[-] [email protected] 38 points 9 months ago

Here's a list of them that all did one good thing in 2021

[-] [email protected] 19 points 9 months ago

There was a brief moment where I thought video games had to program every possible combination of pixels so it could react appropriately to what I was doing at any given time in a game. I had no idea how things rendered. I didn't know they were individual sprites that animated separately. Thought it was all just one big thing and they had to draw every single possibility with nothing dynamic going on.

Then I played Wolfenstein 3D on PC and realized how impossible that would be in 3D. Funnily enough, those little pocket games they had in the 80s and 90s like Game & Watch kinda were doing exactly what I thought every game was doing, but they were much simpler games for a reason.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

The uncertainty is awful. It took me ten years to get diagnosed with anything. I had so many doctors that thought I was just seeking pain pills. I had to beg a primary care physician to refer me to a rheumatologist. The rheumatologist guessed what I had within 5 minutes. A few blood tests, X-rays, and an MRI later and I had a diagnosis. Ten years and then someone guesses it in 5 minutes. Autoimmune diseases are weird like that.

I'm also incredibly pro-vax, but those things knock me on my ass for days. Seems pretty common for people with autoimmune diseases.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 10 months ago

Thanks for looking out for us. I wish more people looked at it the way you do. It's been really weird seeing headlines since 2022 that excitedly proclaim "hey its only old people and disabled people dying now!"

[-] [email protected] 13 points 10 months ago

it even helps my sinus’ when I’m cleaning the house.

One of the best parts about having a bunch of cloth masks from early in the pandemic is they're great for cleaning. I wear one when I clean my cats' litterboxes every day.

I wear N95s outside the house, but cloth masks have still proven useful.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago


as in "no dip"

[-] [email protected] 34 points 10 months ago

I'm so sorry, it's not a good time. I hope you find treatment that offers some level of relief.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 10 months ago

thank you

warning potentially big emotemeow-hug

[-] [email protected] 32 points 10 months ago

also the flu is absolutely not harmless, we are extremely lucky that it's seasonal (unlike covid)

[note: this is not me saying covid is not harmless, it is extremely harmful]

[-] [email protected] 154 points 10 months ago

I want to share my experience as a disabled person, because I think it's very easy to simply not notice our non-existance:

I don't exist anymore. I'm a hermit. It's been years since I've done anything in public. I go to the rheumatologist, I go to a lab to get blood tests, and once a year I get an x-ray to make sure I don't have TB. I don't do anything else. There's about a two week period where being outside isn't some unbearably high or low temperature that exacerbates my condition.

Please care about covid. Just, please. Do it for people like me if that helps you, but mostly do it for yourself. This virus can make you like me and it's miserable (I was sick before Covid, but Covid is known to trigger autoimmune conditions which are the primary cause of my suffering).

[-] [email protected] 32 points 10 months ago

its good, been enjoying it for ~3 years now

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