[-] [email protected] 15 points 9 months ago

I mentioned this in discord a while back, but there are image-matching databases for known instances of CSAM that you can apply for access to, as an admin of a forum or social media site. If you had access, you could scan each image uploaded or linked to in a post or comment, and compare to the database for matches. I think that mastodon is adding some hooks for this kind of checking during the upload phase, but I’m not sure what the status is with Lemmy.

I’m happy to help facilitate a solution like this, as it’s something I also care about. Feel free to find me on discord if you want to talk.

Also, as others have said - I’m sorry you had to go through that. The same thing happened to me many years ago and it definitely affected me for a long time.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 9 months ago

Impossible Creatures - an RTS where you slurp up DNA from local wildlife and use that to create weird hybrids of multiple animals, then produce those as units that you control to complete missions. Great concept but I think it ended up being a bit unbalanced.

Papers Please - pretty unique gameplay in that you had to literally read through paperwork and approve/reject people at a border crossing. Good social commentary.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago

Someone also ported it to the browser, just saw it on mastodon: https://wavacity.com/

[-] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

Just wanted to expand a bit on your comment - Dell have a few laptop product lines, and the Latitude line is the business one that should be the most reliable/longest-supported. I’ve had a few Latitude laptops that lasted 3 years each before I changed jobs and left them behind, and was satisfied with them. Worked well with Linux which was a bigger deal back in 2015 than it is now.

Other companies are probably the same - Lenovo thinkpads are good, yoga not so much.

Totally agree about Linux, it’s come a long way in the last 10 years and you can do basically everything there now. Battery life may be affected, I think that’s one of the last areas they need to work on.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago

You can use both systems, and appreciate their advantages and disadvantages. Cryptocurrency is good for discreet transactions where you don’t mind sacrificing some of the protections of the traditional financial system. So far it seems that it’s mainly used to buy drugs and other illegal stuff, but I’ve also seen web hosting purchasable with crypto, and I’m sure there are plenty of other applications that I can’t think of now. Back in the first bitcoin boom, there were restaurants selling food for btc, but the confirmation delay was a concern. That wouldn’t be the case now with the lightning network, but the novelty is gone.

The web3 stuff built on top of blockchain seems to be 99% scams and grifts. I don’t subscribe to the value of adding artificial scarcity/provenance to digital goods.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

I come back to finish off a few more unlocks every so often, and it seems like the list keeps growing. Great little game, very trippy towards the end of the “story” as well.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

Really? I just spent 5 minutes searching for the fourteen words, and found a bunch of openly white supremacist/nazi content, with plenty of likes and retweets. Remember, Musk fired/let go most of his content and safety teams after he took the company over. You can report stuff but it won’t get taken down any more.

(Note, I won’t link the content here in case that’s against rules, but it’s really not hard to find. Look at the “ChiefBarony” and “SindriThule” accounts for example)

[-] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

If you’re lucky, you can dig around in the directory the phishing page is in, and find the other parts of the phish kit - usually just a php/html page, plus some image and css assets. sometimes it gets uploaded as a zip file which you can download to view the source of the page, which can be useful to see where harvested credentials are sent to. Most of the time they’re emailed off to a burner email, but sometimes they’re saved as a text file or posted to a secondary site.

I built up quite a large collection of phish kits while working at a CERT in the past, was cool to see how simple they were.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 10 months ago

Linus is responding to this video from Gamers Nexus: https://youtu.be/FGW3TPytTjc

It’s a long video, but the tl;dr is that LTT are getting sloppy in their reviews, making mistakes, and not fixing them in a clear manner. Additionally, there are some larger issues around a recent review of a gpu heatsink.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Interesting, I haven’t heard of retroachievements, but they sound like a cool concept - thanks for the heads up! If you have the energy, I’m sure you could sell your miyoo for a good price second-hand locally, then upgrade. These devices seem pretty popular right now.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

I bought a miyoo mini plus a few weeks ago. It’s been good, I used to play snes/gba games on my phone when I used android, but now that I’ve moved to iPhone that’s much less possible (I know it’s possible - no need to tell me).

The miyoo hardware is good, buttons are clicky, screen is excellent, cpu could be faster but it can run the one psx game I had lying around (THPS1), so I’m fairly impressed.

The software was fine but installing OnionOS added some extra features which was nice - full english menus, OTA updates, the gameswitcher, etc.

Even though it’s another screen to stare at, I think it’s better than looking at my phone. I’ve uninstalled a bunch of games from the phone as well, after realising how frustrating and predatory modern mobile games are. I’m happy to not internet games on my phone and work my way through the massive library of games from the golden age of gaming. Not interested in grinding for drops or lootboxes in genshin, arknights or the other big mobage.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

I see, thanks! Yeah, surfing the web without Adblock is actually horrible these days.

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