
joined 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (21 children)

Lol, wtf XD

"That doesnt change anything about the current situation even if thats true though."

Yeah, i assumed me writing "I agree with most of your points" conveyed that. Do you always imagine random things to attack instead of just reading what people actually write?

wtf O_o

I just don't like people being like "but it's not real intelligence" while we don't even know what intelligence is, and we're thus avoiding the one part of this stupid hype that could be interesting:: philosophical questions about our own intelligence/humanity/....

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (29 children)

I agree with most of your points, but i don't entirely like the "this is not intelligence" line of thought. We don't even know yet how to define intelligence, and pattern recognition sounds a LOT like what our brains do. The hype is of course ridiculous, and the ways it's being used is just stupid, but i do think pattern recognition could be a solid basis for whatever we end up considering intelligence.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

roflmao XD I'm sorry, but you trying to sound smart by saying how much energy a kg of U235 has, and then using the wrong unit (a unit of power, not of energy) is just the funniest thing ever XD.

And yeah, nuclear waste is kind of solvable, but it will be an issue for at least a thousand years to come, and that's a LONG time... I can get that environmentalists are like "yeah, this is just another way of shoving our current issues FAAAAR into the future". Even if we just bury it all in some safe space....

[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Isn't it also just because it's old and people get bored of it? People crave new things, and even if it's just as good as in the beginning, it'll get lower ratings because it's not new anymore.

I remember quite some years ago i was like "i'm finally going to watch southpark". And people were already complaining about how the latest seasons were worse than the first seasons. Watched a ton of seasons in a short period, and honestly can't say the later seasons felt any worse than the first ones when you're not bored of the series yet. Now so many years later when i watch some more southpark, it's not as fun as when i started watching it since the "it's new and exciting" feeling is long gone.

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