[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

One of the things I really like about Fate as a rules system, is that is built in. Every character has a Trouble and other aspects. So if your trouble is like "Manners of a goat", you can be like "Wouldn't it be fun if I completely insulted the Baron at this dinner??" If everyone agrees, you get a fate point.

The DM can also "compel" you on aspects in a similar way.

One of my players has an outstanding bounty and there's been a lot of "You know what this scene needs? Razor to show up." compels.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 day ago

That's what I always say. Targeted advertising should be illegal. Contextual advertising is acceptable.

If I'm on the star trek wiki, serve me ads for star trek, sci-fi, and whatever. You don't need to know anything about me specifically.

We'd still need to do something about like ads that take up too much space, hurt page performance, or introduce malware, but removing the stalking would be an improvement

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

I'm more of a Himedere, and it's a lot of fun when the group is into it.

I did a really good dungeon with a puzzle once. Part of how it worked resulted in players unexpectedly getting split up and not being able to find their way back, while also being at risk of freezing to death. One of the players was like "I've never been so stressed in my life", but like in a good way, and I took that as the highest praise. I was so proud of them when they figured out the dungeon

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I had fun with my warlock familiar, Vincenzo. He had the "Vincenzo Special" where he'd invisibly fly up to someone in combat and rip one straight from the depths of hell to flavor his Help action. I'm still a little bit a teenage boy I guess.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

Healthy parenting would go a long way. See some of the other comments in this thread.

You can also have settings on your local network. If you're afraid of your kid casually finding something inappropriate, you can set that up stuff locally without involving the government. A determined kid will still find a way to get stuff, so this is more a safeguard against accidental discovery.

Investing in quality education would also benefit everyone.

[-] [email protected] 84 points 5 days ago

the only way to protect kinds (like little me) is to block the porn.

This is false.

Parents have a number of options available to them that do no need to involve the state.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

This is what I always say. Put the tickets in order and we'll do them.

Management always pushes back.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah I don't think this covers externalized costs

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Friend of mine never got their driver's license. They live in NYC and don't need one. They also were concerned about safety- they have ADHD and are prone to inattentiveness, and they didn't want to be driving a car when that manifested.

I have a license but I also live in NYC. I don't need to drive. It's pretty great. It's expensive in time money space and externalized costs, and it's often less effective than just taking public transit.

Unfortunately most of the US is resistant to investing in mass transit and density, so it's going to be shitty car-first spaces for a while.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

A verbal secret passphrase to identify yourself to your family would be pretty smart.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Most of the subway smells fine.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I am going to get a lot of use out of that URL.

I've been telling people they need to put a dollar in the jar when they do that, but I haven't actually been enforcing it.

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