[-] [email protected] 1 points 12 hours ago

If both AMD/Intel and Qualcomm do a good job with their core design and the same process node is used, I don't see how a translation layer can be any faster than a CPU natively supporting the architecture. Any efficiency advantages ARM supposedly has over x86 architecturally will vanish in such a scenario.

I actually think the efficiency of these new Snapdragon chips is a bit overhyped, especially under sustained load scenarios (like gaming). Efficiency cores won't do much for gaming, and their iGPU doesn't seem like anything special.

We need a lot more testing with proper test setups. Currently, reviewers mostly test these chips and compare them against other chips in completely different devices with a different thermal solution and at different levels of power draw (TDP won't help you much as it basically never matches actual power draw). Keep in mind the Snapdragon X Elite can be configured for up to "80W TDP".

Burst performance from a Cinebench run doesn't tell the real story and comparing runtimes for watching YouTube videos on supposedly similar laptops doesn't even come close to representing battery life in a gaming scenario.

Give it a few years/generations and then maybe, but currently I'm pretty sure the 7840U comfortably stomps the X Elite in gaming scenarios with both being configured to a similar level of actual power draw. And the 7840U/8840U is AMD's outgoing generation, their new (horribly named) chips should improve performance/watt by quite a bit.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 14 hours ago

Not sure why you'd want an ARM-based handheld to play PC games at this point in time. Pretty much all PC games are available in x86 only, and any efficiency gains these fancy new ARM chips supposedly have will be lost when translating x86 to ARM.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 1 day ago

RIP and thank you for your contributions!

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

I'm gonna say Valheim, even though the native version doesn't respect your default audio device so it can end up outputting sound to the wrong device at startup, which you can then correct using a volume mixer.

That's the reason why I still play the Windows version via Proton though.

But you were asking for my favorite game with a native Linux port, not for the game with the best Linux port :D

[-] [email protected] 14 points 3 days ago

Ping your own VPS?

[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago

A privacy data breach that exposes someone’s sexual orientation can have far-reaching effects, including the loss of employment, loss of familial relationships and friendships and even the potential for physical harm or death.

Of course data privacy is important, but I feel like in these cases the problem lies even more with the employer, family or "friends".

[-] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

I highly doubt most do, just that the percentage of Linux users may be higher than on many other platforms.

The most used platform for Lemmy is likely still Windows or a mobile OS.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Well it still technically does give them a list, it's just that even with the list there are a lot of combinations.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago

I think their services are generally pretty good, yes.

But their frontends really aren't. Their web apps are serviceable for desktop use. The Proton Mail desktop app is essentially the web app in an Electron or CEF wrapper. But on the desktop you can at least use Proton Bridge to then use whatever IMAP mail client you want.

On mobile, you can't. You have to use their services with the corresponding app they provide on Android and iOS. I moved from iCloud Mail to Proton just a few weeks ago (and I also had Proton a few years ago), which meant I had to switch from the default iOS "Mail" app to the Proton Mail app, as Proton doesn't support IMAP without a bridge (naturally, as IMAP doesn't support end-to-end encryption).

Unfortunately the Proton Mail app is not a fully native app but instead it must be using React Native or something similar. It's a low effort port of the web app, meaning very few integrations with iOS were actually done. For example, Apple Mail can show the email content in the notification, Proton Mail doesn't. At least you can mark mails as read in the notification, but you can only see the subject line without opening the app. Offline functionality is very limited as mail contents aren't cached on device, which can also make opening specific mails very slow (comparatively at least), and overall the app just feels less responsive compared to a native Swift UI app. UI animations aren't "attached to your finger", instead they just fully play once triggered no matter what. Calendar attachments just show up as an .ics file that you then have to download and open to add them to your calendar instead of just having a simple "Add to calendar" button.

But the worst part is that the iPad version is basically just the iPhone version blown up to fill the screen. It doesn't have a multi-column layout with your inbox on the left and the selected mail on the right. Nope, just like on the phone app, you open a single mail, it takes over the whole screen and you have to go back to your inbox again.

For that reason I didn't even bother with their calendar service.

The VPN app is fine. The iPad app is the same blown up iPhone app as well, but you don't actively use the app for more than a few seconds to pick and connect to a server, so I don't care.

Proton Pass is a little bit better (it's also newer I think), it does have a separate iPad layout. It also integrates well with their email alias service (SimpleLogin, although the SimpleLogin service standalone is a bit different still). I still use 1Password though because of the SSH Agent integration on desktop and it also comes with a Safari iOS browser extension for additional convenience features over just the native OS integration for password managers.

I actually use SimpleLogin and while it's technically not an OG Proton service, you do get their Premium service included with your Proton subscription (Proton owns SimpleLogin now). Very good service and hey, it has a pretty solid iOS app.

I didn't really use Proton Drive yet, but I'll probably use it for archiving some stuff by just uploading it through the web interface. Last time I checked they didn't have a native Linux client yet (for Dropbox-like folder sync), but somebody hacked support into rclone I think, although the API isn't documented on Proton's part, so it's probably not super-reliable.

That's it, right? Apparently Proton might acquire Simple Notes, and I'd sure take that included in my subscription, although I feel like Proton should focus on vastly improving their existing services first before they broaden their portfolio.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Lenovo has been weird for many years now with their built-to-order configuration options. They often announce 4 to 5 display options when in reality maybe 2 or 3 are available, and some of them only in combination with some weird other configuration options. Then it also depends on country of order.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Oh yeah, looking forward to hopefully many years of platform support. They'll obviously have to switch to different memory modules (as an example) at some point (CAMM should be next), but I hope they keep the board compatible with the case, modules, I/O and display for as long as anyhow possible.

I'm coming from a ThinkPad T490 and if that would've been a Framework which I could just upgrade from the i7 8565u to a Core Ultra or Ryzen 7000, I wouldn't need/want a new notebook and could simply upgrade.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

This will be my first Framework, already preordered a few weeks ago.

They finally offer a 120 Hz display, and while it has slightly rounded corners which isn't ideal, but I'll take the 120 Hz with VRR and higher resolution over perfect corners. They explained they had to use a panel that was already on the market because they don't have enough volume that they can afford to order a custom display and with the Framework 13 using a 3:2 aspect ratio options were apparently very limited.

They also offer a keyboard with the Super key having a neutral label (not a Windows logo) now.

The new webcam is apparently quite a lot better, but I don't care too much about that.

I went for the i5 125H model, I think the difference of almost 400,-€ to the i7 155H isn't worth it for most use cases, as you only get 2 more P cores (with all other core clusters being identical, I think 4+8+2 vs. 6+8+2) and 8 instead of 7 GPU CUs. I feel the difference will be negligible for my use case as soon as it hits power/thermal limits anyway. This also seems to be the stop-gap generation of CPUs, with both AMD and Intel appearing to make noticeable steps forward in the generation.

There's also the AMD model which is great and got most upgrades the Ultra model did (new display, webcam and keyboard options), only missing out on a slightly improved cooling system. Between the i7 and R7 I probably would've gone for the Ryzen 7, but I feel the i5 is the better choice compared to the Ryzen 5, primarily because the iGPU is stripped quite a bit compared to the R7. Intel is also less restrictive on which expansion slot supports what, with every port supporting full USB 4 including DisplayPort. Not a big deal as there are still enough fully-featured slots on the AMD model, but it's a bit more convenient to just plug in any card anywhere and it works.

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