
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

haha, ya... Such well placed money there.

[–] [email protected] 62 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

Almost like we should focus on making the US better / competitive instead of trying to succeed by blocking others.

Don't we get a ton of components and raw materials required for EVs from China already?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago

Sounds like this would at the very least remove $20-30m in revenue (according to the article) not counting if the copyright holders decide to go after them.

I think it puts them in a precarious situation overall.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I no longer have to daily drive mine so as I said I hope it lasts a LONG time!

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Makes me glad my, going on 17 year old Toyota will likely run forever and is as dumb as a box of rocks regarding this stuff.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

why is incognito transmitting anything to anyone. Glad I switched to FF a while back.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Happy Texas (1999). Haven't seen in in decades so not sure how it holds up, but I've got memories of it being hilarious.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I'd never call myself a Mac guy though :) I just like MacBooks haha.

I have tried running various desktop Linux versions over the years, just never stuck with this.

I ran Debian on my own server, then VPS for years. I currently run Rocky Linux on it.

But windows definitely has a strangle hold on the market.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

I'm definitely not trying to sell MacBooks or convince others of that.

I just like them better then windows for general day to day use especially if you have a windows machine as a backup :)

I loved the touchpad so much I only ever used that on my work laptops at the office or traveling. I also stopped using secondary monitors in lou of the extended desktops with the ease of swiping to a second, third or whatever all with a easy flick in the touchpad it became unnecessary to have an external monitor for 99% of the time (for me)

I'm also a long time Linux user so being able to drop into a native shell is pretty nice

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Again, my point was initially in response to you associating build quality with the materials chosen. I don't believe those are related how you represented them.

My two MBPs I used for work, (including a windows 10 vm on parallels) managed to get a lot done over the years well beyond browsing the web.

I was/am not arguing about which OS has more compatibility, programs etc. That's a completely different topic. Hell, the M1 was very limited with native apps for a long time.

As you conseeded, the touchpad is superior. Since I literally use that 95% of the time I'm on a laptop, that's a pretty big factor in usability. My HP360 was around $1200 (HP Spectre 13t x360) the MBA was $950.

My HP36 after a few years had to be returned to have it's motherboard replacement., The one bonus there was they upgraded it from an i5 to an i7 which was nice.

My second work MBP did have the infamous butterfly keys, and eventually one key started having issues last year. Again as NOT an Apple fan, the machine was under an extended warranty and with permission from work I dealt directly with apple to get it fixed. They sent me a box overnight, I returned it on a Monday, had it back the following Thursday with a new keyboard and battery.

Everything has good and bad, I think what apple is going to prevent consumers repairing their own stuff is terrible. I still like / have generally had a more pleasant experience using their laptops over Windows machines.

Completely unrelated, I absolutely hate iPhones though!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (6 children)

My analogy was not flawed. I was referring to my experience, while at work in / around warehouses while doing large installs between 2015-2017. What I wrote, was my experience. I literally watched people having to carry their charges out with them knowing their laptops were not gonna make a couple hours, much less a full shift. Also had their mice because we'll, windows touchpads are not a replacement for a mouse.

I'm not saying there were not better windows machines available, I'm saying at work what windows laptops they were using always seemed to struggle with battery life, were "ok" screens at best.

I've also still never owned a windows laptop that has a touchpad as good as a MacBook. I've also not searched for one. The HP360 I had had a "decent" one but still not as good as my experience with MacBooks.

I still don't like apple I still build use windows PCs as my primary device and 100% it's easier to use a windows machine for it's general compatibility of apps, both old and new.

I still like my MacBook Air, and my work MacBook pro (s) more than any previous work or home LAPTOP I've owned.

My work laptop at 4yo still had about 6h battery, and I was not wanting/needing a replacement. Most of my coworkers, including my personal experience were counting the days to get a new laptop once the warranty expired at 3y.

I do know that after I started using a MBP at work the windows laptops did get significantly better battery life and overall didn't seem to wear out as fast as the old ones, but I had no desire to switch back.

Keep in mind that my use case / experience with laptops is only as a primary device at work. At home all our laptops have been portable devices for general use, taking on a trip etc. So the need (at home) for it to do everything doesn't exist for US.

No doubt, owning a MacBook in a windows house has its challenges. It was quite a pain getting printing working. Ultimately had.ti spin up a docker print server that supported airprint so I could print to my Multifunction Brother printer. That doesn't, however change my general opinion of the MacBook hardware and ease of use as a laptop compared to my experience with Windows machines.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (8 children)

Build quality vs. The aluminum build materials are not equivalent comparison

I'm a PC person, I do NOT like apple, however about 7 years ago I started traveling for work more and had the option to get a MacBook (at the time way way better battery, screen) than our windows laptops. I was just carrying a thin closed laptop with me around, and others had their laptop, a charge cable, and a mouse to achieve the same level of use.

I fell in love with the thing as a whole. Could go 8h on battery, didn't need a mouse, didn't use a mouse or external monitors like I did when "home" with my windows laptop.

I still do not like apple, own/owned many generations of Pixel phones, I build my own windows PCs (last winter the most recent)

But we replaced our old HP 360 which was also aluminum, flip/touch screen (still a nice laptop) with a MacBook Air M1 when they came out because of my experience in both longevity, quality, ease of mobility use (the touchpad).

Still a PC guy but the three (2 from work) MacBooks I've had have been pretty amazing.

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