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[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

These are subjective statements though and different people want different things. And difficulty variation can broaden the audience while not really changing the game. Sometimes I love a fight. Sometimes I want a story. Sometimes I want to couch coop with my youngest kid and he struggles with some games that he otherwise loves (looking at you Cuphead) that an easier mode would totally fix. And he absolutely loves Sonic, but the originals would be unplayable for him if not for modern saving and non permadeath. Or emulation with save states and cheat codes.

Why are you trying to convince people that if a game is too difficult or long periods between saving doesn't work for them then it is their fault and not that of the game design. That's a weird stance to take. If someone designed a car that was generally very nice but with the gear shift next to the passenger seat door, would you say that is just a car for people with super long arms or would you say that was a poor design choice that is going to massively limit an otherwise nice car?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Studies have shown we typically use pattern matching for our choices but not statistics. One such experiment had humans view to light bulbs (I think one was red one was green). One light would turn on at a time and they were allowed or given a record of what had happened. Then they were asked to guess what would occur next for n number of steps. Same thing is done with rats. Humans are rewarded with money based on correct choices and rats with food. Here is the thing, one light (let's say red) would light up with 70% probability and the other with 30%. But it was randomized.

The optimal solution is to always pick red. Every time. But humans pick a pattern. Rats pick red. Humans consistently do worse than rats. So while we are using a form of updating, it certainly isn't proper bayesian updating. And just because you think we function some way doesn't make it true. And it will forever be difficult to describe any AI as conscious, because we have really arbitrarily defined it to fit us. But we can't truly say what it is. Not can we can why we function how we do. Or if we are all in a simulation or just a Boltzmann brain.

Honestly, something that concerns me most about AI is that it could become sentient, but we will not know if it is or just cleverly programmed so we treat it only as a tool. Because while I don't think AI is inherently dangerous, I think becoming a slave owner of something that could be much more powerful probably is. And given their lack of chemical hormones, we will have even less of an understanding of what or how it feels.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Shit. My youngest was so ugly I pull up pictures just to show off the level of ugliness that he had obtained. But after his first birthday he decided to take after his mother in the looks department instead.

Edit: but I definitely saw him through daddy goggles at the time and I'm glad no one said I had an ugly baby.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 11 months ago (3 children)

The fun thing about that is the dude gave you paradoxical advice. If you take theiradvice and don't trust unsolicited advice, then you are trusting unsolicited advice. If you don't take their advice then you are following their advice by not trusting unsolicited advice.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 11 months ago

This is almost always just being an asshole. You can be honest and be an asshole all at the same time. There is a reason that people train in conflict de-escalation and how to talk to people in a tactful way.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Be careful. I suffer from anxiety too and used CBD for a while. At some point I was prescribed meds after having a few panic attacks due to some life issues. Those meds were benzodiazepines. That shit is amazing in the moment. Might be the most impactful medication I've ever taken. But they are easily the most addictive thing I have ever used (and I was a fairly troubled youth if you know what I mean). Long term they are awful for memory and may increase the odds of dimentia significantly. And withdrawal is some of the most severe of any addictive substance. Talking seizures and possible death from going cold turkey if you've been on for a long time and higherish dosage. Really only alcohol compares as far as withdrawal symptoms. Heroine and cocaine are less severe.

So all I'm saying is that if they are benzos, they are not a good long term solution in spite of the fact that they work very well. All benzos labels say they should only be given for very short term management, but doctor's hand out that shit like candy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is absolutely great for anxiety and requires less or no drugs. Also, there are some other options for long term management that aren't so dangerous. Hopefully it is one of those if she takes it regularly.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago

I miss text centric internet. I was interested in Linux from like age 12. But I only had one computer and was scared to install it. Well I got tricked on irc to fuck up my windows install. Left with some Linux install CDs and little other options, I went for it. My modem wasn't supported, but luckily I had a little bit of money stashed and went to office Depot to grab an external modem I knew worked.

And after struggling to get windows to work well on that old hand me down computer I was blown away. Especially when I found lynx. It opened webpages so fast. Got AIM working, got irc going, and had everything I needed. Started to learn more about the system and the internet was a wonderful place. Loads of information, but you had to seek out the things that interested you.

I made some really good friends that I would chat with for hours on end. Really helped me through an otherwise pretty not good childhood. Helped me learn a lot of stuff. And it wasn't ad filled, hyper tracking oriented, walled garden garbage.

Also, goatse.

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