[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago

This happens when a small project has 12 developers each scratching their own itch in their own time, not a team of 120 developers getting paid to work on the same itch 8 hours a day.

In the case of FreeCAD they're actually starting to reign in and focus more now, and there are more contributors.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Instead of one super chunky battery, how about a laptop with replaceable batteries, in combination with a UPS?

UPS is so you can actually replace the laptop battery with a spare one , even during a power outage. Just run the laptop on AC from the UPS while changing batteries. Or see if you can find a UPS with a long lasting battery. Entry level ones only have like 15-30 minutes of battery life though, since they're more intended for safe shutdowns or brownouts.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

Probably more what MangoKangoroo and B0rax talked about, that enterprises can opt out of this telemetry, due to compliance or Intellectual Property protection.

So only the commoners get mandatory full-scale surveillance, Ehm I mean "ai enhancement"

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

I hope you're joking about rebooting to Windows for paint 😁

But just in case, and for the benefit of others: KolourPaint

It's basically KDE Paint, and works great as a simple image editor

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

The biggest problem with Discord is that its an information black hole. Its not properly searchable and not indexed by search engines.

Discord is fine for casual chat, but horrible when used for forum-type discussions and even worse when used for documentation.

You see the same problems being discussed and solved again and again, but you cant just "link" someone the solution like you could with a forum thread cause its spread out over 3-10 chat messages that are interleaved in-between other topics being discussed in the same room

Anything of long-term value for the project (forum-type discussions, documentation etc) should not recide in Discord

[-] [email protected] 12 points 9 months ago

Sadly Obsidian is not open source or free as in free speech. For individuals it is free as in free beer though

[-] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Git Bash also works quite well without WSL (but I think it just uses Cygwin under the hood)

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

There's also Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor. It's available from the Windows store, and works amazingly well on Windows, fast snappy and (almost?) just as featurefull as on Linux. I use it side by side with Notepad++

[-] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Thanks for sharing, Markor looks promising

Markor also has support for Zim Wiki, so I tried it out with some files from my Zim Desktop Wiki notebook, and it sortof works! Markor renders correctly, though I had some problems getting embedded images to work, because Markor didn't find the images using the same relative URLs as Zim Desktop Wiki uses.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Hmm, yeah there's no mention of cloud sync, and it advertises using "androids native SQLite database" as storage backend, which I imagine means you can't use a third party sync app like FolderSync or Nextcloud app which works with files.

"This project showcases the Good implementation of Android with proper architecture design"

Is hiding away text notes in a database rather than plain text files really what's considered "proper architecture design" these days?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Cool, Obsidian didn't even cross my mind, thanks for the suggestion.

For mobile, just reading and ticking of existing items covers the main use cases for me. And sometimes adding new items too. That's soo cool that the Sleek Dev added support for arbitrary extensions. I love when FOSS Apps become interoperable on the same dataset like that. Yay for data portability :D

Time to try out Obsidian then

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

True, and so all honour to the creators for remaining FOSS, especially smaller projects spearheaded by a single dev

Altough usually when a shift like that happens in bigger projects there's a community fork, and the original project withers. Like Owncloud -> Nextcloud , OpenOffice -> LibreOffice, MySQL -> MariaDB

You could argue there's some degree enshitification through the Ubuntu snapification driven by Canonical. Although that's not so much about making Ubuntu deliberately worse, it's more moving Ubuntu forward in a way that aligns with Canonical's strategic goals. So its "paying the strategy tax" rather than direct enshitification.

For collaborative projects like Linux I believe every contributor would need to agree to any license change, which is practically impossible

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