[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Same I find it easy to gm and the players have enough of a grip of the system to be able to do something out of left field and I can find a way to make it work with the system so that play is smooth but consistent.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

They can have focus spells, my player enjoys gravity weapon a lot. But agreed the different subclasses all play very well and let you feel like you're a valuable asset to the team.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

They don't want to defederate from any other instance so I can decide if I don't want to view anything.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

I left on holiday for 3 weeks from the bakery I used to work at where I was the main line guy and handled the ordering and scheduling.

A few days before another line guy left as he was moving so this meant that between the 2 of us we used to do 6 days and the weekend so now the other 3 people trained on the line were going to have to do that some more.

I come back and in week 1 one guy quit as he literally couldn't handle the heat (the AC wasn't great so the line would easily get to about 100 F after being open for a few hours), week 2 another was fired because he wasn't keeping up with prep (but he was on the line 5 days so how was he supposed to), and then once I get back after another few days they fire number 3 who was also the kitchen manager because of how poorly the last few weeks had been.

I put my notice in there and then.

And that's how they lost 80% of their kitchen team in less than a month.


joined 1 year ago