[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Nobody expected the ~~Spanish Inquisition~~ Philippines soldiers.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

For political issues, you should petition governments directly on issues.

Not sure if this is a great alternative. This is a thing that is totally dependent from country to country. In my country, there is no such platform that I'm aware of (on the local or national level at least. Ok, I may petition the EU, but they may just have no responsibility into my matters).

Many institutions do have email addresses though, and if, for example, you have a website, you can write an email template and point to an institution where people could send that email. Even that I don't know how feasible it could be, but it could be more doable in more parts of the world, I think.

Otherwise, for Romania there is declic.ro, a platform owned by an NGO who relies solely on donations to run it, and also runs its own campaigns.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

@hedge Right now, most Fediverse projects are analogies of their centralized counterparts, albeit with some differences (e.g. you can add a title to Friendica posts, but not on the Facebook ones. You can add inline media to Friendica posts and comments, on Facebook you can't etc.), so you can take that in a way. A short answer to your question would be the one in the first comment of the post:

Interaction between Lemmy and Mastodon doesn’t work well because the two services structure their content differently. Lemmy is community based and Mastodon is user based. Lemmy doesn’t have a mechanism to follow an individual user, and Mastodon doesn’t have an analog to communities (afaik).

With the addition that you can follow Fediverse groups on Mastodon, but you cannot create Fediverse groups on Mastodon (as Mastodon itself doesn't have any group feature). If you're not looking into creating and admining groups yourself, then you can safely consider Mastodon. Otherwise, you can pick Friendica, Kbin, Mbin or Hubzilla (among others). In fact, this is how I see this very post on Friendica.

Also, btw, Pixelfed is also adding support for groups.


[-] [email protected] 20 points 2 weeks ago

I think this means allowing the listing of third party app stores inside the Google Play Store - so you could search for F-Droid in Google Play for example instead of downloading and installing the .apk manually.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago
[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

I know this whole thing is tiring and frustrating. I just explained how things look like in this side of the world, where in the current young(er) democratic regimes people are still nostalgic over the older despotic regimes where the economy was flourishing (spoiler: it was not) and basic human rights were systematically violated by the state.

I respect your opinion, and if there are any elections where you live, I urge you to go out and vote for the best option you may find. Be on the lookout for what every political force is saying/doing, corroborate all the information as good as you can, compare them, and choose the person you find less likely to turn your country into something like I described above.

Democracy is, after all, the power of the people, and if any politician/party is threatening to take away this power - or even erode it - then that one is not fit for any seat that is running for.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Power is what they are fighting for and they are getting it.

Indeed, they are fighting for power, that's what every political force does. But what I was referring to was the way they do it - they put excessive emphasis on "traditional values" in their campaigns (whichever those might be). They picture an idilic image of these and sell to the public, so they can get the votes, while in reality, the stuff these mean is completely different. And it is not just the "traditional values" - history also plays a part in this.

In my country, the AUR party makes heavy use of medieval rulers like Vlad the Impaler (yes, that one that is known in the Western pop culture as count Dracula) to stirr nostalgia for a past most people don't know. Or their Facebook pages post lots of ex-communist propaganda (messages like "before 1989 we were masters on our own lands, now we're slaves to the foreigners" or "we had an industry back then, we had factories, we were producing our own stuff, now we sold everything and we no longer have shit" etc.).

They are basically romanticising the past in order to get to power, and maybe blur the line between the democratic institutions afterward - just like in Russia, but also in Hungary or even Poland.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I mean, those are the traditional values they are fighting for - a traditional family made up of only one man and one woman, where one of them (usually the former) is aggressive with the other as a normal way of life.

This is also what the Putler-backed far right parties in Europe stand for.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Wow, that looks fantastic. Congrats!

Out of curiosity, what are you planning to store there? Wine? Ice? 😁

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

@maki I remember there was a photos plug-in or something for Nextcloud that allows you to see the photos in a gallery (Kinda like in Google Photos).

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I thought of it, but at least I went with a pair of jeans over my underwear

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
RSS and OPML (libranet.de)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Can somebody explain me how OPML works for RSS? Are these files usually imported into the RSS reader apps or are they used where they are? If I import multiple OPML files with multiple feeds, will the feeds from the first OPML be overwritten by those in the second one or will they add up? Will article read/unread status be synced to multiple devices if I use the same OPML file or not?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I got inspired by this article to look into such a solution. I tend to use different browsers on different devices, so using one browser vendor everywhere is not the solution. Main reasons are storage space available, device performance and basically general opinion about a certain browser or another, that might change or not. I previously used the browser's native bookmarks importer tools, but I always ended messing up their structure, then switching back to a certain browser and re-exporting the same bookmarks and ending up with duplicates.

So I got into using third party services, but I'm unsure what to choose. Here's what I tried:

  • start.me - I actually had an account here since when I tried Palemoon once. It's a really complete solution, that I can use to replace other services as well. You end up with a customizable web page, where you can add not only bookmarks, but also RSS feeds, notes, tasks, weather and whatever you can find on the web and embedd there. And since it's a start page (hence the name), you can easily access all these if you set your page as the home page of your browser. You can also create up to 3 start pages with a free account, so I can have one page as home page for desktop browsers, one the phone ones and maybe one for a tablet when/if I'm going to have one. This should sound like heaven, right? Problem solved. Well, not exactly. There's no way I can set up 2FA on my account there, and they are not so private - they collect user data to show you ads (especially if you're a non-paying customer).
  • Courtesy of my Fedi server, I also have a small Nextcloud account, with the Bookmarks app installed. I think this option is the most private option I have available, as I do not think my server admin would sell my data to a third party or whatever 😁. It's also the most limiting one, being able to only save up to 200 bookmarks, but since I am not using bookmarks as a reading list, only for saving interesting websites or apps, I think I am fine. However, I need the Floccus app installed on my phone (not sure if the UI of the Bookmarks app is manageable enough on mobile) to access the bookmarks. I did not find any way to display these bookmarks in an overview of some sort on the web, that I can set as a home page, similar to how start.me functions (even without all the extra stuff that is non-bookmark related). Maybe there is something that I am missing?
  • I was also eyeing Raindrop.io as an option. It has lots of features and integrations, add-ons for basically every mainstream browser, 2FA (just like Nextcloud). I do not have an account there, unlike the other options, however. And I also don't see a way to see these bookmarks as a dashboard or something that can be set as a home page. Am I missing something? I also see they are heavily advertising their smartphone app, so if there's no integration that I can set on IFTTT or the likes, I don't think I have any solution for this.

So, if you were me, which solution would you choose? Is there anything that does what at least one of these options does, minus the drawbacks mentioned?

Edit: I am also okay with using my personal cloud storage accounts for something like this.

I can relate (i.postimg.cc)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Help. (i.postimg.cc)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


(Or, if you'd like to read the original article instead, here it is)

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am pretty much referring to music that you actually own in one way or another, not music from Spotify, Deezer, SoundCloud, YT (Music) or whatever provider you use to stream music.

I am a bit old-fashioned and I prefer to have actual ownership of the music. I have a bunch of vinyls, some physical CDs that I use for backup (basically I rip them again if I ever have a problem with the already ripped files on my PC - also saves time because I can skip the albums that I own on CD when backing up my computer) and that I also buy because they're cheaper, and finally I source the music from wherever I can find (mostly on Bandcamp when I can buy it). My rule of thumb is to keep .flac files on my PC and .mp3 on my phone, as the storage is lower - but sometimes the formats in which songs are available vary.

How are you keeping your music? Is it a digital or physical/analog environment? If it's digital, which is the format of your choice? Why did you find it better for yourself than the rest?

(Sorry if this might not be the appropriate community for this question)

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have a few project ideas, and I thought of reusing the paper from various shop catalogs that I receive in my physical mailbox. I'd like to make it stiffer, something more like cardboard. I read somewhere online that you could use corn starch for this, mixed with water. Would it work? Do you have better ideas?

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