[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago

I agree, Israel has committed far too much horror to be ignored, but at the same time I wouldn't consider them to be representing any "religious group". They only represent themselves and their supporters, some of which are diverse in religious background.

[-] [email protected] 49 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Corbyn is yet another proof of the hopelessness of Western electoral politics. Just merely viewing Arabs as human gets you disqualified and destroys your political career, when he was a major reason for the party's success to begin with.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Please demonstrate how the example I gave above can be done with common scripting tools, such it would mimic the declarative experience I described. I don't think it is possible as you claim.

Can you please point to where I deflected any questions? I looked and could not find any instances of such.

I actually answered the question "why", please refer to previous comments. It is also answered in the main post. But I will rephrase and summarize again here:

  • when creating a container image that requires certain applications installed, most dockerfiles explicitly install the dependencies of said applications as well. With my tool, you only declare the package you need, and it will resolve dependencies automatically and install them for you.
  • the above would work with distroless containers too, as the package manager used is outside of the produced container.
[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

They already have been

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

They already have been

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Distroless is not core to the idea. It's only a nice to have. The main point is the composability, Declarative design, etc.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

the base image is nodejs

Which has its own dockerfile. My proposed tool would allow using other images as base too, but that is not the problem it is solving.

copy your app

Well you'd have to have it compiled or built if that is required in your case. With my system, the build recipe would be a gentoo ebuild (shell-script-like) that you would just reference.

The example I gave is pretty simple, you're right. Say in another case, you list the following packages:

nodejs, nginx, vpn-app(wireguard), some-system-monitoring-app, my-app

You could start with a nodejs base or an nginx base, and then write the steps to install the other. You'd also have to make sure to get all the deps if they have them.

You're unlikely to find a ready image that has all what you want. But with my method, you can compose different ones however you like, rather than having to find an image that matches your exact use case.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I had a feeling nixos would have something, but I avoided it because it seemed more than a day's worth of learning (and also its a bit opinionated). But I will revisit it one day!

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

Did not know about apko. I am not attached to distroless, just thought it was a nice to have. So apko might be a reason I don't pursue this project anymore. Thanks for showing me!

Your comment is very insightful for other reasons too. Thanks a lot :)

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The package manager would not be part of the container image. The package manager is only used to build it. The container image will only include the packages the user specifies.

combining portions of images as multi-stage builds

That's something I am making use of for this, actually :)

What you're describing not only already exists...

Can you please give an example of a tool that can build a container image by being given only a list of packages it needs to have?

My tool would be as simple as doing something like this:

build-container --packages nodejs-20.1.1, yarn-4.2.2, some-app-i-made-1.0.0

And I would have a container that only has nodejs binary, yarn, and my own app. no package manager or any utils.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am thinking to make the following tool, but wanted to get opinions before I embark on this journey.

The tool builds container images.

The images are optionally distroless: meaning, they do not include an entire distro. They only include the application(s) you specify and its dependencies.

What else does the tool give you?

  • the build tool uses a package manager to do dependency resolution, so you don't have to manually resolve them like many docker files do. (NOTE: The package manager is not installed on the container image. It is only used by the build tool)
  • uses gentoo's portage to build the software from source (if not previously cached). This is helpful when you're using versions of software that aren't built against each other in the repos you download from
  • allows specifying compile flag customizations per package.
  • makes use of gentoo's existing library of package build or install recipes, so that you only have to write them for uncommon apps rather than in every docker file.

I find it crazy that so many dockerfiles are doing their own dependency resolution when we already have package managers.

What do you think? Is this tool useful or am I missing a reason why it wouldn't be?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Sheinbaum is better than those two, but not as much as you think. Her mayorship and her party have good relations with Israel, cooperated with the US in violence against migrants, and silenced protestors.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Pharma investors have a solid position and are already racking big profits from the continuous model of insulin treatments. A cure would be a detriment to their profits, so it's not something they're interested in funding.

No investor nowadays thinks a one-time-payment product is worthwhile. We're already way past that.

This isn't to mention that if you were an investor who decided you wanted to go ahainst that, that the other mega corporations (with more funds than most of those 5% individuals) wouldn't engage in anti competitive practices to shut you down. Many companies had good products but still ultimately failed. I mean hell, the boeing events have shown us the lengths a corporation is willing to go to protect its profits, and that's just what we heard of.

Unfortunately capitalism does not allow innovation to flourish like many of us were taught to believe.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I understand that nvidia support for wayland is lacking, but I know it's possible.

For context, I was using sway 1.8 for a while (no official support for nvidia). It was working almost perfectly, only minor issues. After the update to 1.9, I get constant flickering.

I can downgrade to 1.8, but the fact that 1.8 was working tells me that it is possible for a window manager to work well for nvidia. The problem is the sway team does not want that headache (understandably so).

Are there any alternatives that work well with nvidia?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Bspwm has many appeals, and I do not want to focus on those. I want to focus on binary-tree separation of windows and its benefits vs alternatives. What's the appeal?

For comparison, Sway and i3 allow for the v-split and h-split layout, so you can have 2 or more windows split side by side. You can nest them, so it is sort of an n-ary tree. It feels a lot more powerful.

So why the binary tree? The others seem richer and more capable. Bspwm is marketed as more powerful than i3 but it seems the other way around?

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This meme is from 2004. History repeats itself.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I often daydream about how society would be if we were not forced by society to pigeon hole ourselves into a specialized career for maximizing the profits of capitalists, and sell most of our time for it.

The idea of creating an entire identity for you around your "career" and only specializing in one thing would be ridiculous in another universe. Humans have so much natural potential for breadth, but that is just not compatible with capitalism.

This is evident with how most people develop "hobbies" outside of work, like wood working, gardening, electronics, music, etc. This idea of separating "hobbies" and the thing we do most of our lives (work) is ridiculous.

Here's how my world could be different if I owned my time and dedicated it to the benefit of my own and my community instead of capitalists:

  • more reading, learning and excusing knowledge with others.
  • learn more handy work, like plumbing and wood working. I love customizing my own home!
  • more gardening
  • participate in the transportation system (picking up shifts to drive a bus for example)
  • become a tour guide for my city
  • cook and bake for my neighbors
  • academic research
  • open source software (and non-software) contributions
  • pick up shifts at a café and make coffee, tea and smoothies for people
  • pick up shifts to clean up public spaces, such as parks or my own neighborhood
  • participate in more than one "professions". I studied one type of engineering but work in a completely different engineering. This already proves I can do both, so why not do both and others?

Humans do not like the same thing over and over every day. It's unnatural. But somehow we revolve our whole livelihood around if.

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