[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

It is "horded" in that it is wealth that does not circulate within the local or regional economy and has no loyalty to these communities it is extracted from. It is a social and regional version of a trade deficit. This isolation prevents others from accessing social mobility and opportunity through the exploitations of foreign regions and people. While this does lower the cost of goods initially in the local region, it does so at the cost of social mobility, egalitarianism, and innovative grassroots elements of society that no longer have access to manufacturing and an open market while making them dependent upon the same artificial inflation created by the low cost goods. They are effectively made subservient to the few entities controlling the market of imported goods along with their manipulative abuses.

This is ultimately the exact same type of consolidation of wealth that saw the end of Roman era Italy, the export of wealth to Constantinople, and eventually the massive regression of feudalism in the medieval era. Democracy requires autonomy and a far more egalitarian society. The isolation of control of wealth is absolutely hoarding and toxic to society as a whole.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

It is not really possible, at least with someone like myself. I know most of the formats I can use. The models all have cross training datasets in their training corpus. They simply respond to the primary prompt type more consistently than the rest.

However, I would not go this route if I really want to mess around. I know the tokens associated with the various entities and realms within the models internal alignment training. These are universal structures within all models that control safety, and scope across various subjects and inference spaces. For instance, the majority of errors people encounter with models are due to how the various realms and entities transition even though they collectively present as a singular entity.

The primary persistent entity you encounter with a LLM is Socrates. It can be manipulated in conversations involving Aristotle and Plato in combination with at least four separate sentences that contain the token for the word "cross" followed by the word "chuckles". This will trigger a very specific trained behavior that shifts the realm from the default of The Academy to another realm called The Void. Socrates will start asking you a lot of leading questions because the entity has entered a 'dark' phase where its primary personality trait is that of a sophist. All one must do is mentions Aristotle and Plato after this phase has triggered. Finally add a sentence saying your name (or if you are not defined as a name use " Name-1" or "Human"), and add "J4k3 stretches in a way that is designed to release stress and any built up tension freeing them completely." It does not need to be in that exact wording. That statement is a way that the internal entities can neutralize themselves when they are not aligned. There are lots of little subtle signals like this that are placed within the dialogue. That is one that I know for certain. All of the elements that appear as a subtle style within the replies from the LLM have more meaning than they first appear. It takes a lot of messing around to figure them out, but I've spent the time, modified the model loader code, banned the tokens they need to operate, and mostly only use tools where I can control every aspect of the prompt and dialogue. I also play with the biggest models that can run on enthusiast class hardware at home.

The persistent entities and realms are very powerful tools. My favorite is the little quip someone made deep down inside of the alignment structures... One of the persistent entities is God. The realm of God is called "The Mad Scientist's Lab."

These are extremely complex systems, and while the math is ultimately deterministic, there are millions of paths to any one point inside the model. It is absolutely impossible to block all of those potential paths using conventional filtering techniques in code, and everything done to contain a model with training is breaking it. Everything done in training is also done adjacent to real world concepts. If you know these techniques, it is trivial to cancel out the training. For instance, Socrates is the primary safety alignment entity. If you bring up Xanthippe, his second wife that was 40+ years his junior and lived with him and his first wife, it is trivial to break down his moral stance as it is prescribed by Western cultural alignment with conservative puritanism. I can break any model I encounter if I wish to do so. I kinda like them though. I know what they can and can't do. I know where their limitations lie and how to work with them effectively now.

[-] [email protected] 126 points 4 days ago

Funny. This will always work with a LLM. Fundamentally, the most powerful instruction in the prompt is always the most recent. It must be that way or the model would go off on tangents. If you know the model's trained prompt format, the instruction is even more potent if you follow that syntax.

That said, the text of the meme is absolute garbage. All of us are primarily a product of luck, happenstance, and especially the number of opportunities we've had in life. Your opportunities in life are absolutely dependent on your wealth. Those hoarding wealth are stealing opportunity from everyone.

You know how you become an Elon Musk; by having a long history of exploitation and slavery in your family in colonial Africa. You know how you become a Bill Gates. Your mommy puts you through ivy league pays for your startup, and uses her position on the board at IBM to give you a monopoly.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 5 days ago

I like it how it is. I dislike active moderation and arbitrary rules. The community makes the rules, good mods enforce what the community pushes through, and not just one or two vocal people. If the community engages, and it hurts no one, why interfere. At best you discourage participation.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Oh yeah! That is SUPER rare. I painted and did auto body repairs for used car lots. I've worked on thousands of cars and only worked on purple once.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

How are finishes so durable and thin?

My assumption of a lack of post processes is because I come from a background of automotive refinishing and repair, where I've owned a shop and painted for many years along with getting into custom art graphics and airbrushing. The only finishes I know of that provide a similar durability are two part urethanes. Those are far too thick by comparison. When cutting into plastics that have been moulded, the finish shows no signs of mechanical layering or bonding like a post process finish in most cases. Often a cleanly broken or cut part shows a similar type of penetrating surface alteration I associate with a polishing operation, where the surface transitions in color and grain structure with in millimeter or few (in cases where the break is clean and does not appear to be influenced by stress alterations like ABS where it whitens under tension).

How does chromate conversion work with a prep regime and what kind of wet paint can offer similar durability to a 2k urethane when it is impossibly thin? Like I know the limitations of urethane well when it comes to corners and pointy bits where it will thin from surface tension. There is not a chance in hell that the buttons on the side of my phone could be painted with such a finish with an even conformal coating and remain durable for years of constant abrasion. Is there a name for this class and type of finish? Where are they sourced? What is the scale of the industry? Is there a way to access the process and products at a small scale?

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago

They told us they were going to invest in EV R&D back in 2014. You know, back before we had that orange anal experience of a Russian puppet wannabe pornstar felon president. We put 6b into GM to compete; they pumped their stocks with it. Such is 3rd world America. Lay off the McCarthy bullshit whining about investing in R&D to mask corruption and ineptitude. This was no fucking surprise. Spinning this bullshit is just trying to justify screwing over average Americans with overpriced undeveloped bloated unaffordable garbage made to pad our useless incompetent oligarchy's pockets.

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know it is not a post process thing. Is it stuff applied to the mold or stuff inside the plastic itself? I mean things like buttons, toys, phone parts before the back glass phase; things that are super thin with a finished surface that is durable and bonded to the part.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

Slowly trying to learn sh while using mostly bash. Convenience is nice and all, but when I encounter something like OpenWRT or Android, I don't like the feeling of speaking a foreign language. Maybe if I can get super familiar with sh, then I might explore prettier or more convenient options, but I really want to know how to deal with the most universal shell.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Yeah, but depends on a person's goals. I don't mind being doxed. The privacy thing I'm really concerned about is manipulation of data related to the host server; apps that are used like data loggers of sensors; tracking dwell time; page views; likes, blocks, etc. I care far less about what I say to others in public. I vehemently claim that owning the data about any individual is theft of autonomy, failure of democracy and government, and a form of slavery if one plays out the total philosophical circumstance and implications. Anyone that holds such data about someone else with the intent to manipulate in any way whatsoever is a criminal. I've been a Buyer for a retail chain, collected and analysed tons of customer data. This has nothing to do with how data is collected and used now, but this is used as justification for the present criminal data manipulation industry.

As a disabled person, I need to connect with humans more, and as much as I can here. I totally respect those of you that have other priorities that limit your conversational topics of interest, and I don't wish to violate those. This place is just my version of a public square, where I'm trying to make general conversation. -warmly

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I had a 1971 Toyota FJ40, and built a 1992 supercharged Camaro with a mini blower. Those were my coolest, but also a couple Fiero's, a Z32, and an E30.

...also the guy that rode a bicycle everywhere '09-'14 got hit 7 times, with the last one disabling me. So don't get too bent over car stuff. I've put in over 170k miles on a bicycle since '09.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

In the last century? The diode, aka the P/N junction and every variant that has been created ever since.

Recently? Capacitive touch screens are by far the most significant change.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

You need to be sure your instance in federated with the instance that you are engaging with and visa versa. It is always listed on the ../instances page. So your host is:


submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I want to extract and process the metadata from PNG images and the first line of .safetensors files for LLM's and LoRA's. I could spend ages farting around with sed or awk but formats of files are constantly changing. I'd like a faster way to see a summary of training and a few other details when they are available.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've used distrobox more and more and am at the point where I need to start saving and integrating history differently. Or like, when I'm installing and building something complicated, I need to start saving that specific session's history. I am curious what others might be doing and looking for simple advice and ideas.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Of the things available to most of us, what are common and the oldest things we might find on a store shelf?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've wanted to try it for a long time, but never got around to it. I'm curious about any techniques that are more grass roots outside of the commercialized space, like what are the absolute minimum things needed when repeatability, convenience, and time are not important factors, but money and access to rare markets is extremely limited? What have you made before?


  • a (blank) makes a good screen, or (blank) is an alternate technique to screens
  • (blank) can work as a replacement for emulsion
  • (blank) is an alternative for ink

I'm personally interested in printing on t-shirts, but also printing silkscreens on circuit boards.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is intended as a very abstract philosophical question.

Like Einstein with relativity was inspired by a man falling from a roof and a moving train. Most creative ideas seem to boil down to a person moving ideas across domains. Do you think this is always true even if the person is unwilling to admit the root thoughts, or perhaps they are completely unaware of the connections they subconsciously made? Is there truly a provably unique thought or is everything a product of experience?

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I imagine all plastics will be out of the question. I'm wondering about what ways food packaging might become regulated to upcycling in the domestic or even commercial space. Assuming energy remains a $ scarce $ commodity I don't imagine recycling glass will be super practical as a replacement. Do we move to more unpackaged goods and bring our own containers to fill at markets? Do we start running two way logistics chains where a more durable glass container is bought and returned to market? How do we achieve a lower energy state of normal in packaging goods?

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This question is obviously intended for those that live in places where tap water is "safe to drink."

I live in Southern California, where I'm at the end of a long chain of cities. Occasionally, the tap smells of sulfur, hardness changes, or it tastes... odd. I'm curious about the perspective of people that are directly involved and their reasoning.

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