
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

I saw people stating you *need* a proper computer, with keyboard and mouse, and while I do think that would indeed be ideal, there are some things that can be done through the phone.
One app that is not directly related to programming, but is a great way to setup a system for programming, and learn a lot about terminals and the linux system, is #termux (though I should warn you to NOT download it from the appstore, install it from #fdroid instead)
From there you can install many things you actually use for programming, like a compiler, text editors, python, and things that quite often courses pretend don't exist, by giving you everything already setup in a virtual environment (not saying that is never a good thing, just that it often leaves a gap between learning and actually doing).
Some sites I would also recommend for learning are https://www.learn-c.org/ for the C language and both https://mystery.knightlab.com/ and https://selectstarsql.com/ (in that order) for learning SQL. They're great because they let you type the code directly in a window for the problem, and execute right there, so it's pretty easy to do it from the mobile (though not ideal).
A nice place to learn more about web dev is directly from https://www.w3schools.com/ where there are great resources on #HTML #CSS and #JavaScript and many more. They also have interactive "try it yourself" spaces in most examples, so you can test the concepts directly on they're page.
For help with understanding termux, take a look ate their wiki pages at https://wiki.termux.com
Hope that helps, and hope you get to love it. If you want to talk about, feel free to send me a message.