submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Once again I go back to the Exiled Lands (Savage Wilds this time, actually), and once again I can't help editing ".../Conan Exiles/ConanSandbox/Config/DefaultGame.ini" to strip away the opening credits that I can't really skip otherwise or automatically. Not everyone is bothered by it and the wait time is the same, but I'm happier this way.

Do you have some quirk like that in your gaming life? Something that takes at least a bit of effort or research to make your setup just nice? Give me all your most silly and trivial examples. All praise mods that automate doors.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"Plan to follow, look to overtake". That's quite a simple rule that should be taught to everyone. It's a nice instructional video they won't put drivers in the defensive.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

I saw the same post and started writing something that went in a different direction, but that seems complementary. Basically, you don't have to respond.

I do believe you're responsible for what you write, but you're under no obligation to answer any and every kind of criticism that is thrown at you. You might have to read something that's hard or hurtful in the comments, which is fine if they are trying to follow the recommendations listed above, it's a process, but you don't have to accept an attack to your personhood or an attack to what you wrote without any explanation.

I understand the desire to make clarifications and being clearly comprehended, or defending oneself from attacks, but a direct response might be counterproductive. Say nothing, or go back and put amends to the original thoughts with an edit.

Also, and this is for all the parts involved, the discussion is not going anywhere. It will not get drown out in a sea of comments, you can take your time and come back later. More importantly, you'll likely see the same people around again. Take care of your community. Defend, understand, educate, be nice.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 weeks ago

I think it's about generating alt text for people with disabilities when they are missing from pictures.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It’s really a question. I was going to comment how the term sounds one-sided to me, decided to do a quick search and realized there’s some controversy to the idea. I’m from Brazil and we don’t have a term for that as far as I know, so there might be a linguistic component to the sentiment I have as well.

If I say someone is my ally, I’m automatically their ally. Right? We have a common cause, even if the specifics may differ. Or we have a single goal, mission, vision, desire, and so on. We are allies, we are together. Then we have this concept of ally that seems to exist to denote a separation. I’m an ally because I’m other. Or, I’m an ally because I don’t have the same experiences, therefore I can’t speak from the same place you stand.

The idea we have to understand we speak from different places is important, but drawing a line in the cause and putting allies to one side is weird. Let me put it this way. Instead of sounding like “understand your situation is different than my own”, it sounds more like “know your place”.

How do you feel about that? Am I missing something?

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was watching a video by Georgia Dow in which she talked about a study showing how fear drives people to be more conservative. What that reminded me of was the rationalization I keep stumbling upon almost every day lately: "the alternative is worse".

We are mostly not revolutionaries willing to die for a cause. We just want to live our quiet lives, so we pay the thugs that offer us protection from themselves. The alternative is worse.

I can't criticise people for trying to survive, but I think it's important to be honest with ourselves. It's all bad and the good option is really hard and a scary risk with too many sacrifices.

And let me get personal to drive the point home. Anxiety and depression are just my reality. I'm very isolated and avoid interactions as much as I can. I'm in a bad place and would totally tell you with great conviction that out there somewhere is worse. I also believe it could be amazing, but the chances of me suffering, actually, the certainty, makes me think it's not worth it even trying.

Anyway. Be kind kind to yourselves, be kind to all the others, but be honest.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

An article with the same themes for those who prefer to read: https://www.whatsonweibo.com/the-concept-of-involution-neijuan-on-chinese-social-media/

The video talks about the nature of competition at schools and workplaces, 996 working hours, the phenomenon of involution, and the extremes they have reached.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Transcript here: https://youtubetranscript.com/?v=zKcPGV6bGFM [you can skip to the first "(mellow music)" to avoid the ad]


I still don’t remember how I started watching a channel about primarily fashion, but the insights I get there would hardly come from anywhere else. This video reminded me of the media conflicts we are experiencing now, with big corporations pretending they have a symbiotic relationship with their audience / customers / employees while exploiting them for maximum gain.

The video talks about a marketing practice that makes use of influencers instead of big (expensive) celebrity names for their campaigns and how they basically work for free. About how brands manipulate both the people they work with and their audience.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

I think of money as one form of contribution. People should contribute more instead of simply asking from a place of entitlement.


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