[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Gaslight, deny, deflect. Anything to avoid facing how fucked we are.

I didn't say were weren't fucked to some degree of fucked. But I'm also not gonna blow it so out of proportion that I'm paralyzed and do nothing. Or worse, cry and moan and cause others to do nothing. Literally people are taking one fuck up and forgetting everything else. It's completely buying into the false narrative pushed by the GOP and ignores all the good Biden has done and the fact that 99% of his other speeches and debates have been completely fine. Many people have been... well, played.

The only reasonable course of action at this point is to stop whining, vote for Biden, and then raise hell to demand accountability from the DNC. Make it 100% clear that we will accept nothing less than a stellar candidate in 2028. At that point the danger from Trump will have largely passed and we can move forward.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Can you help me understand what Biden meant when he shouted “We finally beat Medicare!” I found that confusing.

Have you never once in your life misspoken? Have you ever been in a super stressful situation where you knew you were being judged in every possible way by a large number of people? I confess, I have. And I have screwed up badly a number of times. Forgot what I was saying, said the wrong words... all kinds of things.

Thankfully, I was not judged on my stumbling over my words but by the substance of what I had to say and the totality of my contributions. I prefer to judge others similarly.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

He fucked up. And the DNC fucked up by allowing him to run a second time (or a first, in my book). But people are human, shockingly. They do fuck up and they do say incoherent things (you'll understand when you get older, lol) and I'd rather have someone who spews gobblygook once in a while than someone who lies incessantly and spews gobblygook all the time.

Show me an alternative. Show me a viable path forward that ensures a second Trump presidency doesn't happen. If you haven't got that then there's really nothing more to discuss. We'll all hold our noses and vote for Biden and then raise hell to get a more reasonable candidate in 2028. Because at least then there will be a 2028 election.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Criticize Biden all you want. But he's not stepping down and there isn't a good alternative this late in the game. The DNC fucked up by allowing him to run the first time and then again by not demanding he not seek re-election. Just like they fucked up by fucking over Sanders.

And yet... these are the cards we have and we're not getting another hand. It sucks.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

I'm curious if you are an asshole in real life or just online where it's safe.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

If he steps down Trump is going to win.

Look, this is a terrible situation and the DNC is 100% responsible for fucking this up. Biden should never have sought a second term. But this is our awful reality right now and we have to deal with it in any way -that is available to us - that prevents a Trump 2nd term.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 23 hours ago

Greetings comrade!

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago

Or have you convinced yourselves this inane rambling isn’t a real, long term issue?

Inane rambling? You are talking about Trump, right?

[-] [email protected] 28 points 1 day ago

It's funny how the standard by which we judge Biden is so high, and the standard for Trump is so low. Like... "oh wow, orange man form complete sentence, he's really killin it" vs "omg Biden stumbled over his words and had one bad night, his candidacy is over".

[-] [email protected] 13 points 2 weeks ago

The difference is that jobs and places to work are extremely diverse. It's not always easy but you can find something that at least is a tolerable way to make a living. For most folks there are lots of options. With the education system... if you don't fit into that cookie-cutter hole, there are no alternatives except don't go, which is straight up illegal in a lot of places until your 18.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

No. I won’t change shit.

I know. Because you are so insecure that you need to be lonely and unloved. You need to be the victim.

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