misrepresentation of my argument, and childish suggestions that “he can just do what he wants” and tell the judge to “fuck off.”

Good night.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 11 hours ago

That only applies to criminal prosecution. You really think Biden is going to off a dozen or so House members?

[-] [email protected] -2 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Read the thread you’re so confident in condemning.

I cited my statements while your friend here repeatedly made false claims.

The Mexican Border bill you’re referring to is an Executive Order, not congressional legislation. Trump’s border Executive Order was the Muslim ban. Neither of which required congressional approval, and therefore are directly equatable.

Maybe you two should get a place together in misinformation land.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 11 hours ago

He can’t. His only power over SCOTUS is nominating Justices in the event of a vacancy.

Congress can, but Republicans control the House.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 12 hours ago

They each served one term. Just compare their actions.

Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, revoked the Keystone Pipeline permit, created a 13 million acre federal petroleum reserve for Alaskan wildlife, greatly increased oil site lease cost, signed $7B in solar subsidies, invested $66B in passenger rail, enacted the Inflation Reduction act to support clean energy, increased energy efficiency standards on cars, appliances, and industry, created new permitting rules to streamline transmission lines, leveraged the NLRB for an FTC ruling that eliminated non-compete agreements, capped credit card late fees, reduced or outlawed junk fees in several industries, forgave billions in student debt from predatory loans, created the CHIPS Act to improve reliance on domestic technology, reenacted Net Neutrality, repealed Title 42, ended the Muslim Ban, reinstated the law prohibiting Israeli settlement on Palestinian territory, signed the Equality Act for LGBTQ+ rights, restored gay rights to beneficiaries, pardoned thousands of gay veterans from being convicted based on their sexual orientation, reenacted trans care anti-discrimination law, signed the Respect for Marriage Act, enabled unspecified gender on US Passports, rejoined WHO, banned medical debt from credit reports, currently rescheduling marijuana, is actively reducing drug costs with the American Rescue Plan Act…

Trump repealed 112 climate regulations, left the Paris Climate Agreement, disbanded the pandemic response team stalling national pandemic response, left the WHO, repealed trans care anti-discrimination law, repealed gay rights to beneficiaries, enacted Title 42 and the Muslim ban, repealed the law prohibiting Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory, repealed Net Neutrality, provided tax cuts to the wealthy that further widened our already exploitative wealth inequality, increased tariffs on goods costing the consumers, seated the conservatives in SCOTUS that repealed Roe v. Wade…

[-] [email protected] 4 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

POTUS is the head of the Executive Branch. He has no control over the Judicial Branch other than appointing judges in the event of vacancy.

Telling them to “fuck off” is meaningless nonsense.

Also, it still wasn’t three years. From inauguration in January of 2021 to May of 2022. You seem to really want to be right. You’d probably have more success if you cited accurate information.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 13 hours ago

You inflated his inaction on Title 42 by two years. Quibbling my ass. I’m calling you a liar. This is not the first time I’ve called you out on false information.

Something tells me it won’t be the last.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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