[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Is there a guide or any educational material on this? I'm about to swap to Linux (some fedora distro focused on gaming) and I'm interested in potentially one day swapping to arch after I've gotten my toes wet. Doing a bit of extra work and planning ahead to make that easier sounds nice.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

I'm currently deciding between nobara and vanilla arch, coming from windows (but am a software engineer). I like arch because, as I understand it, its lighter and more customisable. I also like that it's not corporate driven which potentially has conflict of interests (which I'm to understand red hat might). My biggest worry though is how much time I may spend maintaining an arch desktop and the possibility of hitting fail states too frequently. Obviously I can overcome some of that with good a good backup system, but I'd like to spend less nights working on my desktop and more time working on projects my desktop should enable. So I've been recommended Nobara as still cutting edge but more stable.

If anyone has some strong recommendations or thoughts I'd appreciate it. I think sticking as close to main is important and if fedora really does introduce issues I can always jump ship to arch or Debian after I've gotten my feet wet - but I'd like to not for as long as possible.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago

I just switched to Kagi because I liked the idea of a paid search engine who's aim was to remove the internet's clutter, not use any profile besides the one I create to show me results, and where I could weight certain sites that produce good content.

Reading the blog post the issues allegedly are:

  1. Privacy is not guaranteed, like with a 3rd party audit
  2. AI usage is growing not shrinking
  3. The business seems to be poorly run and could have a short lifespan

Is this correct?

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

This video was fantastic and I hope they keep this series up. I'm switching to Kagi from ddg because of this vid and I'll spend time this weekend looking into ente/immich and all the DNS options highlighted here.

Super excited. It's weird paying for email or search engines given they've always been free in my lifetime but the services have been noticeably worse as of late and I miss an Internet constantly bombarding you with things you should believe or buy.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

Just chiming in, I'm 28, American, immigrated to Germany. Can't speak for Lemmy but I migrated from reddit when they shut the APIs down. Just want a shelf stable Aggregate site where I can stay up to date on my favorite hobbies and periodically connect with other humans. A healthy political debate is good every now and then but I'm also in the camp that the answers for our current problems are well researched and pretty fuckin obvious so debates have gotten... Idk stale.

Generally Lemmy feels like reddit but smaller, less polluted, but also less connected with every niche major update.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

For these things I don't think you have to prove anything, just a report to your govs food agency could prompt an inspection - or so I think.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago

Having no experience in the service industry I don't have great advice so I'll just say I'm sorry you're going through this and I hope it gets better.

In gigs where politics matters more than output or social skills it can be hard to instigate change.

Is eating off of food a reportable offense to a health agency? That seems illegal or it should be.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I've been using Nord VPN for years. Maybe someone can educate me on why it's not good but I've had zero issues with it and it allows me to do everything I need to for a great price.


joined 1 year ago