[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

What service do I use for food?

My girlfriend mostly.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

Even I'm not THAT vegan

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Told the fiance of the girl I was secretly seeing that I would probably bang her tonight at her birthday party. I vaguely remember puking in the toilet that night but then woke up in the garage the next morning confused why everyone was giving me the stink eye.

I still feel really bad about it, like not even just how I told but the fact that I was even seeing her anyways. I was young, but that's not an excuse and I should've know better.

That night was a wake up call.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

You sound like qAnon, no matter what is said, you can always just say it's deepstate trickery.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

It sorta feels like you're either saying "dude your shortness is so impressive that I'm jealous" which doesn't make sense because that's kind of a strange thing to be proud of

It's not something to be proud or ashamed of, it's just a physical trait that says nothing about a persoms charcter. But tons of people feel less than or are mocked for these sorts of intrinsic traits. Consider queer people, "Pride" events aren't about being proud of a sexuality/identity. It's refusing to be shamed in the face of cultural taboos and social stigma, it's about self love and acceptance than showing off something others should be jealous of.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

It bothered me in high school but I found out shortly after it really doesn't matter that much if you carry yourself confidently.

Which is accurate and admirable, but for those still in high school feeling bothered, wouldn't the population of the term help them get to your head space faster? Terms of encouragement are a lot more valuable to the vulnerable than the secured.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Body positivity" is garbage. People should be honest and support healthy lifestyles

Feels like you are falling in to the same critism trap that catches "Pride" events, lots of people say that they can be proud of lots of things, not nessecarily an indentity or sexuality.

But pride is more about not feeling shame for things you can't control. Body positivity is about way more than overweight people, but being happy of who you are regardless of any stigma.

It's not my place to say people should like "short kings", I truly couldnt care less about individuals liking or disliking a given term. I just feel your reasoning would be better built upon infantalizing without attacking people that are fidng zen outside of unfair cultural stigma.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

And the very next thing you said was...

Imo as these become widespread, we’ll inevitably reach a point where nudes simply don’t matter. If anyone can create a nude of someone else with next to no effort in seconds, then a nude getting “leaked” would have next to no impact or relevance.

So yes, you apologized for assuming I didn't understand what I was talking about, but you then double down ignoring the harassment I was bringing up. I'm not interested in discussing any part of this with you, we already have gone round and round. I was just shocked, amazed to read you today and had to highlight your lack of self awareness in saying

“I’ve never experienced it so you must just be imagining it”

Harassment of women with deepfakes has no impact or relevance, because hostility to women only has no impact or relevance to you.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

But did Netayahu condemn Hamas while getting them funds?!?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Yeah but that's a different scenario all togther. Not all men are dangerous rapists, obviously. But enough are prone to assault and SA that it's statistically safer to have some random bear (possibly grizzly or teddy) than some random man. If you don't feel like the random guy walking down the street is dangerous, that's probably because random men on the street don't regularly harass you, which is unfortunately still a very common occurance to most women.

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