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[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

Agreed. First playthrough should 100% be vanilla. I do mod a few things on subsequent playthroughs though. Personally I like to give myself infinite paragon/renegade (through a save editor), because I like being able pick a renegade option when I think my Shepard would do that, without having to worry about maxing my paragon for important choices. I also prefer playing biotic classes because they're more fun, but want a sniper rifle, so I mess with the save to give sniper rifle competency to my class in ME1. Finally I'm trying the happy ending mod this playthrough to see if I like it.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 months ago

Femshep is the best way to play, the voice acting is so good!

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Mass effect is one of my favorite series ever! I've played through the trilogy at least half a dozen times now. It's my cozy game I always have a playthrough going in.

Mass effect 1 was incredible for its time, and still pretty good today. The biggest mistake I see people make is not talking to everyone on the ship in between missions (this is true for the whole series); if you don't you'll miss the best part of the game. Also make sure to pick an interesting class, probably something with biotics. Infiltrator and soldier are boring to play compared to sentinel or biotic.

Mass effect 2 was the game that shifted the series from an RPG to a cover shooter. The mechanics were much better, but it removed some of the fun. I remember the first time I played it I was heartbroken the citadel was so much smaller than in the first game. I'd say 2 has the best DLCs of the trilogy (Shadowbroker is unrivaled). I love the structure of 2 as well, but there's definitely a few gotchas where if you do a mission too soon it'll lock you out of finishing important side quests if you want a good ending.

Mass effect 3 is great, the mechanics are more mature than 2, the story and "omg" moments are the best in the series; and (especially with the DLCs) it really fleshes out the backstory of the galaxy and races in a way the first two games didn't. I do wish the team on the ship was a bit bigger, but the citadel dlc is definitely a close second best in the series; and makes up for it imo.

As for the ending of 3 (mild mood spoilers):

spoilerI like my games to have a happily ever after ending, and that there really isn't one kinda bums me out. I get why the writers did it, and I don't fault them for it; but I'm looking forward to my current playthrough using the happy ending mod for a non cannon ending that won't leave me kinda sad after finishing the game haha

So all in all, I think the trilogy is incredible, and everyone should try it. That said you've gotta go in with an idea of how to play it (this is true for all the games, but especially 1), because the games will let you miss a lot of stuff (like crew interactions, important side missions that affect the ending of the game and encounters in later games, etc.). It's definitely a trilogy that's better the second time through bc of it, or just find a good non spoiler guide/video for tips.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

That type of error is usually indicative of hdd issue. I only mentioned NVMEs because they tend to fail all at once, without recovery options. Spining disks usually fail slower (but not always). Take a peek at smart info, maybe run a scan. My guess is the cord got jostled though tbh

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Fedora is a great OS. They also bought CoreOS a while ago and rolled it into their own offerings (fedora Coreos and RHEL Coreos). They're also the primary developers of Pipewire, the de facto replacement for PulseAudio and potentially Gstreamer.

It's really sad, in a fluke they've embraced, expanded, and extinguished OSS projects by making themselves the linchpin, and then selling to IBM. Goes to show that you should never trust those even with the best intentions, as they can eventually sell out.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (3 children)

Personally I'd be worried there's a transient disk issue. I'd ensure my backups are good and files aren't being silently corrupted. I assume you're on an NVME, they tend to fail instantly, but sometimes you'll get transient file errors beforehand (like not being able to open a system library). Look at something like debsums to start with maybe.