
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (2 children)

Pigs are the original artist’s muse.

Well... that seems accurate, in the light of Ancient Greek slang. Like using χοῖρος/khoîros "pig" to refer to the vagina.

[Sorry. I couldn't resist being pedantic and vulgar at the same time.]

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Small tidbit that I found interesting:

Finally, the urn in L-8 not only contained bone remains and a gold ring carved with Jano Bifronte, but it was also filled to the brim with a reddish liquid.

That ring was likely something that the deceased wore in life, either as an ornament or to show their "role" in society. Still, the fact that a funeral item was carved with Janus - the god of the beginnings and ends - seems fitting.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, it's actually good. People use it even for trivial stuff nowadays; and you don't need a pix key to send stuff, only to receive it. (And as long as your bank allows you to check the account through an actual computer, you don't need a cell phone either.)

Perhaps the only flaw is shared with the Asian QR codes - scams are a bit of a problem, you could for example tell someone that the transaction will be a value and generate a code demanding a bigger one. But I feel like that's less of an issue with the system and more with the customer, given that the system shows you who you're sending money to, and how much, before confirmation.

I'm not informed on Tikkie and Klarna, besides one being Dutch and another Swedish. How do they work?

[–] [email protected] 34 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Brazil ended with a third system: Pix. It boils down to the following:

  • The money receiver sends the payer either a "key" or a QR code.
  • The payer opens their bank's app and use it to either paste the key or scan the QR code.
  • The payer defines the value, if the code is not dynamic (more on that later).
  • Confirm the transaction. An electronic voucher is emitted.

The "key" in question can be your cell phone number, physical/juridical person registre number, e-mail, or even a random number. You can have up to five of them.

Regarding dynamic codes, it's also possible to generate a key or QR code that applies to a single transaction. Then the value to be paid is already included.

Frankly the system surprised me. It's actually good and practical; and that's coming from someone who's highly suspicious of anything coming from the federal government, and who hates cell phones. [insert old man screaming at clouds meme]

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

That's some great read.

Those muppets (alt right talking about antiquity) are a dime a dozen. You see a lot of them in 4chan, too. They look at the past with a "the grass was greener" mindset, cherry picking stuff to justify their political bullshit, without a single iot of critical thinking.

And they usually suck at understanding the past, as their cherry picking doesn't allow them to get a picture of how and why things happened. They obsess over the Roman Empire and Sparta, but when you talk about the Republic or Athens they go into "lalala I'm not listening lalala" mode - because both contradict their discourse of "we need a strong rule, like people in the past, to fight against degeneracy".

They'll also often screech if you mention why Octavius adopted the title of "imperator" (emperor) instead of "rex" (king). Because guess what, once they acknowledge why people in Republican Rome saw kings with disdain (kingdom = primitive system and breeding grounds for tyranny), all their political discourse goes down the drain, so Octavius had to "sell" his stupid idea under a different name.

Don't tell them about the Aurelian Moors, by the way. Or Caracalla's familiar background. Or do tell them, if you enjoy seeing them screech.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Do you mind if I address this comment alongside your other reply? Both are directly connected.

I was about to disagree, but that’s actually really interesting. Could you expand on that?

If you want to lie without getting caught, your public submission should have neither the hallucinations nor stylistic issues associated with "made by AI". To do so, you need to consistently review the output of the generator (LLM, diffusion model, etc.) and manually fix it.

In other words, to lie without getting caught you're getting rid of what makes the output problematic on first place. The problem was never people using AI to do the "heavy lifting" to increase their productivity by 50%; it was instead people increasing the output by 900%, and submitting ten really shitty pics or paragraphs, that look a lot like someone else's, instead of a decent and original one. Those are the ones who'd get caught, because they're doing what you called "dumb" (and I agree) - not proof-reading their output.

Regarding code, from your other comment: note that some Linux and *BSD distributions banned AI submissions, like Gentoo and NetBSD. I believe it to be the same deal as news or art.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Sometimes. Sometimes it’s more accurate than anyone in the village.

So does the village idiot. Or a tarot player. Or a coin toss. And you'd still need to be a fool if your writing relies on the output of those three. Or of a LLM bot.

And it’ll be reliably getting better.

You're distorting the discussion from "now" to "the future", and then vomiting certainty on future matters. Both things make me conclude that reading your comment further would be solely a waste of my time.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

3. If you lie about it and get caught people will correctly call you a liar, ridicule you, and you lose trust. Trust is essential for content creators, so you're spelling your doom. And if you find a way to lie without getting caught, you aren't part of the problem anyway.

[–] [email protected] 52 points 3 weeks ago (16 children)

For writers, that "no AI" is not just the equivalent of "100% organic"; it's also the equivalent as saying "we don't let the village idiot to write our texts when he's drunk".

Because, even as we shed off all paranoia surrounding A"I", those text generators state things that are wrong, without a single shadow of doubt.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Think on the available e-books as a common pool, from the point of view of the people buying them: that pool is in perfect condition if all books there are DRM-free, or ruined if all books are infested with DRM.

When someone buys a book with DRM, they're degrading that pool, as they're telling sellers "we buy books with DRM just fine". And yet people keep doing it, because:

  • They had an easier time finding the copy with DRM than a DRM-free one.
  • The copy with DRM might be cheaper.
  • The copy with DRM is bought through services that they're already used to, and registering to another service is a bother.
  • If copy with DRM stops working, that might be fine, if the buyer only needed the book in the short term.
  • Sharing is not a concern if the person isn't willing to share on first place.
  • They might not even know what's the deal, so they don't perceive the malus of DRM-infested books.

So in a lot of situations, buyers beeline towards the copy with DRM, as it's individually more convenient, even if ruining the pool for everyone in the process. That's why I said that it's a tragedy of the commons.

As you correctly highlighted that model relies on the idea that the buyer is selfish; as in, they won't care about the overall impact of their actions on the others, only on themself. That is a simplification and needs to be taken with a grain of salt, however note that people are more prone to act selfishly if being selfless takes too much effort out of them. And those businesses selling you DRM-infested copies know it - that's why they enclose you, because leaving that enclosure to support DRM-free publishers takes effort.

I guess in the end we are talking about the same

I also think so. I'm mostly trying to dig further into the subject.

So the problem is not really consumer choice, but rather that DRM is allowed in its current form. But I admit that this is a different discussion

Even being a different discussion, I think that one leads to another.

Legislating against DRM might be an option, but easier said than done - governments are specially unruly, and they'd rather support corporations than populations.

Another option, as weird as it might sound, might be to promote that "if buying is not owning, pirating is not stealing" discourse. It tips the scale from the business' PoV: if people would rather pirate than buy books with DRM, might as well offer them DRM-free to increase sales.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Does this mean that I need to wait until September to reply? /jk

I believe that the problem with the neolibs in this case is not the descriptive model (tragedy of the commons) that they're using to predict a potential issue; it's instead the "magical" solution that they prescribe for that potential issue, that "happens" to align with their economical ideology, while avoiding to address that:

  • in plenty cases privatisation worsens the erosion of the common resource, due to the introduction of competition;
  • the model applies specially well to businesses, that behave more like the mythical "rational agent" than individuals do;
  • what you need to solve the issue is simply "agreement". Going from "agreement" to "privatise it!!!1one" is an insane jump of logic from their part.

And while all models break if you look too hard at them, I don't think that it does in this case - it explains well why individuals are buying DRM-stained e-books, even if this ultimately hurts them as a collective, by reducing the availability of DRM-free books.

(And it isn't like you can privatise it, as the neolibs would eagerly propose; it is a private market already.)

I'm reading the book that you recommended (thanks for the rec, by the way!). Under a quick glance, it seems to propose self-organisation as a way to solve issues concerning common pool resources; it might work in plenty cases but certainly not here, as there's no way to self-organise people who buy e-books.

And frankly, I don't know a solution either. Perhaps piracy might play an important and positive role? It increases the desirability of DRM-free books (you can't share the DRM-stained ones), and puts a check on the amount of obnoxiousness and rug-pulling that corporations can submit you to.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

The article doesn't mention the size, but the stem is 15~30cm long, and most of its height. For comparison some ferns reach 100x that size.

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