[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Wikipedia requires attribution, which AI scrapers never give.

It is "public" work, but under a license.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Then maybe it shouldn't grow.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

It seems a very valid reason to give up your privacy.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

It's brigading when you don't like their opinion.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Which features do the lack?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Doesn't it seem that this problem is caused by Google not operating the markets in the same way?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Why would you import used devices from the US in the first place? People sell them in Europe too.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I don't know what you are on about, but if brand-new Pixels are too expensive for you (although their price is uniformed to the US one), you can easily find them second-hand.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago

I've read some lemmy users dislike this OS due to perceived misleading advertising and the pixel 7a you're supposed to install graphene on because it's from google

There is no misleading advertisement. Go with Graphene if you own a Pixel (from Pixel 5 up) or you can find a cheap second-hand one.

there is so much false information about this OS, namely compatible phones that simply don't work

Care to share which devices are you talking about? If a device is officially supported by the latest LineageOS version, it works.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Follow up to https://kbin.social/m/[email protected]/t/700738

cross-posted from: https://derp.foo/post/544012

There is a discussion on Hacker News, but feel free to comment here as well.

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