
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Honestly the only thing I can think of is the competition recently to hack a satellite, maybe has drawn the ire of some script kids, or rather interest. [1][2][3] I LOT of educational and research stuff is quite open, and often very resistant to change as they value access/transmissibility over security in many cases where theres no real grounds (ie: its not national secrets etc). Some of these datasets are quite large.

Even still basic things like firewalls, key based access etc should be setupo. Heck if its a multi-million dollar instrument airgapping is probably worth its time. But i dunno. Just conjecture on my part.

The competition definately brought some attention [4]

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

FWIW he says this in the beginning of the video.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Eat it every Sunday. Family comes from three counties to join.

The pasta does get a very small amount in it after it’s strained. But pasta is never used for leftovers. More pasta is made if eaten the next day.

Again. Y’all do you.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 10 months ago (3 children)

MS goes out of their way to make shit harder than it needs to be.

For example. The store, they have a store for business where you can simply whitelist known apps buts it’s a PITA to setup AND they have been threatening to decom it for ages

Want to add safety/security features like secuirty keys. Well if you do it on a non domain joined machine you can just sign into a m365 account to enable a passkey or yuibijey as a second factor.

Want to do that in a business environment. Congrats now you have to deploy a windows CA and issue user certificates to tie to this. Even if you are signing the machine into m365 with ADAL.

They go out of their way to add complexity and failure points.

[–] [email protected] 80 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (8 children)

Tthe problem is now if you have the store disabled basic shit, like the ability to open .heic files is broken or use stuff people want like sticky notes is broken.

We turn off most of what we can’t but having the store enabled causes all sorts of stuff.

Also windows 11 has ads baked in even with the store disabled. Plug in a Logitech mouse, get a pop up for their software. Open the picture viewer and get an ad to install some video editor that isn’t clear whether it’s a Ms product or not.

No to mention basic things like copy paste and edit are now weird icons because I guess they think most users are illiterate.

Most of the 11 UI changes are not for the better. Having to beta test it for work is frustrating and I run an IT shop.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Not as uncommon as you would think. What normally do then is use the 6 month releases until the next LTS

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

I have been using this hub. Works fine in Linux and windows.

I also use this usb dongle for my Xbox controller. It works fine in Linux. I really should try playing a few games on Linux.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Yeah im similar. I still use 1080 monitors and just 2 at a regular workspace. Its about the perfect DPI for reading text. Things like 4k just make it harder or you have to bump up the fractional scaling, in which case why the more pixels?

Im fine to keep it to a laptop monitor when im mobile, and 2+laptop monitor for email when at a desk.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Beeper does want you to proxy your iCloud account through a Mac on their network for iMessage. You are logging into your iCloud account through their site. They are in effect using Mac minis in a farm to provide the service based on what I looked into (including self hosting it, but then you can’t use a beeper app, you need your own)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I would agree with most of what you said.

There are also a not-insignifigant number of people that struggle when at home 100%. Some people are rock stars and able to just get stuff done. But a lot of people are not, sadly, organized enough to handle such an unstructured environment and able to still be effective.

This isnt a new thing due to covid or the move, but a LOT of folks just do better with a hard separation of work/life and a lot of folks arent self aware enough to know they need it.

As someone that can and has worked remote, and chooses to come back, it can be frustrating working with people that struggle with these things, and I definitely see differences between home work and office work in some. I actually work in an office because its much easier to maintain balance. I tend to work too much from home and it causes burnout but I also have kids/family that come home early and dont really understand that just because im home doesnt mean i can sit down and talk at their convenience. What I mean is that work/life balanace is harder. So i choose to commute 99% of the time and can WFH when needed.

But i have one guy that had had this issue chronically for years where he often struggles to communicate, is easily distracted, often needed to be micro managed or have his tasks organized, prioritized and in some cases, even steps spelled out. He does well enough to mostly be of help (so hes not gonna get fired), but he complains about lack of upward mobility or lack of raises, but when the SHTF, hes always got excuses locked and loaded about why hes behind or cant complete a project/task.

Conversely I have a guy thats AMAZING from wherever. Never has issues and is always way ahead of the curve. Hes also full time remote but excels at it.

It just depends on the person in a lot of cases and frankly, in my very small use cases, many/most arent the type that are capable of the self discipline needed for the task. Now that said Im not at google or one of those places that hires rockstars in buckets, so they reasons they are RTO are likely different from my orgs.

Of my team, i would say at least a cool 60% are just much less....themselves from home and easily distracted. Either because they segment their life (which is fine and awesome, i do that too), or because they dont have a good setup at home, or because they are just too easily distracted at home.

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