[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

My initial reason for not having kids was financial. I think a lot of people have learned it may be better to have children later in life when you can properly care for them. I know many people who've had their first child in their late-30s and early-40s. My aunt had her first child in her fifties. That's not something that was common before modern medicine.

I have always had the idea that I would have a kid if and when I met the right person to share parenting with. That hasn't happened so I've had to put some thought into my priorities. It's not fair to have a child just because it's what society says you should do or just because you want someone to take care of you when you're old. It's so much more than that and I think people should be more mindful of the responsibilities and long term repercussions.

[-] [email protected] -2 points 4 days ago

I offered two reasons I personally may regret not having children. I could list several others such as the pure joy of watching them grow into adults and mimic you and your partner. If you want to say that's selfish, to bring another human into the word to experience a universe of emotion you'd otherwise never experience, I understand that perspective. No argument.

But then I offered that choosing to prioritize your own life is in and of itself a selfish act. It's more explicitly about you than it is about another person.

Would you disagree that going out to eat by yourself is more of a selfish act than inviting a friend to eat out with you? Sharing an experience is less selfish, no?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

That argument makes sense. Though I see it more from choosing to prioritize yourself and own self interests over having children and sharing a life with them as selfish too. I guess we're all selfish one way or another.

[-] [email protected] -5 points 4 days ago

I'm not sure you're going to get an objective answer to this as no one has lived a life of either having kids or not having kids, hungrythirstyhorny.

I will say that, as a single male in his mid forties who has observed a good amount of life; first, the thought of not having people to rely on in you're old age is a little worrisome; and two, not having had someone to pass my knowledge and skills down to is a little sad. However, I really enjoy the freedom and opportunities my life (and bank account) affords me.

There is always a cost to freedom. Or, as Jonis Joplin put it - freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose. Choosing to not have children is a selfish act. Whether "selfish" is a bad thing or not is subjective.

I would offer that anyone who's going through life without children, find some altruistic outlet to participate in. You can otherwise find yourself wondering what your legacy may be or what the point of your life has been - aka a mid-life crisis.

[-] [email protected] -5 points 1 week ago

That's because of the need for an ally / military presence in the middle east. It has nothing to do with Gaza.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

I'm of the opinion that an individual with the explicit intent to commit genocide is the main obstacle, regardless of who is supporting them.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 1 week ago

This is of course entirely accurate. If you've lost your mind and forgotten who Netanyahu is.

But you haven't because you say, "Biden refuses to use his leverage, even though he has admitted in an interview that it was “reasonable” to conclude that Netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political benefit."

Joe Biden is an enabler but the US is not "the main obstacle to peace in Palestine".

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I generally put short term things on index cards and long term things on digital. Or I just note something down with whatever's most accessible at the time.

So, for work, I have a long list of tasks in Microsoft Planner I should get done in the mid-term and long-term. If someone asks me to get something done asap, I put that on paper. I'm really bad at getting things done on the digital list but I'm trying to get better at it.

Chores and groceries go on the white board on my fridge. Then I transcribe them to index cards if I need to remember them out of the house.

I try to keep a pad with me when I'm out of the house to note things down. I use a tiny little Fisher Space Pen which easily fits in my pocket.

My problem with digital is that it's too easy to forget about. When I mark things down on paper, specifically index cards, they start to stack up and I feel motivated to reduce the clutter they create. Throwing out ten index cards because I got shit done feels good.

[-] [email protected] 52 points 1 week ago

This is so huge. And I'll be shocked if this makes it to the nightly / cable news outlets. We have more important things to worry about; like if someone lied about doing drugs in order to get a gun.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

When I have a perfectly flat four row stack and the 4x1 tile appears.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

I mean, you couldn't source a link to a tweet yourself and had to share a reddit post on reddit's competing platform?


submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Share some objective or subjective wisdom you’ve learned recently.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Practically every email I've received in maybe the past year has started with "I hope you are well". I even had an LLM draft a placeholder email for me and it started with the same thing. This has not always been the case and it's strange to me that everyone I interact with begins their emails with this line. Frankly, it's annoying AF.

What gives? Who started this? Why has it become so prevalent? More importantly, how do we stop it?

While I'm at it, if you work in tech / customer support, I urge you to speak with your supervisors to minimize the boiler plate copy paste trash you insert into your emails. People dealing with shit that's not working as intended or desired do not have the mental or emotional capacity to wade through your platitudinal nonsense. Get to the fucking point.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For example, I'm on Lemmy.ml and I've joined [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]. In this example, it's not very different from the number of similar groups on Flickr but, in comparison to Reddit, it seems like the decentralized platform can be a little unruly.

How are you going about joining different communities and managing your engagement? Are you only participating on the community on your instance? Are you joining and posting in as many instances that seem relevant?

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joined 1 year ago