[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Yeah but that's a different scenario all togther. Not all men are dangerous rapists, obviously. But enough are prone to assault and SA that it's statistically safer to have some random bear (possibly grizzly or teddy) than some random man. If you don't feel like the random guy walking down the street is dangerous, that's probably because random men on the street don't regularly harass you, which is unfortunately still a very common occurance to most women.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

All the advice about going to HR is great, and you absolutely should.

But on a personal note, I'm really sorry you are dealing with this. Absolutely not even remotely okay for him to do this and you are well within your rights to force an end to this. Wildly unprofessional behavior and down right creepy behavior just on a personality level.

I hope you find peace from him soon.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Because they literally don't know a single other phycologist. Just as most people couldn't name a modern philosopher so would cite Socrates or Plato.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 2 months ago

40.1 C and 104 F.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

The replies to this comment sum up to

But jedi are the good guys cause they say they are the good guys.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

but humans driven to eat meat and without extremely strict enforcement global veganism is a fantasy.

I never said anything of the sort. Right from the start you've assumed a lot about me, I left a one sentance reply to an article I agreed with and you've built a straw version of me to argue with your over the top talking points. Stop putting words in my mouth because I agree that it's not realistic of feasebile for humanity to go off meat in either of our lifetimes.

What I am saying is that calling meat "humane" is an inherent contradiction and just a marketing term so people can feel better about their choice to eat meat. Just as "free range" or "cage free" chickens absolutely still live their lives in appaling conditions. It's whitewashing away treating life as a commodity.

Which is yuppie bullshit.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Tell me friend, do you also 💩 in a box?

Cats have no sense of morality, civilization, empathy, or agriculture. Our understanding of the world is greater and thus so is our responsibility to act more intelligently. I can't have a discussion with a cat, but you aren't a cat so it's asinine to use them as a metric on rational behavior.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

The acidity of our stomach alone is clear evidence we are evolved to eat meat, combine that with our need for B12, our teeth, length of intestines relative to other herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores puts the nail in the coffin for the idea that we are not meant to eat meat.

You wear shoes, statistically you probably wear glasses or contacts, all of us have back problems as we ags the idea that we should do what our body evolved to is honestly kinda ludicrous. I mean heck, we are talking through wifi, wires and electricity. We both drive a car to get food through major distribution chains. Nothing in our lives is natural.

Take some damn b12 supplements, the overwhelming majority of people, vegans and carnist alike, have a deficiency anyways.

Life eats life, that's how it works.

Yeah, but beans don't have a brain, nerve endings or a nervous system. Sure they are alive, but it's intellectual dishonest to think that a pigs and beans interact with the world in the same way. So yes, life eats life, but my life sustaining food doesn't feel pain. It has for over a decade now.

Like, I feel you should read the article? The idea that you can kill something ethically is cognitive dissonance.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

Humane meat and dairy is yuppie bullshit.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

No. Sorry, I know you're going for a joke and I don't wanna be a buzz kill. But it's still messed up to deadname. Doesn't matter if they are cis, trans or an asshole.

Look I totally agree he is a massive piece of shit. But so is Caitlyn Jenner and Blair White. Every single person everywhere has the right to their identity and to conceptualize themselves however they wish. And if we make respecting those choices, such as their name, contingent on good behavior that just signals to every trans person watching that we also have conditional respect to exist and function in society comfortable, safely and normally.

I'm not defending Ted, he is a major PoS, but defending the concept that no one can control how they were born and those circumstances should not be a limitation on how any one wished to live their life.

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