
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Have you tried Floorp yet ? It's pretty good, you may find some things really neat coming from Vivaldi.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I tried both flatpak Steam and the non-flatpak one which comes with Bazzite. I gave it access through flatsel like usual, but when I tried to add the drive from within steam it just sat there doing nothing.

I have not encountered this issue on other distros.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Actually I don't have an igpu, I have an rx6600 and an i5 10400f.

I'm currently using Aurora-dx, is the switcheroo patch available there too ?


So a week ago I wiped my SSD and tried Kinoite and Bazzite. I switched mostly for a fresh Wayland experience with Plasma and also so that I don't spend too much time tinkering to solve some minor issues ( well it didn't go as expected).

I ended up settling with Aurora-dx because it's a good balance between Kinoite and Bazzite while still offering all the Ublue goodies.

Here are some things that I couldn't find fixes for even after I tried Reddit and the Ublue forums ->

1. Opening any Flatpak app or moving the cursor makes the display black out

I actually started experiencing this issue in other distros way before I switched to Kinoite / Ublue. After I've switched to AMD this was happening almost every time I turned on the computer.

(This is AMD specific) The issue can be fixed by setting a udev rule, like this :

sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/30-amdgpu-pm.rules

Then enter the following in the file :

KERNEL=="card0", SUBSYSTEM=="drm", DRIVERS=="amdgpu", ATTR{device/power_dpm_force_performance_level}="high"

Keep in mind that you may have "card1" instead of "card0" you can check it by doing an ls within


Alternatively if you just want your display to stop blacking out in your current session only then :

cat sys/class/drm/card1/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level >> high

2. Display turns off entirely in Fullscreen applications.

this is probably KDE specific, I do not know about Gnome

Display Configuration > Adaptive Sync > Never

This should fix it.

But when the computer wakes up after a sleep session, the issue could appear again. I don't think they have a fix for this yet.

3. Steam not able to add directories from any other location (including any folders in the same drive)

This is not a proper solution, It just happened to work for me so I thought I'd share.

Just symlink the Game directories you want to


like :

ln -s PATH_To_Game_Folder ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Game_Folder 

For the folks using flatpak steam the steam directory will be under .var/apps/

I personally use Bazzite-arch container for gaming and it has been working really well, although the game shortcuts don't work unless you start the container.

4. KDE plasma desktop and task manager panel frozen and crashes randomly.

This issue is likely related to any applets you have added to the panel or the desktop. For me this happened when I added the 'Network speed Indicator' and tried to resize the panel (strangely this never occurred to me in the past, but hey it's been a solid 5 years since I tried KDE or any DE for that matter)

The solution is to either delete or rename the following file to something else


Then restart the system. Plasma should create a new file which will essentially reset the panel and desktop settings to stock.

I hope that someone will find use in the contents of this post.


So a week ago I wiped my SSD and tried Kinoite and Bazzite. I switched mostly for a fresh Wayland experience with Plasma and also so that I don't spend too much time tinkering to solve some minor issues ( well it didn't go as expected).

I ended up settling with Aurora-dx because it's a good balance between Kinoite and Bazzite while still offering all the Ublue goodies.

Here are some things that I couldn't find fixes for even after I tried Reddit and the Ublue forums ->

1. Opening any Flatpak app or moving the cursor makes the display black out

I actually started experiencing this issue in other distros way before I switched to Kinoite / Ublue. After I've switched to AMD this was happening almost every time I turned on the computer.

(This is AMD specific) The issue can be fixed by setting a udev rule, like this :

sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/30-amdgpu-pm.rules

Then enter the following in the file :

KERNEL=="card0", SUBSYSTEM=="drm", DRIVERS=="amdgpu", ATTR{device/power_dpm_force_performance_level}="high"

Keep in mind that you may have "card1" instead of "card0" you can check it by doing an ls within


Alternatively if you just want your display to stop blacking out in your current session only then :

cat sys/class/drm/card1/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level >> high

2. Display turns off entirely in Fullscreen applications.

this is probably KDE specific, I do not know about Gnome

Display Configuration > Adaptive Sync > Never

This should fix it.

But when the computer wakes up after a sleep session, the issue could appear again. I don't think they have a fix for this yet.

3. Steam not able to add directories from any other location (including any folders in the same drive)

This is not a proper solution, It just happened to work for me so I thought I'd share.

Just symlink the Game directories you want to


like :

ln -s PATH_To_Game_Folder ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Game_Folder 

For the folks using flatpak steam the steam directory will be under .var/apps/

I personally use Bazzite-arch container for gaming and it has been working really well, although the game shortcuts don't work unless you start the container.

I hope this post helps someone out.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Rather than rebasing, would there be a way to to layer the Bazzite Optimizations (Kernel & scheduler Optimizations for gaming, not Lutris etc) on top of aurora-dx?


I have been using CachyOS for more than 6 months at this point and I'm pretty happy with it. Among the many distros I tried, this is probably my favourite arch based distro. I initially installed it because it offered Hyprland desktop, and I didn't want to bring over my messy config nor did I want to start from scratch. But sometimes when I want to game or when I wake up my computer from sleep the display would just keep blacking out and won't let me use it until I restart the computer (I am using an AMD GPU btw). This issue has been happening on Plamsa 6, and Gnome as well. I have tried various fixes from the ArchWiki but it's still there. Other than that I really liked the Distro.

It's not like changing distros can solve my moitor blacking out problem, but I'm going to try something based on Silverblue for a change. Yes, I have tried the Ublue project in the past, it was good but I couldn't get into the whole immutable thing back then, so I hopped back to my staple Arch/Tumbleweed and carried on. Fast forward to today.. I'm thinking about trying Bazzite or Aurora as the idea of having a low maintenance system is now very appealing to me.

I'm not necessarily a hardcore gamer but I do play games every other day and also run some LLMs locally every now and then. I'm not sure which one I should go for between Bazzite and Aurora. Maybe someone who has run both can give their opinion.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

I find Boost for lemmy to work really well for me. I also use Voyager as a backup.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Hah.. I used to search up an issue and see my own unanswered question on reddit as the first result. ಠ_ಠ

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Nah it needs more red, but it's getting there.


Looking forward to seeing some interesting jobs I haven't really thought about. Bonus points if it's an IT job.


I have been interested in psychology lately and was wondering if there is anything out there like the 'Philosophize This' podcast but for psychology.

I just need to dip my toes into a topic and if I'm interested I can read books about it later.


Lately I have found an interest in philosophy. I would love to dig deeper into it when I get the time.

I just started reading Seneca's Letters from a stoic and plan to read Tao te Ching next, as I always wanted to implement thoughts from Stoicism and Taoism in my life.

I'm aware that, randomly reading different philosophical works won't give me much in-depth knowledge.

I want to know what's a good way to go about it and the resources I could use.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Usually there won't be any issue in having 2 DEs. But if you uninstall the first DE after you install the second DE - it's possible to accidentally remove some common packages. This could result some weird behaviours, but the DE in most cases should still be usable.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

If you are comfortable with fedora and want KDE as your Desktop, then you could try out Fedora's KDE spin among other spins avaialble at

Also If you haven't already gotten familar with the command line, I recommend you do that as it's gonna be the same no matter what Desktop you choose to use. Plus it's gonna improve your Linux experience and your life.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Sponsorblock is built into piped.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Also checkout freetube. It's a desktop application. It can be configured to use invidious instances.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

'Open in new tab' and 'infinite scroll' options.

Oh and also.. Search suggestions as you type, that would be awesome.

I quite like this search engine as it is right now. The features I mentioned are all 'nice to haves' so it's not a big deal even if these are not added.

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