[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Susanne, you're all that I wanted of a girl https://youtu.be/wNF_B6_AiPE

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Oh my god Gretchen

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

OK but there are actually great uses for blockchain that are completely disconnected from anything you typically see

For example, banks may begin using blockchain for maintaining their internal ledgers. It will help solve a ton of issues around reconciling the transactions from all over the globe

Blockchain has reasonable uses. Really good ones. Crypto and nft bros just completely ruined the image of it

EDIT: I love all the comments demonstrating how little people understand about blockchain. Bitcoin was not the first blockchain, nor is its design the only type of blockchain. Assuming that all blockchain looks like the crypto/nft paradigm is just showing your ignorance.


[-] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago

IMO Google is like Joe Biden. Not good, but infinitely better than the shit show that is the alternative (in the context of advertisers specifically)

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Yeah, so, Google already has this data about you. What they're doing here is trying to reduce the specificity of information given to advertisers about your behaviors, and simultaneously give you the ability to never inform specific third parties about your interest in the specific topics you choose

I see this as a good thing. They were literally already getting and using all of this data. In that case I'd much rather have some control over who knows which things about me, rather than leaving it entirely up to Google

[-] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago

Corporations are people the same way Soylent Green is people, in that it is made of them. That's it.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah, you told me a sad story in a thread about other people. You turned it into a conversation about yourself instead of thinking about the perspective of others

You're the one not listening. I've been talking about other people this entire time and all you can think about is yourself and how hard it was for you and your bad memories.

I'm doing fine. I don't need your support. I'm not asking for your support. Not once have I told you that you should support me.

I'm trying to tell you that compassion is free. You aren't being asked to take care of anyone. You're being asked not to place the blame at the feet of people who are suffering, and not to point at people who struggle and call them sick because "only an unwell person would do that."

You sound really narcissistic. Even your efforts to come off as supportive were performative and came back around to "but I said the thing, so I'm the good guy".

I don't think you're being aggressive. I don't think you're being mean. I don't think you're angry or hateful.

I think you're selfish.

Muting you now so I don't keep seeing your self-pitying excuses for why you should shun those who struggle with mental health. It's really starting to make me sick

[-] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

This will be my last response:

Going through that? It's not something I'm "going through". It's a condition I've had almost all my life and it's well managed for a long time now. I'm not asking for your support. Just your understanding. And that's what you don't get. Compassion costs you nothing, but you can't even do that


[-] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

If someone tells me they have something mentally wrong with them

You know, I was gonna reply to you with a bunch of information on how to help people and be understanding, patient, and compassionate. But then I read this line and I lost all interest. I'm sorry you've gone through what you have. But this is callous and heartless. Don't project your extreme situation onto the common mental health challenges of others. I hope nobody with mental health challenges - you know, simple stuff like depression or minor trauma responses - ever comes to rely on or trust you. They'll just have their heart broken.

Don't be surprised when your children, spouse, family, or friends do not trust you or share their struggles with you. They will doubtlessly fear that you'll abandon them in a heartbeat once they know this terrible trait of yours

Shame on you for painting all people who struggle with mental health with a single brush.

And since I have my mental health issues (MDD) I'll assume "you just can't" and end our conversation here, for both our sakes

P.S. My wife's best friend when through a rough patch and came out of it with a similar attitude. She tried sharing one of her struggles with PTSD with him, like she used to, and he told her "I need a break from you, you just bring me down all the time" and I saw what that did to her. Made me sick to my stomach

[-] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

You are suggesting that the symptom of her abuse is the cause of her suffering. It's completely backwards. When you put people in an impossible situation and then wave away the things they do to keep control of their life as mental illness you're not only victim blaming, you're demeaning those of us with mental health issues.

Would I have handled it that way? Probably not. But you can't arm-chair diagnose someone with mental health problems just because you don't understand or identify with their choices. It's not right.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

If your employer tries to convince you not to take days off; if you're employer doesn't say "okay" when you ask as long as you've given the handbook-defined required notice; if they punish you for taking time off; if you are required to put your foot down and take the day off even if you think you might be retaliated against for it: then your company is an absolute shit show and you need to run for the hills.

Your post is victim blaming at its finest. We accommodate requests for accrued time off without question because we have no idea what they are going through and we have no right to pry into it. If their unavailability causes significant harm to the company that is a STAFFING problem, not a problem with the person talking the time off.

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